
iPhone: variable type returned by yajl

Hello, I'm quite new to iphone programming and I want to do the following stuff: get data from a JSON REST web server parse the received data using YAJL Draw a graph with those data using core-plot So, 1th item is fine, I use ASIHttpRequest which runs as espected 3rd is almost fine (I still have to learn how to tune core-plot). The...

What's the best way to use yajl-ruby with my Rails project?

Rails 2.3.6 started using the fast new json library, yajl-ruby, "if available". In the "JSON gem Compatibility API" section of the yajl-ruby readme it outlines a method to just drop in yajl-ruby inclusion and have the rest of the app seamlessly pick it up. So, ideally, I'd like Rails to use it My gems to use it My application code to...

YAJL-ObjC + Streaming Parser + gzip

I'm successfully using yajl-objc along with ASIHTTPRequest in an iPhone project that does network access and pulls down and parses JSON data. ASIHTTPRequest allows gzipped HTTP responses by default, which is great, but I'm using the streaming parser ability of YAJL and it rightfully chokes on gzipped data. I can wait until the HTTP requ...

LoadError on require yajl

I have installed yajl, libyajl-dev, and the yajl-ruby gem on a ubuntu 10.04 installation. I added the gem to a 2.3.8 ruby on rails installation since the release notes for 2.3.6 indicated that yajl would be used if present in the system. Rails bails with an error message along the lines of 'unable to load yajl-ruby' so I thought I would...

How do I set Three20 to use SBJSON instead of YAJL?

I've tried defining EXTJSON_SBJSON by setting my project's Other C Flags: -DEXTJSON_SBJSON It doesn't work: TTURLJSONResponse still uses YAJL. ...

MGTwitterEngine error: yajl/yajl_parse.h no such file or directory

Hi, I'm using MGTwitterEngine in my project and when compiling the whole project I get 23 error which are all releated to yajl/yajl_parse.h no such file or directory Is there any solution for that? Thanks! ...

Encoding custom classes using yajl-objc

Summary. Based on some benchmarks, I chose yajl-objc for my iPhone JSON parser. I was testing it with an arbitrary custom class (one NSNumber and two NSString properties). If I created an NSDictionary with key-value pairs matching the class properties, I could encode the dictionary with [dictionary yajl_JSON]. When I tried directly encod...

Using YAJL to render json in Rails 2.3.4

I want to use YAJL to render JSON. If I require 'yajl' in the controller and perform a render :json => some_hash, will this use YAJL to encode the hash into json? Should I convert the hash to JSON using YAJL's encode method before calling render? If not, how can I go about doing this? ...

How to build and install yajl-objc on iOS

Hey I am trying to get http://github.com/gabriel/yajl-objc to work on iOS. It says to "Add the YAJLIOS.framework to your project" but I am not sure how I can get/build YAJLIOS.framework Thanks! -Ray ...

iPhone: is YAJL accepted for usage by the AppStore?

Does anyone know if using YAJL for JSON parsing on iOS is accepted by the AppStore? ...

How to use the YAJL for objective c

Hi can any one tell the steps to use the YAJL to parse the json object in objective c Thanks.. ...