
Anyone got Twitter xAuth working with the Compact Framework yet?

This question is related to a number of other questions on oAuth on the Compact Framework (one, two) but seems slightly more specific to me, as it specifically involves getting Twitters xAuth API call (meant for non web applications to be able to do oAuth) working on the Compact Framework. Are SSL HTTP connections and the encryption me...

Using xAuth from python using tweepy

I am trying to write a twitter client application in python. I would like to use xAuth for authentication. My choice on the library is tweepy, because it seems that it knows everything I need. Here is my problem: >>> import tweepy >>> auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) >>> auth.get_xauth_access_token('username', ...

Twitter xAuth vs open source

Hi I am developing an open source desktop twitter client. I would like to take advantage on the new xAuth authentication method, however my app is open source which means that if I put the keys directly into the source file, it may be a vulnerability (am I correct? The twitter support guy told me). On the other hand, putting the key di...

Objective-C: How to use xAuth?

Hi, I'm relatively new to Objective-C and am completely new to xAuth. Can somebody show me how or lead me to a tutorial to get a request access token pair and make a request to a URL given username, password, consumer_key, and consumer_secret? I'm really foggy with this, and I don't even know why I get a access token pair (why two toke...

xAuth Authentication for Twitter Share in Android?

Hi Folks, I am working on the Twitter Authentication. The Basic Authentication will expire on August 16th onwards. So we have to use OAuth to use Twitter Authentication. But Its some Complicated to implement. XAuth is cuts off the two steps. But the Problem is i used Twitter4j to authenticate.And also had bad documentation too. I want t...

Where to place twitter4j.properties in android project?

I'm developing Twitter application with xAuth support using twitter4j jar file. I want to place my consumer key/secret in twitter4j.properties file. Where should I put this file in directory structure? ...

What is the difference among BasicAuth,OAuth and XAuth?

Hi all, Recently i heard that Twitter will be shutting off the basic authentication on the Twitter API and they move towards OAuth. So i want to know What is the difference among BasicAuth,OAuth and XAuth? what is the advantage and disadvantage of each Auth? ...

android twitter xauth example

Android: I am trying the following xAuth example for android share. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3280328/xauth-authentication-for-twitter-share-in-android System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", "your token"); System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", "your token secret"); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactor...

Twitter Authentication OAuth or XAuth

I am trying to integrate Twitter into my application. My basic requirement is to have custom login screen and as twitter requires only OAuth. As per Twitter documentation I found these MGTwitterEngine(Downloaded but its missing entire OAuth library, hence could not compile) bengottlieb(cannot customize login as it is web based) XAuthT...

Blackberry Twitter client

I just want to tweet on my own wall from my Blackberry application. xAuth would be the best way to have seamless UI integartion. But unfortunately, I'm not able to get it work.. I tried twitter_api_me-1.3 which has xAuth implementation but it gives me 401 error while validating with parameters specified at http://dev.twitter.com/pages/x...

Question about OAuth/XAuth Authentication

Hi, When I develop a App Project on iPhone, it's need to authenticate. My basic requirement is to have custom login screen. But the Service providers currently provide OAuth protocal only, not XAuth protocal. Does this mean that if I use OAuth protocol, it will can not be achieved what I need (custom login screen), and I must be loaded...

TwitterException with xAuth while posting from Android using Twitter4j

I am using twitter4j-2.1.3.jar to make a simple post to twitter. The code I use is: System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey", TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY); System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret",TWITTER_SECRET_KEY); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(username,password); AccessToken accessToken = twitter.ge...

Twitter OAuth in console application

Hi guys, Is it possible to authorize twitter console application without visiting authentication web page? I need it because I'm developing app that grab direct messages from our corporate twitter. This console application is scheduled on web server and is not driven by human. Regards, Alexey Zakharov ...

How to use xauth for twitter-client in android?

Dear All I am making an application that will work like twitter client. i tried many ways using Oauth Connection. i Registered my application to twitter. but i want to use xAuth instead Oauth. so please provide me a sample code which connect my application to twitter using xauth. i already mailed my application details at twitter for ...

Facebook iOS SDK - log in without promting user

Hey! I am making an app to read news articles from a website on the iPhone. I would like to be able to share these articles on Facebook, using a password and email-address that was set somewhere programmatically (not using Facebook-Connect, mostly because I want the design to be the same, whether you log in to Twitter from the app or in...

MGTwitterEngine on the iPhone, xAuth and Error 401 sometimes

Hi, I've followed this guide to get MGTwitterEngine running on the iPhone with xAuth. I've requested permission from Twitter to use the xAuth functions and that has been granted. My problem is this, if i post a tweet to one account it works absolutely fine. If i post the same text to a different twitter account it fails and returns me ...

xauth twitter on iphone app

Hello, I will use xAuth to post data on my twitter account and I'm kind of stuck with the signature, header stuff. I have the following code: // Build url NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token?x_auth_username=%@&x_auth_password=%@&x_auth_mode=client_auth", ...

confusion: xauth or oauth or my own auth?

i'm logged in to a.com now i'm on b.com b.com accesses my localstorage and sees that i'm logged in to a.com and asks me if i want to download my pictures from a.com 1- what if i don't want b.com to know that i have all those accounts on my local storage? 2- if a.com specifies the sites that can see the token how the hell a.com suppos...