
Twitter4J - Looking up profile details without logging in

Hello all, I've been using Twitter4J for a quite a while now, but I can't seem to find this particular feature. I want to be able to search on a name, and when the certain user is on twitter, I want to retrieve basic information such as tweets, followers (like you can access via http) - but how to do is in Twitter4J? Neither the code e...

Multiple libraries using log4j

I'm writing a small Java application and having some trouble with log4j that appears to be caused by multiple, independent libraries trying to use it simultaneously: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)V at

Twitter4J throws exception in TwitterFactory

Hello Guys, i'm trying to access twitter via oauth. Therefore, i registered my app, downloaded Twitter4j, added the jars in my Eclipse-Project, and then tried to execute the following code: Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getOAuthAuthorizedInstance("[key]","[secretKey]"); RequestToken requestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(...

Android Twitter exception error :(

Hi guys, Started coding up a simple android app. Part of it pulls the users last 20 tweets and saves them to a database. When I run this, statuses = twitter.getUserTimeline(); throws an exception its handled and prints out: failed to get timeline-permission denied. When I run the same code non-android, it works fine. I'm a little bit baf...

Internet on android, causing twitter4j exception?

Hi guys, I'm experimenting with twitter4j on android (new to both) coded up a simple process in java just to test it out. It downloads a users timeline and prints to screen. I modify the code for android, but I get a TwitterException when i try to download the user timeline. I checked out the debugger and the exception is null; no info...

How to elegantly access Android Views from other thread?

I'm using Twitter4j in asynchronous mode. When I get response in Listener I want to be able to change some Views in my Activity but it results in CalledFromWrongThreadException. I know that I can use runOnUiThread method, but what is the most elegant solution for this apart from inlining Runnable Classes? Part of my Activity: Twi...

Where to place in android project?

I'm developing Twitter application with xAuth support using twitter4j jar file. I want to place my consumer key/secret in file. Where should I put this file in directory structure? ...

android twitter retrieveRequestToken 401 on request token

I am trying the following sample app for twitter oath. private void askOAuth() { try { consumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET); provider = new DefaultOAuthProvider("

Rate Limit Exceeded - Custom Twitter app

Hi All, I am working with a java Twitter app (using Twitter4J api). I have created the app and can view the current users timeline, user's profiles, etc.. However, when using the app it seems to quite quickly exceed the 150 requests an hour rate limit set on Twitter clients (i know developers can increase this to 350 on given accounts,...

Twitter retweets amount

Hello all! I wonder if anyone could help me to figure out how to get the amount, as a Java long number, of all retweets of me looking at a specific user, using either twitters API or Twitter4J. The code below gives me only the last 100 retweets, using Twitter4J! public static long getReTweets(){ long amount = 0; Twitter tweeter =...

Twitter4j HTTPClient ProxyServer and Java

Hi there I am currently working on Twitter4j for connecting to Twitter API. As with any enterprise the request has to be routed through a proxy server and I was able to do the regular way of working around the proxy server with the help of a proxy authenticator. I configured my app in Twitter and got my consumer key and secret. I am abl...

android twitter xauth example

Android: I am trying the following xAuth example for android share. System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", "your token"); System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", "your token secret"); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactor...

twitter4j on android performance tuning

I am creating an android app, part of which utilises the twitter4j library to retrieve information from twitter, however, the app runs very slowly on the twitter activities. I have not implemented caching yet, and am hoping that should improve the performance, does anyone have any advice for caching twitter4j calls on android? alternat...

Twitter4J exception on verifyCredentials

Hello All, I am creating an Android app that uses Twitter4J to read some user info. This was all working fine, but this evening when I start the app and the user logs on to Twitter I get an exception: Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(twitterID,twitterPassword); u = twitter.verifyCredentials(); This throws t...

TwitterException with xAuth while posting from Android using Twitter4j

I am using twitter4j-2.1.3.jar to make a simple post to twitter. The code I use is: System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY); System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret",TWITTER_SECRET_KEY); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(username,password); AccessToken accessToken =

Twitter Application-android

I am new to twitter .I like to develope one twitter Application. Can anyone tell me: The methods to be used for replying the tweets. How to retweet with userID in arraylist ...

get followers list

I have to get my followers list, I used following code,I didn't get my list can anyone please point out my mistake public void onClick(View v) { try { AccessToken accessToken2 = new AccessToken(test, test1); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getOAuthAuthorizedInstance(CONSUMER_KEY,CONS...

Please help = Found interface twitter4j.User, but class was expected on GAE/J

Hi; I am using twitter4j-core-2.1.2.jar. Following is my code which executed after callback url hit. Code String token = (String) session.getAttribute("token"); String tokenSecret = (String)session.getAttribute("tokenSecret"); AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(token, tokenSecret); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory...

TwitterException {statusCode=403, retryAfter=0, rateLimitStatus=null}

Hi - I have recently noticed that I keep getting a 403 error while doing twitter search. My application was working until couple of days back when i noticed the error. I checked with Twitter & they say my IP is not blocked, I am also within the rate limit = about 60 search requests/per hour. Here's how i was initializing the Twitter ob...

Android -- Twitter Oauth -- Many different methods, none seem to work. Help.

Hello, I can't get Oauth to work with Twitter. I have tried the following (all result in the same 401 error): jTwitter (using the default OauthSignpostClient) jTwitter using the commonshttp library (CommonsOauthProvider) instead of the "DefaultOauthProvider" jTwitter using the OauthScribeClient (instead of the OauthSignpostClient) oau...