
issue of JSTL forEach iterate from arrayList

In my code, I have used ArrayList which stores the number format like '$0.00 to $1,000,000.00' in each index of array list. while iterate in JSP through <c:forEach> tag, its values are printing like $0.00 to $1 as a first string, 000 as a second string and 000.00 as a thrid string. but it has to print like '$0.00 to $1,000,000.00'. ...

dynamic button in jsp

hi everyone, in my jsp i have a table constructed dynamically like the following: ' retour.append(""); try { s= HibernateUtil.currentSession(); tx=s.beginTransaction(); Query query = s.createQuery(HQL_QUERY); for(Iterator it=query.iterate();it.hasNext();) { ...

Importing a class in a JSP file

I wrote some code as a Java Servlet and I am now trying to convert it to a JSP. I wrote a class in a separate file which I was using, and I can't figure out how to get the JSP file to recognize the class. I guess it has something to do with importing. I gave the class a package (package mypackagename;) name and I tried using <%@ page imp...

servlet and jsp sending query result following MVC framework

Hi every one, in order to separate java code and html code and be more faithful to MVC framework i am coding like that; in the servlet i put the following: net.sf.hibernate.Session s = null; net.sf.hibernate.Transaction tx; try { s= HibernateUtil.currentSession(); tx=s.beginTransaction(); Query query =...

JSP + View bean complete example

I found this interesting tutorial that explains the concept of view bean with some code snippets http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibm/library/i-extreme5/, but I'd like to view a complete (simple) web application in a real world scenario using plain JSP and view beans (not using struts, spring or jsf framework). Thanks for pointing me to...

Accessing Request object from custom JSP tags

I'm trying to make a set of custom tags that encapsulate form elements (markup and validation). There's a method given to retrieve the "Out" object easily: JspWriter out = getJspContext().getOut(); However I can't figure out how to get the request object. I want to be able to directly access the submitted form values from within the ...

how to use a list containing the query result with hibernate and display it in jsp

hi everyone, In my servlet I construct the query like the following: net.sf.hibernate.Session s = null; net.sf.hibernate.Transaction tx; try { s= HibernateUtil.currentSession(); tx=s.beginTransaction(); Query query = s.createQuery("select opcemployees.Nom,opcemployees.Prenom,dailytimesheet.TrackingD...

Java: JSP halt execution on rest of page

Hi, How do you stop a JSP from executing? I have JSPs which kick the user off a page by means of a "forward". public boolean kickIfNotLoggedIn( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { //code to check if user is logged in req.getRequestDispatcher( ...

JSP application scope objects in Java library

I am working on a preexisting web application built with JSP, which uses an external Java library. I want to make some JavaBeans that were instantiated with jsp:useBean tags available to the Java code. What would be a good practice to do that? I suppose I can pass the objects in question to every function call that requires them, but I...

Cannot access implict object from within method in custom JSP tag file

I'm attempting to create a custom jsp tag. Everything is working fine, except for the fact that I the request seems to be out-of-scope for my custom function. Here is the relevant bit from the .tag file: <%! private String process(String age, BigDecimal amount) { //Attempting to access request here results in an compile time ...

Input not firing in jsp page

Hi, i have been using the spring mvc frameworks lately for a university project. Could you tell me why this work <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="SaveName.jsp"> <input type="image" class="floatR marginTMinus10" src="images/delete.png" name="image" value="${rssItem.id}" alt="Delete"/> </FORM> while this not...

[JSP and Servlets] How do I link 2 jsp pages together?

Just wondering what the easiest way to connect 2 jsp pages together, I have one page and I need to have it link to another page when a customer clicks something. Now can I create a link like in html or do I need to make a button or something? ...

Java webapp: where/how to automatically set each picture's width/height

For several reasons, a lot of "webmaster guides" (like Google and Yahoo!'s webmaster guides/guidelines) repeats several times that it is better to always put the width and height attribute of the img tag. One of the most obvious reason is that the elements in the page won't seem to be "jumping around" to a new location after every pictu...

php code to jsp code.

I'm a PHP coder but need to code some JSP... I need help... What is the equivalent of this PHP code? foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ $$key = $value; } to jsp code... further notes: the above codes is just a short cut of something like this, $name = $_POST['name']; $age = $_POST['age']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; and thi...

AJAX call + JQuery Dialog Title changing dynamically

I have an AJAX call which loads an Dialog page, now depending upon the content of the data returned on the AJAX call, I want to change the title of the Window, how do I do that. Here is the snippet of code: var divid = "brHistoryForm"; var url = "getRestoreFiles.action?profileName="+profileName; // Create xmlHttp var x...

jsp getServletContext() error

html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Murach's Java Servlets and JSP</title> </head> <body> <%-- import p...

can we do getwriter and forward in a single servlet

Lets say my form called a servlet. I would do some processing in it. In the servlet i want to print something on the page. for that i used PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); out.println("some text here"); then further in the servlet i did some more form processing which works fine and after that i want the servlet to be forwarded ...

How can I use a value of JSP in Javascript code?

Hello, I have a list of elements, each of them appeared in my page through jsp. So I have this: <div id="title"><%= list.get(ind).getTitle() %></div> When I display the elements, as this tag is in for loop, I get everything right. Now I what to place a button for deleting each of this elements. What I have done is: <input type="submi...

How to call a javascript function from a servlet?

I submit a (jsp) form to a Servlet A. Then I handle some logic which would make the submission either a success or a failure. I use jquery's ajaxForm() function to re-direct the user to a different jsp after the Servlet logic is executed. But before this redirection happens I need to show a javascript notification showing whether the sub...

AJAX get data from large HTML page as the large HTML page loads

Not entirely sure whether this has a name but basically I have a large HTML page that is generated from results in a db. So viewing the HTML page (which is a report) in a browser directly does not display all contents immediately but displays what it has and additional HTML is added as the results from the DB are retrieved... Is there...