
Java JTable TableCellRenderer problems.

I have implemented a JTable named scrTbl in a program, and I wish to be able to vary text color in one column of this table, based on an external boolean variable called "up". My code related to this effort is as follows. TableColumn tcol = scrTbl.getColumnModel().getColumn(9); tcol.setCellRenderer(new CustomTableCellRenderer()); publ...

In a JTable, how do I render a checkbox column with a dirty marker?

Hi all, I'm trying to show a marker on checkbox columns in a JTable to indicate that the value is dirty. I'm having trouble coming up with a way to render the marker. I've tried setting an icon on the JCheckbox but this just renders the icon instead of the checkbox. I've tried using a Panel but it messes up the layout. Does anyone have...

view headers in JTable?

I can't view header in JTable while adding it into a JFrame.. String[] col={"Name","ID","Marks"}; Object[][] data={{"venkat",201,450},{"Ramesh",102,450},{"Rahul",2,430}, {"Thiman",4,434}}; table=new JTable(data,col); The above code doesn't set header in JFrame. How to add view header in JTable while adding it into JF...

Align the values of the cells in JTable?

I'm not aware of how to align the values of cells in JTable. For Ex,The Jtable shows, Name Salary Mr.X 100000.50 XXXX 234.34 YYYy 1205.50 I want to align the "Salaries" in the following format. Name Salary Mr.X 100000.50 XXXX 234.34 YYYy 1205.50 How...

Format Date in Jtable/ResultSet

I am having trouble displaying Dates in the format I want in my JTable. My JTable has been created using a ResultSet and lists. I tried the following in getValueAt(.) but no luck: if(value instanceof Date) { //System.out.println("isDate"); DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); ...

how to place a button within a table in Java ?

Hi all , In the properties windows , we come across buttons in a table cell < as in font property's row , a button can be clicked on to set font properties > . Is there a way to insert a button in a Jtable 's second column < which i've created using netbeans >.. how to do that , if it is possible ? ...

how select all cell while selected JTable value?

First i gave all values of row in JTAble. While inserting table values into database, I selected all values of row in JTable, using the following model.getValueAt(rowIndex,colIndex); But this method gets all the columns except the last inserted column in a row. If i pressed enter key, after getting all values it done well. How to get a...

requestFocus() in java?

In JTable, if you are inserting values to that row of 4 in first column, Then the focus goes to first row and second column by default. I want to focus the next column of the same row( ie., row 4). How to set requestFocus() in JTable by row wise.? ...

Adding Columns to JTable dynamically

I have an empty JTable, absolutely nothing in it. I need to dynamically generate its table columns in a certain way. A simplified version for the code I have for my attempt: @Action public void AddCol() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { TableColumn c = new TableColumn(i); c.setHeaderValue(getColNam(i)); table....

JTable horizontal scrollbar in Java

Is there any way to enable horizontal scrollbar whenever necessary?? The situation was as such: I've a JTable on Netbeans, one of the cells, stored a long length of data. Hence, I need to have horizontal scrollbar. Anyone has idea on this? THanks in advance for any helps.. ...

Customizing jTable

I need to customize my jTable. All I need, is to put a custom Swing object (like jButon, jPanel, etc.) into the table cell. Is it possible? I'm trying: jTable.getModel.setValueAt(jPanel1,0,0) and jTable.getModel.setValueAt(jPanel1.getUI(),0,0) But the result is only a some kind of string, representing the object... I'm aware of c...

RowFilter.regexFilter multiple columns

I am currently using the following to filter my JTable RowFilter.regexFilter( Pattern.compile(textField.getText(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).toString(), columns ); How do I format my textField or filter so if I want to filter multiple columns I can do that. Right now I can filter multiple columns but my filter ...

Can't drag to resize JTable columns

Long story short, I'm making a custom Swing component that's basically a JTable with a panel on its side. The table should of course be scrollable and have a table header, but since I only want the header to be above the actual JTable and not above the side panel, I had to pull some tricks to make it work. But that part works fine. H...

Using MigLayout, why is a JButton following a JTable unresponsive and how to fix this?

Hi everyone, I am having a mind-boggling problem regarding the use of a JButton following a JTable with MigLayout. It is totally unresponsive unless I push it far enough past the JTable (then it can behave correctly). I have tried running the code with both the MigLayout JAR of the version we use for end user products and with the very...

JTable row filters updates

Is there a way to tell a JTable's row filter that it should update itself to display the filtered data? I'm currently using the fireTableDataChanged method in the AbstractTableModel but the underlying data for the table isn't actually changing, so this seems like it might be wasteful. The way my filter works is to check if data in the ta...

JTable and Database in Swing

I need to load database content into a JTable. Many times I search for help. Please anybody can refer a tutorial please, otherwise anybody can help me to do so. ...

Java Swing Generate JTable from POJO at runtime

I'm looking for a library able to build at runtime, using some configuration (xml, annotations, ...) and reflection, a complete JTable (model + searchable and sortable jtable) from a collection of POJOS. I did not found anything like that on the web and I'm wondering if something already exist before I start to coding this. ...

Swing Grid Layout or JTable

greetngs, i am trying to learn Java and Swing by writing a simple game of connect4. i am hoping you could guide me regarding the following issue: to emulate the connect4 grid should i use a JTable or rely on Grid layout? thank you. ...

table without a header in java

Can anyone tell me how to insert a table without a table header? I am making sudoku puzzle and i want to insert a table without the table header in java. Is it possible? ...

I have to select the checkbox two times to check/uncheck in jTable

I have a jTable code i intend to use, but the problem with it is that when i click on the checkbox once it doesn't select/deselect it, instead i have to click twice. But if i select any other cell in the row except the one containing the checkbox the purpose is solved. HERE IS MY CODE : public class TableSelectionTest extends JFrame im...