
jquery ui token

hello i have followed this tutorial wich uses jquery UI to generate tokens facebook like: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/how-to-use-the-jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget/ my problem is i need to pass two values thru Json: the ID and the NAME: the server side script looks like this: header('Content-Type: text/html; charse...

Same origin policy -- JavaScript calling PHP

Hi, I know that this is a popular topic, but I've yet to find an answer that's completely comprehensive. I'm trying to create a simple way for our 'customers' to place a Google Map on their website, which plots the position of our customers (or a subset thereof) on the map. The customers are in a MySQL database which is turned into XML...

HTTP site with JSONP API over HTTPS?

Hi there. Given all the coverage FireSheep has been getting, I have been trying to work out the best practices for balancing HTTP / HTTPS usage for some sites I manage (e.g. blogging sites, magazine sites with user contributed comments). To me, its over kill to deliver all pages over HTTPS if the user is logged in. If a page is public ...