
Carry success message through redirect after blobstore upload?

Hi, I'm saving an image as a blob using the following, but I'm not sure how to carry a message through the final redirect to display to the user: JSP file: <% BlobstoreService blobstoreService = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService(); String action = blobstoreService.createUploadUrl("/servletimg"); %> <form method="POST" actio...

JSP to Servlet Relation

There are many, many examples in books, and on the internet about how to use Servlets as JSPs. But I would like to know what the best way to go about using them, with a mind to good architecture. Should there be a one-to-one relation of Servlets to JSPs? Acting like ASP.NET "Code-Behind" pages? Or more like ASP.NET MVC, with a single S...

How can I figure out the name of a JSP tag in Java?

Currently I have the following code: Tag tag = getParent(); while(tag != null) { parents.append("child of ") .append(tag.getClass().getName()) .append("\n"); tag = tag.getParent(); } when this runs, I get the following: com.mystuff.mvc.tag.MyTag child of org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.IfTag ch...

How to create reusable components in Spring MVC 3.0

Ok I really don't know where to start. I have been trying to develop reusable component-like pages in Spring MVC. I ended up using tiles. I had the idea from "Spring in action" book on writing ComponentControllerSupport class. But the problem starts with tile2 and spring 3.0. All old features of tile1 is deprecated and tile2 has changed ...

jsp function call and xml

i need to know the way for call a function in jsp? in my function, i wrote a code for get user input and write it in xml file... when i call it, there is a error... how could i achieve this.? <form method = "post" action="Result.jsp" > <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onclick="writeXml()"/> ...

Jsp Expression Language Problem

I have a jsp in which there is something like this ${pageContext.request.parameterMap.instanceNo[0]} I want to iterate through each of its value. I tried the below code but doesn't work <s:iterator id="test" var="" value="${pageContext.request.parameterMap.instanceNo[0]}"> Hello </s:iterator> ...

How to get image absolute path ?

How to get image path in java ? I am using eclipse, i want to display the image in jsp,I want to give path like "/images/logo.jpg" but it is getting nullpointer exception when execute the page. if i give fullpath , it is working like "d:/project/images/logo.jsp".How to get display the image with absolute path ? ...

Export HTML table to excel - using jQuery or Java

Hello all, I've a HTML table on my JSP page, that I want to be exported to Excel on a button click. What would be the best way of going about this ?(For ex., how would I do this using may be a jQuery function.) Any code examples for demo. purposes should be great. Thanks, Pritish. ...

What is the JSP equivalent to json_encode ( in PHP ) ?

I am trying to encode a JSP servlet into JSON. What's the equivalent in JSP to json_encode() in PHP ? ...

How to get jsp file to find the bean I'm trying to use in Netbeans

I think I'm doing something horrible wrong here. I've never used NetBeans before, nor have I ever done anything with JavaServer before, though I've programmed in Java. In netBeans, in a web project, I created a package called DonationCalc, with a file DonationCalc.java, containing my bean. In a jsp file, I have the following: <%@page ...

Tomcat intermittently servicing requests

Hello, I recently switched my web application from running via an embedded Jetty instance to a standalone Tomcat instance. Everything is mapped appropriately, and Tomcat begins to serve up content. However, my application makes about 20 AJAX POST requests at once to the server (to load various page elements). This worked fine on Jetty,...

Iterating over a map and displaying in a jsp

I have to display a map of objects in a page. The Struts action class is as follows: public class DonorListAction extends Action{ public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Ex...

jena packages in jsp

i imported Jena packages into my JSP page. <%@ page import="com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype" %> <%@ page import="com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.DatatypeProperty" %> <%@ page import="com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual" %> <%@ page import="com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass" %> <%@ page import="com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel" %> <...

need info on books for jsp,servlets,ejb,springs,jsf,struts and hibernate.

Hi! I am a inexperienced java programmer. I know core java 1.6 and basics of servlets, jsp , jdbc and ejb. I want to improve my knowledge on jsp,servlets and ejb (basics of which i already know) I also want to learn springs,struts, hibernate and jsf, of which i dont even know head or tail and which are related among these 4. If anyone ...

Advice for a UI migration from Oracle Forms to JSP

Hi there! I'm starting a new project and would like some advice. The purpose is to migrate the front-end of a web application developed with Oracle in the back-end (version 9) and Oracle Forms 6.0 in the front-end to JSP. The layout must be the same and it's going to be developed also Web Services in the future. What advices and/or r...

Adding another item to collection object

State: <html:select property="product.stateId" size="1" onchange="loadProducts();loadProducts2();"> <html:options collection="stateList" property="id" labelProperty="name"/> </html:select> I want to add another option to the list of states such as, "Please select state," in the drop down menu. I think I need to modify the Java col...

Determine Flash availability with JSP

Basically, I need to swap a JSP form with a Flash form should the user have it installed. I know there is a JavaScript option, but don't want to use this as that cuts out people who have Flash but not JavaScript. Can't find anything for it online, I'm sure it can't be too difficult, any ideas? Some code would be jubbly if possible :) ...

Concatenating in JSP/EL through a loop

So im trying to do something that might not be possible. I want to iterate through something like this: i is set as an iterator <c:forEach begin="1" end="${total}" var="i"> <td>${prod${i}.name}</td> </c:forEach> This Obviously doesnt work, but I think it portrays what im trying to do. I want to concatenate a variable to another ...

Looking for a good tutorial on JSP / Struts 2

Referencing my previous question about a good language for a deployment stack, we settled on Java / JSP. While with pure Java most of the team is up to par we have a few people who haven't done JSP Servlets, and none have used Struts to much extent. Where would you start with this? Would it be worthwhile to ditch Struts in favor of build...

How to get value to dropdown from database using ajax ?

Hi, I have dropdown with some optional value.if change the those value based on that will display another dropdown with value from database.I am doing this process in jsp page.First dropdown values are static(coded in jsp).but second dropdown values are come from database when changeevent of first dropdown. Here i need to implement aja...