
sudo port install cmake trouble (for MGTwitterEngine)

I am following This Tutorial on installing MGTwitterEngine on my MAC osx 10.6.2. I am stuck on this step: sudo port install cmake it gives me the following error: dlopen(/opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib, 10): no suitable image found. Did find: /opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib: no matchi...

How to do a RETWEET on an iPhone twitter app (MGTwitterEngine)

How to do a RETWEET on an iPhone twitter app (MGTwitterEngine) ...

Difficulties signing in to Twitter from iPhone

Hi there, I'm using MGTwitterEngine to add Twitter functionality to my app. It's very easy to simply prompt the user for a username and password and then start posting. Strangely, however, I've noticed other apps (eg Foursquare and Brightkite) require you to visit their website to associate your Twitter account with your foursquare/brig...

Twitter API problem iPhone

I have tried to use twitter API in my application using MGTwiiterEngine, I think Ih ave configured all thing but while I am running the app by giving my username and password. The delegate of the MGTwitterEngine was called with the 0 statuses and also the numberOfConnections=0. twitterEngine = [[MGTwitterEngine alloc] initWithDelegate:...

How to integrate location information into Twitter app?

I'm trying to get a Twitter iPhone app working using Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine. I can post tweets OK, but I can't work out how to attach location data to those tweets... anyone have any idea? ...

How to discover whether Geo-tagging is enabled with Twitter / MGTwitterEngine?

Using Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine, how would I find out if the user (that i'm logged in as) has geo tagging enabled? According to the Twitter API, there is a 'geo_enabled' boolean flag, but I can't work out how to interrogate it using MGTwitterEngine. ...

Trouble getting search results using MGTwitterEngine

I'm using a version of Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine, and I'm trying to get some results from the getSearchResultsForQuery method. // do a search [_engine getSearchResultsForQuery:@"#quote"]; // delegate method for handling result - (void)searchResultsReceived:(NSArray *)searchResults forRequest:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier { ...

Parsing error when using getSearchResultsForQuery of MGTwitterEngine

Hi everyone I am doing a search using getSearchResultsForQuery method and i get searchresult too but when i try to print the parsed data i dont get text of all the tweets i am doing this [twitterEngine getSearchResultsForQuery:@"#joke" sinceID:twitterUserId startingAtPage:1 count:5]; and below is the result in console and it shows t...

How to setup MGTwitterEngine

Just downloaded from github ... tried to build the xcode project and got over a hundred errors. TouchJSON, OAuthConsumer and yajl folders don't even exist (which looks like the problem). Did I pooch something? What do I need to do to recover? Thanks ...

mgtwitterengine and oauth 401 error: Boggled

OK... so here is my code: twitterEngine = [[MGTwitterEngine alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; [twitterEngine setConsumerKey:CONSUMER_KEY secret:CONSUMER_SECRET]; accessToken = [twitterEngine getXAuthAccessTokenForUsername:profile.twitterUserId password:profile.twitterPassword]; NSLog(@"Access token: %@", accessToken); the...

Twitter api for iPhone OS4

Hi, It looks like the twitter api refused to work for iPhone OS4 :( (Twitter+OAuth When I building the project to which I just add the Twitter+OAuth I see the following: It's really really important for me! Any help will be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance!!!!!!! ...

Change the delegate of MGTwitterEngine

Hi I have setup and successfully logged in via xAuth using an extended class of MGTwitterEngine, my question is if I want to pass this to another view controller, how can I change the delegate class, as it is some sort of weak reference @interface MGTwitterEngine : NSObject <MGTwitterParserDelegate> { __weak NSObject <MGTwitterEngineDe...

iPhone MGTwiterEngine & oAuth

Hi, I am trying to create an app that uses oAuth and the MGTwitterEngine for iPad. When I build I get these errros. How do I fix this? I amported everything that comes when I download I imported libxml2 and sql. I addedd libxml to the header search path. Can anyone help? Thanks ...

Why do I get an HTTP 401 error with MGTwitterEngine?

After a long fight with OAuthConsumer, fixing method names, etc... I got MGTwitterEngine's demo compiled, but when I run it, the application quits with this in the Debugging Console: 2010-07-02 14:15:29.896 MGTwitterEngine[2076:a0f] Connection finished C235E35F-8586-45EF-97C2-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2010-07-02 14:15:30.572 MGTwitterEngine[20...

MGTwitterEngine on IOS 4, check if token is valid and get user name from it (the token)

I incorporated MGTwitterEngine in my iPhone app, with basic authentication, and have since incorporated Facebook Connect's classes for iPhone. I'm now trying to move to XAuth with MGTwitterEngine and OAuthConsumer, and I would like the user to have the same flow when tweeting as when posting on Facebook. With Facebook Connect, I can use...

MGTwitterEngine and Authentication Delegation

Hi. I've been racking my brain for a bit trying figure out what's the cleanest way to handled failed authenication using delegation with the MGTwitterEngine. Is this the correct usage of the connectionIdentifier or just hacked? - (void)initiateCredentialCheckWithUsername:(NSString *)username password:(NSString *)password {

MGTwitterEngine error: yajl/yajl_parse.h no such file or directory

Hi, I'm using MGTwitterEngine in my project and when compiling the whole project I get 23 error which are all releated to yajl/yajl_parse.h no such file or directory Is there any solution for that? Thanks! ...

Follow Up on Twitter using iPhone

Can User follow up on twitter using iphone application. I have done the functionality of sending tweet to twitter account. But now I have to do the follow up on twitter functionality. I have an iphone application. I need to do the follow up on twitter functionality using the application in the info page. In which if user clicks on follo...

MGTwitterEngine get currently logged in user id and name

I'm using xauth, and can successfully get an access token, but can't work out how to get the logged in user's id and name (from the token? or something to do with the delegate method accessTokenReceived?) I have the username from when the user entered it to log in, so could use this to get the id... but this could also have been an emai...

Not getting retweets in response for statuses/friends_timeline twitter API Method.

Hi I am using MGTwitterEngine & when request for tweets of my followers I am not getting the tweets which are retweeted. According to the twitter documentation : include_rts When set to either true, t or 1,the timeline will contain native retweets (if they exist) in addition to the standard stream of tweets. The output format of re...