
Is there a way to get an user's email ID after verifying her Twitter identity using OAuth?

I am new to OAuth and have been playing around with the Twitter API. I am able to fetch the credentials of an user after authentication by making a request to The response contains the user id, screen name etc. but not the email ID. Is it possible at all to retrieve the email ID ...

Twitter + OAuth Integration

Anybody can please help in Android + Twitter Integration using OAuth. I already worked on and getting the error listed below, when I am posting status update... WARN/System.err(190): org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Unauthorized WARN/System.err(190): at org.apache.http.impl.c...

TwitterOauth: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string

Hi there, I have the following code (taken from actual script): $result=mysql_query($sql); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $auth_token=$row['oauth_token']; $auth_token_secret=$row['oauth_token_secret']; $apiconn = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $auth_token, $auth_token_secret); $API_result = $apiconn->pos...

@iPhone : how to create twitter + OAuth custom login in our application

hi all. I am making iphone application. In that I am integrating Twiiter using OAuth. My question is I want my own login page and not provided by twitter as in new OAuth integration the twitter is providing. Is the same possible to create & pass username and password to the twitter for accessing twitter by making custom login page in ...

How do I Pull in errors when attempting to tweet from an iOS app using the Twitter+OAuth API?

How do I properly setup the callback method for a status update using the Twitter+OAuth API? ( Right now I'm using the following to determine if a request succeeded: - (void)requestSucceeded:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier { NSLog(@"Statuses Sent"); //[loadingActionSheet dismissWithCl...

twitter oauth :geting undefined index: oauth_token_secret in

Hi am trying to post tweets using oauth (PHP) i created the application in my twitter account , i executed some open source script but that produce the below error, Notice: Undefined index: oauth_token_secret in How to fix this issue my snippet require_once('twitterOAuth/twitterOAuth.php'); require_once('twitterOAuth/OAuth.php')...

OAUTH for twitter and django

Hi, I am using django-twitter oauth . But i can not understand what is CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECTRET? is it username , password or not ! Please anyone help me. Nazmul ...

Ruby on Rails OAuth application works on client but not on server (OAuth::Unauthorized (401 Unauthorized))

Hi, I have a Ruby on Rails application that works great in my computer and in my server. I'm moving this application to another server that runs on another hosting service, and I got a problem related to the OAuth Ruby Gem. Any request I do using OAuth gem, I get: OAuth::Unauthorized (401 Unauthorized): oauth (0.4.3) lib/oauth/consu...

twitter api issue

I'm integrating "Sign in with twitter account" function at my site. So, I'm sending request to https ://, getting token, making redirect to https :// Then I recieving call back with oauth_token and oauth_verifier This goes fine. But than I need to ...

How to upload photos to Plixi (Tweetphoto) using Oauth?

Hi all, I am creating an iphone application in which I have to upload photos using different services. I am successful in uploading photos with Twitpic & YFrog but not able to do with Plixi. I am using Oauth ,as Twitter is not allowing Basic authentication. If anyone has tried with Plixi ,please help me out!! I have googled a lot but...

Rails Twitter OAuth Strategy with Devise

I have been searching to figure out how exactly to use the oauthable module in the Devise gem for Rails 3. I have come across a couple of questions on here that seem correct, but I was unable to get the implementation working. My end goal is to have both Twitter and Facebook authentication through Devise in my Rails 3 application. Right ...