
Are there reasons not to use JSONP for AJA~X requests?

If you're building an AJA~Xy app, are there any downsides to using JSONP requests/responses even if you're not planning on any cross-domain requests? The only thing I can think of is that there are a couple extra bytes for the callback wrapper... Edit: I found this which also suggests security and error handling as potential problems....

Best content type to serve JSONP?

I have a webservice that when called without specifying a callback will return a JSON string using application/json as the content type. When a callback is specified it will wrap the JSON string in a callback function, so it's not really valid JSON anymore. My question is, should I serve it as application/javascript in this case or stil...

jQuery JSONP problem in IE6

I've encountered a problem when retrieving a JSONP response from a server in a different domain using IE6. When I make the same AJAX call using JSONP to a server in the same domain as the web page, all goes well in all browsers (including IE6). However, when I make calls between domains (XSS) using JSONP, Internet Explorer 6 locks up. ...

Why does this remote script cause IE6 to hang?

Please take a look at the html listed below and let me know why IE6 freezes when trying to load the remote script (located at 'http://code.katzenbach.com/Default.aspx'). The script returns JSONP and executes the 'callbackFunction' listed in the header. When it runs correctly, you'll see a pop-up alert showing numbers 1-500. This works...

How To Get Photo IDs from Flickr API?

I am trying to use JQUERY to grab photos from a Flickr group. I can get back valid JSON, but can't figure out how to get access to the actual photos. The JSON that is returned contains an empty list where I would expect photos. So when I plug this into the browser: http://api.flickr.com/services/rest?method=flickr.groups.pools.getPhoto...

using a named function as the callback for $.getJSON in jQuery to satisfy Facebook request signing demands

I'm trying to access the Facebook API Admin.getMetrics method via jQuery. I'm correctly composing the request url on the server side (in order to keep my app secret secret). I'm then sending the url over to the browser to be request using jQuery.getJSON(). Facebook requires that I send a copy of all of my request params hashed with my a...

JSONP and Cross-Domain queries - How to Update/Manipulate instead of just read

So I'm reading The Art & Science of Javscript, which is a good book, and it has a good section on JSONP. I've been reading all I can about it today, and even looking through every question here on StackOverflow. JSONP is a great idea, but it only seems to resolve the "Same Origin Problem" for getting data, but doesn't address it for chan...

How do I catch jQuery $.getJSON (or $.ajax with datatype set to 'jsonp') error when using JSONP?

Is it possible to catch an error when using JSONP with jQuery? I've tried both the $.getJSON and $.ajax methods but neither will catch the 404 error I'm testing. Here is what I've tried (keep in mind that these all work successfully, but I want to handle the case when it fails): jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: handlerURL, da...

What are some good examples of JQuery using JSONP talking to .net?

As the question says, what are some good examples (or just examples really), of Jquery using JSONP to talk to a .net page or webservice? I'm attempting to write a page which uses JQuery to call another website (Thus I need to use JSONP) which hosts the webservice/webpage (either is fine), and I can't find a good example of this. ...

Example of JSON-P with WCF?

I'm trying to make a WCF service that will work with JSON-P (long-story short, we have to call the web-service cross-domain and receive a call-back, so I need it to work with JSON-P). I found a code-sample on MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc716898.aspx). If I extract the ZIP file and navigate to Samples\WCFWFCardSpace\WC...

Error while accessing ASP.net webservice using JQuery - JSONP.

Please look at the code below and help me to figure out what am I doing wrong in my web service code. I want to set up an asp.net web service that can be consumed using an JSONP. I am using Jquery at client side to access the site. Even after setting up proper attributes my web service still emits xml due to which the aynch call fails. ...

Which web applications serve JSONP?

It'd be interesting to know who serves JSONP. If you know of a site that does (well-known applications are preferred (e.g., GMail, Facebook, Adsense)), please add it as an answer along with a reference. APIs supporting JSONP: Flickr API - Default callback is "jsonFlickrApi", user defined callback is supported. Google Data APIs - User...

JSONP and invalid label

Using mootools and JsonP I get "invalid label" error in Firefox Error console JsonP seems to work (I get the data correctly) {"jsondata":[{"title":"title1","link":"http://xxxx.xxx.xxx","thumbsrc":"http://xxxx.xxx.xxx/17_t.jpg" ,"description":".......","pubDate":"2009-03-09 06:26:00",},{"title":"title2","link":"http://xxxx.xxx.xxx","th...

jQuery : JSONP : Execute Received Info

I'm using JSONP to get data from a server. The more typical method of dealing with this is to get the data and then have the javascript determine what to do with the data (updating a div, etc) However, instead of responding with simple data, the server is responding with the actual jQuery code that needs to be executed. How can I ma...

JSONP in CodeIgniter

Hello. I have a problem with using the jQuery JSONP function $.getJSON in CodeIgniter. The url from which the json is grabbed from is: http://spinly.000space.com/index.php/admin/isloggedin Now, the problem, is that I have a demo.html file that runs the $.getJSON function and grabs the data from the url I denoted above. DEMO.html l...

using jquery + jsonp, Internet explorer isn't saving the ASP.NET sessionID

So I am doing some fairly simple JSONP stuff using Jquery. General structure Site lives on domain A Javascript lives on domain B JSON services also live on domain B The site calls a method which jsonp calls out to a json service (.net) , in .net i set the session and return. This all works fine, except in IE it is not storing or...

jQuery ajax (jsonp) ignores a timeout and doesn't fire the error event

Hey fellow jQuery lovers, To add some basic error handling, I wanted to rewrite a piece of code that used jQuery's $.getJSON to pull in some photo's from Flickr. The reason for doing this is that $.getJSON doesn't provide error handling or work with timeouts. Since $.getJSON is just a wrapper around $.ajax I decided to rewrite the thin...

Problems using $.getJSON

I'm calling the following URL using YQL http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.quotes%20where%20symbol%20in%20(%22UTG.L%22)%0A%09%09&format=json&env=http%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltables.env&callback=cbfunc this returns the following in JSON cbfunc({"query":{"count":"1","created":"2...

building a jsonp wrapper for json data

Ive been tryin to solve this for a long time and now know why its not possible. The url http://twittercounter.com/api/?username=Anand_Dasgupta&output=json&results=3 returns a json but when i append a "&callback=get" along with it,it doesnt specify the callback wrapper function. So the only solution now is to build a wrapper m...

Scope problem with nested $.getJSON

$.getJSON('http://twitter.com/followers/ids.json?screen_name=/…'+ query1 + ' $.getJSON('http://twitter.com/followers/ids.json?screen_name=/…'+ query2 + ' f2=data1; f1=data; for(var i=0; i "less than" f1.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j "less than" f2.length; i++) { if ...