
How to set the row id [ TR ] and column id [ TD] in displaytag?

I am using Displaytag to display the DataGrid. Now, I have to change the color of rows based on some calculation. Like if the value of column3 + column4 > coulmn5 then the row color should be yellow value of column3 + column4 < coulmn5 then the row color should be red value of column3 + column4 = coulmn5 then the row color should be ...

restrict url access in JSP

I have a site that uses forms and validates fields and redirects to another pages etc, but I need to know how to keep any user from access a page directly with the URL and it gets redirectionated to the login form... I've seen this, but I don't know how to call it. :S I think it's with session variables, and that I should check for a s...

Customozing JBoss portal login page

I know there is "login.jsp" page for JBoss portal, which is located at \jboss-portal\server\default\deploy\jboss-portal.sar\portal-server.war\ This login.jsp page posts user name and password to the following location. action="<%= response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>" What I want to do is, instead of above, I want the login p...

Session variables in JSP

How is a session object attached to each thread of a servlet? I believe its not a ThreadLocal, so how is it attached to each servlet thread? ...

Call crystal reports through java

Hi, I have one crystal report and i want to create one front end application using java to show the reports to user. Can any one give me the code how can i invoke crystal reports through a java application? ...

How can i use JUnit in Servlet and JSP?

I am writing a web application which should be tested with JUnit framework. So please suggest me how we can use JUnit in Jsp and servlet and also how to generate test case reports using Ant?? Thanks in advance Why cant we use Cactus? I have heard about that and what it differs from other test cases? ...

Facelet Custom Component - prevent rendering ui:insert content in custom component

Hi, this is my custom component definition: <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" xmlns:fn="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions"...

Jsp tags outside WEB-INF/tags

Is there any way to hold tag files out of /WEB-INF/tags folder? Maybe by using tld somehow and calling them with uri instead of tagdir? Reason for this request is that we are trying to run several sites from one codebase and we would like to have it like WEB-INF/site1/templates, tags, ... so if this is wrong idea to begin with, feel fr...

Why use an MVC framework when Servlets, JSPs and a lightweight DAO layer will work?

I'm finding it difficult to embrace a Java MVC framework, when it looks as if Servlets, JSPs and a lightweight DAO will do just about everything you need it to do in order to decouple the controllers/views/models. For PHP I can see the necessity since there are no built in constructs like servlets, but do Java MVC frameworks really give ...

Auto-logout in JSF Application

I have a JSF app and would like to have the user auto logout after a period of inactivity. Is there an standard way to do this? ...

JSF button to reset the session

Is there a way to reset (clear) the session for a user, when he clicks on a button? ...

After session timeout where does JBoss redirect users to?

After this is reached in JBoss: <session-config> <session-timeout>30</session-timeout> </session-config> where does it redirect users to? Can I change the page it redirects to? ...

JSP java2d JSP 2d Taglib - Rhino gives me an error

Hi! I'm trying to draw simple 2d things in my JSP application. I found this taglib on http://ditchnet.org/2d/ but it doesn't work as expected... If I start my webapp I get the following error: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /index.jsp at line 20 17: 18: Hello World...

Weird java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL

I am writing a servlet jsp under Glassfish to download a file from a website, do some processing and display the result in webpage. When I deploy the servlet, it gave me: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: www.websitename.com error. I check the status code 503 out and it turns out to be a server ove...

pagination on jsp with DB2 as backend

I am retrieving thousands of rows from the database, but I want to display only about 200 on one jsp. I am using pagination by creating links to the next rows. Currently using DB2, the only thing I can do is a FETCH FIRST 200 rows. So by the time I get to the 5th page, I am doing a FETCH FIRST 1000 rows and then I am displaying 800 to 1...

Best way to save pop up window table cell values to parent page before parent page form submission

I have a jsp page which has dynamically created hyperlink called "Add Note".End User can click on the link ,which would open a popup window and user can a add new note, by dynamically creating new table row and populating it with values, till user closes the window , the parent page should not be allowed for modification,once user closes...

how to reference a java .class file from a JSP page?

I have the JSP file (/page.jsp) in the root of my app directory. I want to use this class located in /WEB-INF/classes/Helper.class. I tried using the JSP page import statment with the class name but that didn't work. How can I reference Helper.class so that I can use it my JSP? I don't want to include the class in a package/JAR. ...

Can I specify a different target tab/window in JSP with a RequestDispatcher

I have a JSP program that displays a form where the user enters some criteria for a report. If the criteria fail validations -- missing fields, invalid dates, etc -- I want to redisplay the form with an error message. If the criteria pass, I want to display the report. But I want the report to be in a different tab or window, like if the...

Relationship between JSP and JEE/J2EE

Is JSP part of the whole JEE/J2EE package? How are they related? ...

Inside a JSP: Merge two Images and let the user print the result.

Hi everybody, I'm just stuck with another programming problem. Within a JSP Web Page I have two urls. From two images, one is a Tiff and the other one is a PNG. The one that is a PNG is like a stamp. The app functionality is to provide kind of a search mechanism for the Tiff images done and then provide the user with the option to prin...