
Uploading Photos without album-id using facebook-graph-api

When I use the facebook Graph API to upload a photo it seems as if I have to specify which photo album to upload to. When using the old graph api, if I didn't specify an album, an album specify to my application would be created on the user's behalf and the photo would upload to there. (ie. 'Super App Photos'). Can I get this same beh...

Difference between normal authentication and Oath authentication???

I m building a facebook application. In the application setting, there is a option to enable the Oath authentication. So, what is the advantage of using Oath Authentication over normal authentication.... ...

Oath+Twitter IPhoneSDK

Does anyone know of a good example utilizing the twitter API and Oauth authentication for sending Twits iPhone SDK ........... I got stuck @ sending the twits .........I can make a successful login to twitter Via Oath+MGTwiiterEngine (Can check the credentials). Now based on that session I want to know how to send twits.. Or either i ...

get followers using Twitter API ME

Hi Guys , I am using Twitter OAth, i implemented this in GWT I want to get all followers photo url,there names Please help me Thanks ...