
what's the fundamental difference between a jsp taglib vs including a jsp page?

i have several common elements (components), that will generate some html. it seems my options are creating a taglib, or just putting that logic into a jsp page and including the jsp. whats the difference? positives vs negatives? ...

parameterised jsp:includes of stripes actions?

I've been trying to solve this, and have been getting stuck, so I thought I'd ask. Imagine two ActionBeans, A and B. A.jsp has this section in it: ... <jsp:include page="/B.action"> <jsp:param name="ponies" value="on"/> </jsp:include> <jsp:include page="/B.action"> <jsp:param name="ponies" value="off"/> </jsp:include> ... Take i...

How do I include a header into my site that is hosted externally?

We are hosting a site for a client and they want us to include the header they have on their server into the pages we are hosting. So whenever they change it, it will automatically change on our site. We are attempting to use the "include" tag in our JSP code. The code we are using is as follows: <%@ include file="www.CLIENT.com/CLIE...

How Do I Control Handling of Exceptions Thrown Inside jsp:include Includes?

I have a JSP, which includes another JSP via <jsp:include>. I also have (what I think is) a standard error page setup. The problem is that when an exception occurs inside the included file, it doesn't "bubble up" to the including JSP. Instead, it inserts the error page mid-way through processing the included JSP. Strangely enough, it...

jsp:include in netbeans

I'm using JSF in NetBeans. All I want to do is to include a page within another page. But whatever I tried, and when I run the main page, I get no error but I can't see my included page in a main page. Why? My main page is: <jsp:root version="2.1" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xm...

include directive

Hi, Head First book says about include directive as include code from any other file into the JSP file at translation time, which can't be changed dynamically. However, I included a JSP file in the include directive, which generates a number randomly every time I access the page with include directive. And every time a new number gener...

Setting a default value to a param in s:include

I am writing a small widget in struts which I want to include. The height of the widget should be auto unless I pass in a param of height. For example: # Example 1: <s:include value="myWidget.jsp"> <s:param name="height">300 px</s:param> </s:include> # Example 2: <s:include value="myWidget.jsp"> </s:include> Inside myWidget.jsp I...

Including JSP multiple HEAD section

HI I would like to include a jsp page into another jsp. Let's say that I have master.jsp that is including slave.jsp. Since slave.jsp has its own set of section for dealing with Javascript and CSS. Is there a way or maybe another method to merge the master/slave HEADs section into one ? There will be also the same issue with the BODY...

Scope of jsp:useBean

home.jsp <jsp:useBean id="username" class="java.lang.String" scope="application"/> <% username="Jitendra"; %> <jsp:include page="include.jsp"/> include.jsp <%=username%> This gives an error saying “username” is undefined in include.jsp, even though the scope of Bean is application… ...

Simple JSP website

Hey There! I'm looking for help/advise with creating simple JSP website using equivalent of PHP include+switch function. The goal is that I want be able to switch between multiple JSP include pages in one main page. What will be simples possible form of above 'function'? Many thanks! ...

Redirection from jsp:include page

I want the user to be redirected to Login.jsp if the "role" stored in Session Scope doesn't match with the Request Parameter "accessRole" HomePage.jsp <jsp:include page="Header.jsp"> <jsp:param value="d" name="accessRole" /> </jsp:include> Header.jsp <c:if test="${sessionScope.role!=param.accessRole}"> <c:redirect url="Login.jsp"/> ...

Mix HTML and JSF in a JSF subview

Hi. The problem I have today is about dealing with HTML in an included JSP, with JSF. So here's the situation : I use JSF 1.2 by IBM on RAD with Websphere v6.1 I have a custom component (from the company layer) to use tabs. And in order to have a cleaner code, I just want to separate the JSF code of each tab in a separated JSP, this way,...

Get filename of source JSP file (even if included)

I am trying to do some debugging of JSP files that include multiple levels of nested includes. e.g. foo.jsp <%@ include file="bar.jsp"%> bar.jsp <%@ include file="baz.jsp"%> baz.jsp <%@ include file="boz.jsp"%> To help determine where a certain file is actually included I placed a simple line to output a javascrip...

How to determine which JSP pages are being rendered?

I'm working on a legacy application that is using simple JSPs that are nested using <jsp:include>. No frameworks are being used - just JSP Servlets and filters. Can anyone suggest a way to trace which JSP pages are being rendered? Perhaps there's a log, or maybe a hook in the rendering engine (Jasper). ...

How to import constants in a JSP page

Are there any better ways to use constants in a JSP than: <%@ page import="static package.Interface.NAME"%> Is there any downside to using these (outside of mixing code/content)? Thanks! ...

Onload can fire early when using jsp dynamic includes?

When a jsp page includes jsp dynamic includes... <jsp:include page=”filename.jsp” /> ...is it possible that the document onload event (or prototype's dom:loaded event) could get fired too early? (i.e. before the included filename.jsp has fully loaded) The reason I suspect this may be the case is that the included file is compiled s...

JSP request parameter is returning null on a jsp include with Weblogic.

Hello, I am having trouble with the jsp:include tag. I have code like the following: <jsp:include page="./Address.jsp"> <jsp:param value="30" name="tabIndex"/> <jsp:param value="true" name="showBox"/> <jsp:param value="none" name="display"/> </jsp:include> The page is included fine, but when I try to access the parame...

How to call Onload function in the Main page as well as @include file inner.jsp page

Hi, I have two pages one is the main page and the another one is the inner page: Page names: main.jsp , sidebar.jsp I want to call the onload function on both of these pages. Is that possible. If yes How? Below is the code for main.jsp: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DT...

JSP:Include not rendering the page correctly

am having trouble with including a jsp page with tag. This is what is happening. I making changes to a portlet application running on Websphere 7 server. This is the hierarchy of the jsp pages. blankPage.jsp -->bookingViewTabs.jsp --> availableRooms.jsp meaning blankPage is included in bookingViewTabs which is inturn included in avai...

How to include dynamic JSP from another server on a JSP page

I am writing a some code that to dynamically include an HTML snippet in a page. Basically, I have course information on one server, which I want other servers to be able to include with a single line of code. If it was on the same server, I would use this: <jsp:include page="coursedescription.jsp?subj=ENGL100" /> But the JSP page i...