
How to set dynamic value to "value" attribute of struts html:button tag ?

I am using following button tag to display button by passing some runtime value to "value" attribute: <html:button styleClass="button50" value="<%=no_list %>" onclick="callOneFunction(this);" /> it is throwing an jasper exception saying, setValue(String) cannot work with html:button. Please help me out to resolve my problem, I want ...

Paramter in the message resource properties file of struts

I am using the html:image tag to include images in the jsp. the image location is specified in the message resource properties file of struts. the paths are defined as ../../images/image1.gid previously. now the context is changing due to some reason, so the images are not being loaded. how do i access the context path in the message re...

dynamic html table

I've to create a dynamic html table using the values configured in a table. I'm using JSP with MVC architecture. I've a row number, column number and value fields in table. If the values are 1,5 and HELLO correspondingly, then I've to display this HELLO in row 1 and column 5. The table structure is like the following. row column va...

JSP Uploading and downloading Video

I want to design a website that allows an admin to download and upload video. Can anyone guide me how to do it? Is it same as upload and download image? Any site have example? ...

make difference between 2 buttons

Hi, In my JSP i have 2 buttons submit one for updating and the other is for deleting from database. I put i button like the following: <td><img src="ok.jpg" onclick="MettreAjourForm();" name="ok"/></td> and in the same servlet i want to make difference in the treatement of the 2 cases. Is there any proposition? Thanks. ...

Validating JSP's and HTML Forms, Server-side or Client-side, or both?

I am aware that I can Google "HTML Form Validation" and would get a billion tutorials. I am well aware that I can use simple JavaScript to validate form input, but I have been told that this is not necessarily an efficient method. I have also heard that it is a best practice to validate both client and server-side code. OK! Well, What ex...

JSP Upload File Java.lang.NullPointer

I want to develope upload and download file from server. Upload.html <form action="/UploadFile/UploadFile" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">Select a file: <input type="submit" name="button" /> <input type="file" name="first"></form> UploadFile.servlet protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletR...

Spring MVC handle button event in list

Hi, i created a list of Users <div class="usersList"> <c:forEach items="${users}" var="user"> <div class="listElementAction"> <c:out value="${user.id}"/> </div> <div class="listElement"> <c:out value="${user.firstName}"/> </div> ...

JSP Document/JSPX: what determines how tabs/space/linebreaks are removed in the output?

I've got a "JSP Document" ("JSP in XML") nicely formatted and when the webpage is generated and sent to the user, some linebreaks are removed. Now the really weird part: apparently the "main" .jsp always gets all its linebreak removed but for any subsequent .jsp included from the main .jsp, linebreaks seems to be randomly removed (some ...

JSP How to scale an image?

Is there anyway to scale an image then display in jsp page? When retrieve and display the images, I want to show all photos in same size. is there any API can do it? I have searched from google, those I found was about scaling images byusing tookit but can't works in web application. ...

JSP doPost getAtribute null value

I want to pass value to servlet but I keep get null value. <jsp:useBean id="Helper" class="model.Registration" scope="request"/> <form action="/Project/Registration" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="text" size="20" name="name" value="<%=Helper.getName()%>"> <input type="submit"> </form> protected void d...

ajax to populate an input type text

I have an <input> of type text that I want to populate with a value from a database using AJAX. First, I define my text zone like the following: <td><input type=text id='st' value=" " name='stname' onclick="donnom();" /></td> In javascript, I do the following: xhr5.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr5.readyState == 4 && xhr5...

response.sendRedirect - check redirect is up

From JSP I just want a redirect to another page... <% response.sendRedirect("http://www.google.com/"); %> Can I check if google.com is up and then redirect (or write a msg else)... Something like that: <% if(ping("www.google.com")) { response.sendRedirect("http://www.google.com/"); } else { // write a message }%> Or <%...

How to load a properties file put in the classpath from a JSP?

I have a properties file which I have put in the classpath and I am trying to load it from a JSP: InputStream stream = application.getResourceAsStream("/alert.properties"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(stream); But I am getting a FileNotFoundException. ...

How can i maintain last cookie value in flex with jsp?

Hi All, my login form in flex when I login I have created a cookie in jsp like this name setValueCookie.jsp <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.* , javax.net.*" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loo...

Why is GXHC_gx_session_id appended to URLs?

Based on my limited understanding of this parameter [1] it seems to be used in representing cookieless session IDs in java applications... but strangely, we're now noticing that a 3-year-old .NET stack is now appearing in Bing SERPs with GXHC_gx_session_id appended to the domain - and we're not alone: http://www.bing.com/search?q=GXHC...

Java: how to name boolean properties

I just had a little surprise in a Webapp, where I'm using EL in .jsp pages. I added a boolean property and scratched my head because I had named a boolean "isDynamic", so I could write this: <c:if test="${page.isDynamic}"> ... </c:if> Which I find easier to read than: <c:if test="${page.dynamic}"> ... </c:if> However the .js...

Assigning outcome of another JSTL tag as value of one JSTL tag

I've got this, which is working: <c:choose> <c:when test="${sometest}"> Hello, world! </c:when> <c:otherwise> <fmt:message key="${page.title}" /> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> And I want to change it to this: <c:choose> <c:when test="${sometest}"> <c:set var="somevar" scope="page" value="Hello...

Java: attributes order in .jsp getting inversed

Every single time I've read about the meta tags, the attribute where in this order for the description: <meta name="description" content="..." /> First name, then content. It's also like that in the Google Webmaster documentation. Basically, it's like that everywhere. Now in a .jsp (in XML notation) I've got the following: <meta ...

Java JSP/Servlet: controller servlet throwing the famous stack overflow

I've read several docs and I don't get it: I know I'm doing something wrong but I don't understand what. I've got a website that is entirely dynamically generated: there's hardly any static content at all. So, trying to understand JSP/Servlet, I've written my own "front controller" intercepting every single query, it looks like this: ...