
Ruby Oauth File upload/Multipart POST request

Hi I've been looking at this for a couple of days now and haven't found a solution. Is there a way to upload a file using OAuth-Ruby? I am working with a REST system that protects their resource with oauth. I am building a test tool using ruby and oauth-ruby to make it easier to upload test data to the system. But I can't get around to...

Tagging a user in Open Graph API using Ruby

Hello, I have found some really sparse documentation about the options for posting to your feed. I am trying to post to "/me/feed" and then include a user in that post. I am trying to re-create the way that you can now do @username in the Facebook Status box, but from the API instead. Using the Ruby OAuth2 lib I to do the following. ...

google oauth doesn't redirect to callback after authorization

I can't seem to get google to redirect to the callback url after obtaining the auth token. By redirecting the user to the following url, the user can click grant or deny access. After that the user clicks on one of the choices, the user is not redirected back to the callback url. https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken?oaut...

Why does the OAuth Unauthorized Error (401) happen?

Sometimes an Twitter OAuth is successfully executed, but an unauthorized error is thrown. I get about 50 of these on a daily basis. It is worrying, because I have no idea how that might be reproduced. What are the different cases where this error happens, and how can this be fixed or prevented? ...

401 Unauthorized for foursquare OAuth

OK I am pulling my hair after trying this out too many times to debug. So pls pls help me out here I keep getting 401 Unauthorized error after I am redirected back. Here is my code What am I doing wrong here? require 'rubygems' require 'OAuth' require 'json' class SessionController < ApplicationController before_filter :load_o...

De-authorizing a twitter OAuth application

We just finished implementing OAuth in our RoR application using the Twitter gem. The whole authentication process works perfectly and we are able to persist access tokens. We're wondering if there's a way for our de-authorize our access to twitter via our website. I realize we could just destroy the persisted token, but I'd also like to...

Which is the best 0auth gem for a rails app?

Hi there, I'm going to add Oauth autenthication to my rails web app. Since I don't want to reinvent the wheel, have you got some ruby gem to suggest to add this kind of feature? TIA Paolo ...

oauth2 and trusted sites

Hi, is there any possibility to work with trusted sites (for example - sites of one developer) using oauth/oauth2 without confirmation of access to user data? ...

OAuth Provider Service and Rails 3

I am trying to look into setting up an OAuth Provider Server with Rails 3 but can't seem to find anything out there to accomplish this. I am also a newb when it comes to oauth, so excuse my ignorance. When setting up an oauth server do I need to already have an oauth account at somewhere like agree2.com? Or can I just use my own serve...

How do I use connect to Gmail's IMAP server using oauth in Rails3?

I found the gmail_xoauth gem, which does most of what I need, but I also need to generate the oauth tokens (consumer_key and consumer_secret) from inside Rails3. I am trying to integrate Gmail's oauth integration into my site and hence cannot use the python script that the above gem refers to. I would like my site to take the user to th...

Ruby OAuth Nightmare: Using Contacts API

Hi there, I've been spending the last few days banging my head against the wall on supporting the ability to add a contact to the Google Contacts API in my Rails 3 application. Despite many false starts, I've finally made some progress by employing the Ruby OAuth gem, and following the tutorial here: http://everburning.com/news/google-an...

Rails Twitter OAuth Strategy with Devise

I have been searching to figure out how exactly to use the oauthable module in the Devise gem for Rails 3. I have come across a couple of questions on here that seem correct, but I was unable to get the implementation working. My end goal is to have both Twitter and Facebook authentication through Devise in my Rails 3 application. Right ...

This is my OAuth and TripIt controller. Is this sane?

I am working on integrating the TripIt API into a project of mine. I'm new to OAuth so I'm learning this as I go. The following controller seems to be working. However, I want to make sure I'm not leaving any glaring security holes or just being stupid. What do you guys/gals think? If anyone had a better example, I would certainly s...

How can I renew access token in Ruby OAuth gem?

Hi, I am trying to renew my access token using Ruby OAuth gem. I wrote my custom method, but it does not work. Has anyone tried renewing the access token using the OAuth gem? If yes, then how? ...

Two-legged OAuth Provider Ruby

Does anyone know of any examples of a two-legged Oauth provider in ruby? Preferably one done using the oauth gem. Thanks. Edit: I was able to solve this, it was surprisingly simple, which explains the lack of examples. ...