
How can I run a jsp program?

How can I run a jsp program? ...

how to develop mail storage in jsp ?

Where can I get information about mail storage? For ex. creating new folder in your Yahoo account and saving some important emails in that folder. I want to develop email server in JSP. I dont know JSP, I have to learn & develop it. Please give me information regarding this. ...

PHP vs. JSP performance: is the compiled vs. interpreted argument even relevant to this issue?

PHP is interpreted. JSPs are compiled. Yet the PHP interpreter seems tightly coupled with Apache (using mod_php). The JSPs are compiled, but it's bytecode...yet the java runtime is highly optimized...yet there is the Tomcat container and mod_jk sitting in between Apache and the runtime. Lots of things to consider, of course. Has anyone ...

How do I expose bean in JSP?

How can I expose a Java bean to a JSP page by using struts? I know how to configure a StrutsAction to include a form-bean, but I wonder if there are other ways to interact with Java code from a JSP page? I ask this question because I don't understand fully a likely answer to a problem that I have asked here: http://stackoverflow.com/que...

JSR168 portlet request cuts param value after # symbol

One of parameters for action link looks like: itemUrl=feedLink.html#xtor=RSS-3208 when I execute next code in backend in processAction(): String itemUrl = (String) request.getParameter("itemUrl"); ,that I get next value: feedLink.html e.g. request cuts itemUrl value after # symbol escapeXml="true" in .jsp file doesn't help. ...

Problem with JSP tags - Java code as value

I have problem with JSP tags - how I can insert into attribute value in Java code? This is my code: <%! String ii = new String(); %> <% try { String id = request.getParameter("a"); int i = Integer.valueOf(id); ii = String.valueOf(i); } catch (Exception e) { response.sendError(500); }...

Driver Connetion String

I am new to JSP and I am trying to make a connection to a mysql database. I am using Connect/j driver but I cant find the connection string for my Class.forName() method. Please give me suggestions ...

file upload "multipart/form" Exception org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$InvalidContentTypeException

I tried to use the file upload using Apache Commons but the following exception thrown org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase$InvalidContentTypeException: the request doesn't contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream, content type header is null My html code is <form name="inp" action="upload.jsp" method="get" on...

How to pass a session between tomcat and php.

Hey, I am in a WTF code situation working on a jsp tomcat server and trying to pass session data (user id, etc.) to php. i am planning to rewrite php session handling with session_set_save_handler() my question is where does tomcat stores it session data (harddrive?) and what kind of encoding does it uses? or am i on the wrong path? i kn...

problem with iterate over java.util.Map using "JSF" OR JSTL TAGS

I'm using Richfaces JSF and I want to iterate over an Map<Object,Object>. I see many examples on Sun forums and other sites but in my case it doesn't work. Here is my XHTML code: <c:forEach items="#{order.customOptions}" var="option"> <h:outputText value="this text does not print" /> <h:outputText value="#{option.value.name}" />...

JSP for setting the BASE HTML Tag

Hi! I am running an application using jsp (gsp actually) under Tomcat. All URLs are absolute. That is, every href begins with a "/". For example: <a href="/mytool/role/index" class="menulink">Role</a> Every request will receive a parameter called SYS.WEBSYSTEM_PREFIX which must be prepended to every URL. That is, if the request is ...

Embedded Jetty looking for files inside its Jar file

Hey people, it's my first question here. I successfully embedded Jetty on a test application. It can serve files without issues. Now I want to know if it's possible for Jetty to serve files that are inside its own Jar file. Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks! ...

Evaluate if list is empty JSTL

I've been trying to evaluate if this array list is empty or not but none of these have even compiled: <c:if test="${myObject.featuresList.size == 0 }"> <c:if test="${myObject.featuresList.length == 0 }"> <c:if test="${myObject.featuresList.size() == 0 }"> <c:if test="${myObject.featuresList.length() == 0 }"> <c:i...

rendering JSP to a string

What is the way to render jsp file to a string? Is it possible without using frameworks like spring/struts/etc?.. ...

How to avoid last character truncation in editor

Hi I am using WYSIWYG - jQuery plugin 0.4 for tinymce editor. whenever i am loading the editor, IFrame tag is created which is displayed is getting with textarea tag which is hidden. The problem here is the last character is getting truncated whatever we typed in the editor. I am seeing that hidden tag textarea is getting the value fro...

upload file proxy ajp isuue

I moved to new server and changed apache-tomcat connector from mod-jk2 to proxy-ajp. Since I have this problem with file(xls file to be precise) uploading. If I try file uploading through http://my.project.net**:8080**/fileupload.jsp it works just fine, but I want it to be secure and there is the problem, if I use https://my.project.net...

JSP - Authentication and Authorization

I come from an ASP.NET background. In ASP.NET, there is built-in support for users and roles. My question is, does JSP have anything similar or is everything built from scratch? I have not been able to find a good resource to answer this application structure type of question. ...

Struts help needed

I am working on a Struts application.Now I have a strange situation.The current application has a config file something like this <action path="/validate" type="test1Action" scope="request" validate="false"> <forward name="cat1" path="path1/value1"/> <forward name="cat2" path="path1/value2"/> <forward name="cat3...

J2EE:error in displaying ERROR page

i have created a jsp contains <% int i=10; if(i==10) throw new ArithmeticException("ItsMyGenExcepetion"); %> i have made entry in web.xml <error-page> <exception-type>java.lang.ArithmeticException</exception-type> <location>/errordisplay.jsp</location> </error-page> i have my errordisply.jsp contains <%@ page isErrorPage...

How to escape apostrophe or quotes on a JSP ( used by javascript )

Hi, I have a user form. If the user types in a string with ' or " as part of it I have no problem. The form is submitted and saved correctly to the DB. My problem is when I reload the page (all entries can be modified and are loaded into a list in the jsp before being displayed). On loading the page I get an error saying: missing )...