
Re-tweets and replies with JTwitter

I have not used Twitter enough to become familiar with its terminology or the way it works, so please help me in understanding the problem I have at hand. I am getting last 20 status updates posted by some Twitter user via RSS feed, the feed XML is parsed and the statuses are displayed in a ListView. Which means that I have the original...

How do you set the twitter user location in JTwitter?

I'm building some basic Twitter functionality into my app, and am using the JTwitter JAR to read and set status. It looks like there is a User class that can be used to set the location, but I just can't figure out how to set it with my GPS coordinates once I've got my Twitter object. Has anyone been able to set the user.location prope...

Oauth and Jtwitter

I am trying to use Oauth with jTwitter.. and get an exception while creating the Oauth signpostclient String JTWITTER_OAUTH_KEY="GDdmIQH6jhtmLUypg82g"; String JTWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET="9zWH6qe0qG7Lc1telCn7FhUbLyVdjEaL3MO5uHxn8"; OAuthSignpostClient client = new OAuthSignpostClient(JTWITTER_OAUTH_KEY, JTWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET,"oob"); throws ...

Twitter api - no more than 150 requests per hour....

Hi. I am writing a twitter app using jtwitter - and its running inside a server inside my work. Anyway - whenever i run it from work it returns the error below and I am only making a couple requests per hour: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request {"request":"/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?count=6&id=cicsdemo&","error":"Rate limit exceeded. Clients ...

JTwitter OAuth with callback authorisation

Hey guys. I am writing an App using JTwitter however I need to authenticate in order to not have the 150 requests per minute on the public api. Jtwitter seems to support OAuth however I have some questions. My app will be running behind a company firewall - so the URL wont be accessible outside of the company's network - will callback...

JTwitter OAuth signpost example

Hey. I believe JTwitter supports OAuth to authenticate against a developer account , however i cannot get any of them working. The JTwitter docs say signpost is the supported method - yet I cannot seem to find the OAuthSignpostClient class they use even after adding the signpost libs: OAuthSignpostClient client = new OAuthSignpostCl...

Simple JTwitter for Android example

I have tried many different way and search all over the internet to find a tutorial to use JTwitter with OAuth. Here are the following step I have accomplish Download both Jtwitter and Signpost Add them as Jars in the Java Builder Created a simple button that run public class ShareGenerator extends Activity { private static fina...

Android Jtwitter forgidden exception

Android I am using jTwitter Twitter my_twiter = new Twitter("my_user_name","my_pass"); my_twiter.setStatus("hello world"); line 2 throws winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException$E403: Forbidden http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json (my_user_name) what does that mean ?? ...

android jtwitter OAuthSignpostClient

Android: i am unable to execute following code http://code.google.com/p/andriod-mytwitter/source/browse/MyTwitter2/src/com/example/TwitterClient.java?spec=svn37&r=37 gives verifying error at OAuthSignpostClient client = new OAuthSignpostClient(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, "http://localhost"); Following is the used code OAuth...

android twitter Oauth based authentication and update status SSL error

Android twitter Trying the following tutorial for Oauth based authentication and updating user status. http://www.androidsdkforum.com/android-sdk-development/3-oauth-twitter.html When i run It has successfully authenticate but when it tries to update the status following error occur. "twitter4j.TwitterException: SSL handshake failure:...

Android callback URL calling oncreate

I am making twitter application in which i open browser for user authentication and i pass call_back URL when launching authentication browser problem is after authenticating it is calling again oncreate of TWitterShare class instead calling onNewIntent method, why is that ? my another class working fine i am unable to find difference a...

Permanent twitter oauth using jtwitter and SignpostClient

I have an application that runs on a server, listens for various tweets using the streaming api, and then occasionally sends tweets out. This worked fine using the old twitter authentication system, but using OAuth has complicated things a bit. I can successfully start the application up and my browser opens Twitter's OAuth page. If I...

jTwitter, oAuth, and Google App Engine. NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to use jTwitter to get an oauth instance to twitter with my consumer key/secret and access token/secret. This is well documented in the javadoc here. I have downloaded signpost, signpost-jetty, and the jtwitter library, but after deploying and running the servlet, I get a error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: winterwell/jtwi...

Android -- Twitter Oauth -- Many different methods, none seem to work. Help.

Hello, I can't get Oauth to work with Twitter. I have tried the following (all result in the same 401 error): jTwitter (using the default OauthSignpostClient) jTwitter using the commonshttp library (CommonsOauthProvider) instead of the "DefaultOauthProvider" jTwitter using the OauthScribeClient (instead of the OauthSignpostClient) oau...