
Returning statuses from MGTwitterEngine

I am using MGTwitterEngine in an iPhone application to make a simple call for user statuses. The engine has a delegate method: - (void)statusesReceived:(NSArray *)statuses forRequest:(NSString *)identifier And I can see my statuses logged in the console. My question is what is the best way to then use the statuses and be informed when...

MGTwitterEngine - isUser:receivingUpdatesFor: always return HTTP error 400?

I have some problem to implement the method isUser:receivingUpdatesFor: from the MGTwitterEngine in order to check if a user is following another user on Twitter. Here is my code : //Here is how I call the method (isRequestIdentifier is an NSString declare in the .h) isRequestIdentifier = [[twitterEngine isUser:user1 receivingUpdatesFor...

Oath+Twitter IPhoneSDK

Does anyone know of a good example utilizing the twitter API and Oauth authentication for sending Twits iPhone SDK ........... I got stuck @ sending the twits .........I can make a successful login to twitter Via Oath+MGTwiiterEngine (Can check the credentials). Now based on that session I want to know how to send twits.. Or either i ...

Error while posting duplicate message in Twitter(MGTwitterEngine)

Hi, I am using MGTwitterEngine for iPhone to support twitter, I am getting error(403) while posting a message second time how to handle this issue. That is.. Let the message is "what are you doing" I am posting using [mTwitterEngine sendUpdate:"what are you doing"] for first time it is posted successfully, if i want to post the same...

TARGET_OS_IPHONE and ApplicationTests

Why doesn't this code work when compiling an ApplicationTests unit test bundle? #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #else #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #endif One of my dependencies has this check and compiles just fine in my main application bundles, but it tries to load <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> w...

iPhone meets Twitter implementation recieves NSURLErrorDomain error

Hi! I have implemented MGTwitterEngine in my application and it works near to perfect. The first "weird" thing that happends when I push the UIViewController where the Twitter form is, I recieve this in the Console: This app was previously authorized for a Twitter account so you can press the second button to send a tweet now. Shoul...

How do I Pull in errors when attempting to tweet from an iOS app using the Twitter+OAuth API?

How do I properly setup the callback method for a status update using the Twitter+OAuth API? ( Right now I'm using the following to determine if a request succeeded: - (void)requestSucceeded:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier { NSLog(@"Statuses Sent"); //[loadingActionSheet dismissWithCl...

How to get the Twitter dialogue view after authorisation, before publishing a tweet?

I have successfully used the Twitter-OAuth-iPhone for the authorisation, and can update the tweet from the App. However, I want to have a dialogue view showing the tweet to the user for the user to edit and confirm before posting the tweet. Such as the screenshot: I cannot find the modal view, or other view controller, from the Tw...

Twitter-oAuth-library for iPhone development

Hey! I'm looking for a oAuth/xAuth-Twitter-library for iPhone/Objective-C. I found MGTwitterEngine, but that didn't work, as they don't even link to the external libraries needed for it to work (heck, the example you download doesn't even work out-of-the-box!). So, do you know any alternative libraries that do this, or how I can make M...

MGTwitterEngine on the iPhone, xAuth and Error 401 sometimes

Hi, I've followed this guide to get MGTwitterEngine running on the iPhone with xAuth. I've requested permission from Twitter to use the xAuth functions and that has been granted. My problem is this, if i post a tweet to one account it works absolutely fine. If i post the same text to a different twitter account it fails and returns me ...

Compile Ben Gottlieb's Twitter oAuth iPhone Library for 4.0 AND 3.1.X

Hey there, I need Ben Gottlieb's Twitter Engine running on both iOS 4.0 and 3.1.X - I tried to recompile the libOAuth.a Library with certain SDK Versions but I didn't got it to work. The Library compiled with 3.1.3 SDK works just on 3.1.3 SDK, and the 4.0 compiled Library only on the 4.0 SDK. Any ideas how to get the Library running on...