
how to display selected data in jsp page

My requirement is explain below, I am having Arraylist in "DAO" class which contains n number of customer names.and I have set that ArrayList in "domain object" and using that "domain object" in jsp page to display the customer name. I am using session scope in jsp page like below, <c:set var="listCustomer" value="${ItemDataRespons...

Unable to find a value for "length" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."

Why does this JSTL expression not seem to be able to use the length method of the String class: <c:when test="${displayName != null && displayName.length > 0 }"> <p><c:out value="${displayName}"/></p> </c:when> It produces this exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.e...

Unterminated C:out Tag on Ternary Operator

Hi, I have set a session scope object in my session and I want to add a disabled attribute in one of my button using JSTL Ternary operator. The getPermission is a map of privileges for the currently login user but I am not sure why I am encountering the error unterminated c:out tag in my JSP when it goes to this JSP. <button type="but...

Retrieving the first element of a TreeMap using JSTL/EL/JAVA

I am trying to access the first element of a TreeMap, I have the following HTML in a JSP file: <c:forEach items="${subscriber.depent}" var="entry" begin="0" end="0" step="1"> <c:set var="dep" value="${entry.value}" /> </c:forEach> This code gets me the first element of the TreeMap but this just seems like a 'hack' to me. I have a...

How do I pass Javascript variable to <jsp:setProperty> and JSTL?

How do I pass Javascript variable to and JSTL? <script> var name = "john"; <jsp:setProperty name="emp" property="firstName" value=" "/> // How do I set javascript variable(name) value here ? <c:set var="firstName" value=""/> // How do I set javascript variable (name) value here ? </script> ...

Login validation using JSTL (JSP) but stuck with error : "Unterminated &lt;sql:setDataSource tag"

Hi, I am getting following error when I try to perform login validation using JSTL Custom Tags org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /checlLogin.jsp(12,38) Unterminated <sql:setDataSource tag Please find below software specifications I have - I have placed JSTL.jar and Standard.jar at CATALINE_HOME...\WEB-INF\lib - Working with s...

Parsing string variable with jstl

Here's my problem. I need to set up a process, preferably with jstl/jsp, that depending on what a client enters in a URL parameter, a certain URL will be returned, with the same parameters passed on, and opened via javascript pop up function. Problem I am having, is that the choose statement is not finding one of the parameters unless ...

What tag to use to hide content in JSF

When I want to hide some content in JSF, what tag is made for this purpose? There are several tags that can do the job: <f:subview rendered="#{...condition...}" /> and <c:when test="#{...conditon...}" /> Which is the right one to use? ...

Expression Language & Eclipse warning: "items" does not support runtime expressions

i have the following JSP: <%@ page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <%@ page isELIgnored="false"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Ty...

JSTL: String Comparison issue using c:When tag

I am facing problem when comparing 2 strings values using C:When tag I am trying as follow <c:when test="${dbUserName eq uName}"> Where, dbUserName = “sohail”. It is fetching value from db column uName = “test”. This is actually input value on login page But comparison always giving result true… Here is complete code <%@ page c...

JSTL: How to access table row contents using index

Hello, My question is: How can I access row information using index in JSTL? i am using MySQL 5.1.47 Server as Relational Database Server For example, I have a table name login with two attributes “username” & “password” and this table contain 10 records. I want to extract only first record information. How can I do this? I have ...

c:forEach vs ui:repeat (a.k.a ice:panelSeries)

Hello, I'm trying to avoid using c:forEach because I heard that JSTL doesn't mix well into the render phase of the JSF... I'm not sure of that claim at all. On the contrary I had to resort to using c:forEach instead of ui:repeat in many cases because the ui:repeate simply does NOT iterate on the collection.. this happened in many cases ...

(Question about 'final' and) How do I access the list object contents of 'myModels' from the Spring ModelMap in JSTL?

@RequestMapping(value = "/index", method = RequestMethod.GET) public final String index(final ModelMap model) { List myModels = ArrayList<MyModel>(getMyModels()); model.addAttribute("mymodel", myModels); return "index"; } In Spring I put the myModels list into the ModelMap to be passed to the "index" view. How do I t...

How to port `error_messages_for` from Ruby erb to Java JSP/JSTL?

How would you port this front-end logic from erb to jsp/jstl? <%= error_messages_for :foo %> Is there any Java library that does something similar? ...

How do you simulate a Rails error flash in jsp?

Is there a jsp/jstl equivalent of this Rails error flash? <%- flash.each do |name, msg| -%> <%= content_tag :div, msg, :id => "flash_#{name}" %> <%- end -%> I've been looking for a pre-built solution that is as simple as this Rails idiom. ...

Error Showing Data Base Data with Spring MVC

Hello ! Im so grateful of the help this community has offered on my learning and production experience, i come to you with another question, thank you in advance. Ok, i have a Flex + Spring + Hibernate + Tomcat + Mysql application that has been in development for 3 years. So now i need to add some html views on them. So what i intend t...

How to invoke an external library function on an object within a JSTL loop before outputting it?

Let's say I have the following JSTL loop: <c:forEach items="${foos}" var="foo" varStatus="status"> <c:out value="${processedFoo}"/> </c:forEach> And let's say I have an external library com.foo.processor which contains a ProcessorFactory class with a process method. How do I import this library and call the following code from in...

I can pass a variable from a JSP scriptlet to JSTL but not from JSTL to a JSP scriptlet without an error

The following code causes an error: 1. <c:set var="test" value="test1"/> 2. <% 3. String resp = "abc"; 4. resp = resp + test; 5. pageContext.setAttribute("resp", resp); 6. %> 7. <c:out value="${resp}"/> The error says "error a line 4: unknown symbol 'test'". How do I pass test from the JSTL code to the JSP scriptlet? ...

Convert integer value to string using JSTL/EL

How do I correct this statement: ${model.myHashtable[model.data.id]}. myHashtable is defined as Hashtable<String, String> But, ${model.data.id} returns an int. I tried to do something like ${model.myHashtable['model.data.id']} But it does not work. Any other ideas, aside from changing the type of id to String? ...

How to obtain request attribute in JSP using EL?

I know this isn't hard, but I'm not having any luck. I want to make fooList from a Servlet available in a JSP. So in the Servlet I have: request.setAttribute("list", fooList); RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/myJsp.jsp"); dispatcher.forward(request, response); Then in the JSP, I want: <c:for...