
Generating .class file for JVM

Hello Everybody, I am working on a project that requires me to generate a java ".class" file on the go that can be later on compiled on the JVM. After learning and working with MSIL (Microsoft IL) which is also a stack based intermediate programming language, the following are the problems I am facing : As compared to the IL (for C# or...

Something to allow "Writing flex without ActionScript", or "Java to AVM2 compiler", or "Write Flex using Java" exists?

There are many dynamic languages that target Sun's JVM (Groovy, Scala, Jython, Jruby etc) and I was sure there are many that target Adobe's AVM as well. But I was surprised to find only haXe do something similiar. related question on this site I think the eclipse e4 SWT project doesn't compile to ABC (ActionScript Byte Code) directly, ...

Why should a Java developer learn an additional JVM language?

I am a java developer and I want to know, what is the main benefit from learning a language such as Scala or Groovy? ...

SWIG and Javascript: does embedding the JVM/Rhino into my C++ app is still the only solution?

I really like the idea of automatic binding generation like SWIG does. But it is still lacking Javascript binding. I read that it could not be done with Spidermonkey because of the JS Context that must be passed as parameter to each function. The only solution I found is to embed a JVM into my C++ application, generating bindings to Ja...

What compromises Scala made to run on JVM?

Scala is a wonderful language, but I wonder how could be improved if it had it's own runtime? I.e. what design choices were made because of JVM choice? ...

Sending a POSIX signal from the JVM

How do I send a POSIX signal from within the JVM? (in Java or Clojure) I never thought this would be an issue until I tried googling it — there is lots of information about handling signals, but nothing about sending them. Short of using the JNI or calling the shell to execute "kill", is there any other way to send a signal to a PID? ...

Will the JVM be extended to handle generics?

What do you think? Will the JVM ever get support for generics? Quite likely that would not only require substantial changes to the JVM, but also to the class file format, but languages running on the VM would greatly benefit from it. Edit: The Java language actually supports some sort of generics as a compile time feature, which adds s...

Comparison of XML parsing APIs on the Java SE platform

Hello, I am currently developing an RSS feed reader, and I am wondering which XML parsing API would be the best fit for that. (Please note that I am not looking for a Feed parser library - it is merely the starting point for that research about XML APIs) I am looking for a rundown of the various XML parsing APIs on the Java platform, ...

Why not Rhino for JVM apps?

I would like to develop some apps for the JVM using a concise, dynamic language. The most popular choices for this seem to be Jython, JRuby, Groovy, and maybe Clojure. Rhino appears to be fast and very stable, but I see no books on Rhino development and little discussion. Why is there apparently little use of JavaScript for other than e...

Create a JVM programming language

I have created a compiler in C (using lex & bison) for a dynamic typed programming language that supports loops, functions declarations inside functions, recursive calls etc. I also created a virtual machine for that runs the intermediate code created by the compiler. I was now thinking instead of compiling to my own intermediate code...

who is the owner of JVM?

hi, Lot of Mobile devices are coming with JVM with its OS(for example Nokia,sony ericcson).will all devices have same JVM? are all JVMs owned by sun micro systems? has device manufacturer paid for it to sun micro sytems? suppose If i want to creat my OWN JVM, I have to pay to sun micro sytems and get permission from SUN(ORACLE)? If it is...

How to integrate Scala into core Android platform?

I am interested in integrating Scala (or some other non-Java JVM-language) into the android platform. I am not referring to writing an android application with Scala, that I did early early on, but actually hooking into the build process that builds the android platform source tree. I imagine this will be a matter of hooking into the mak...

How to apply clojure?

I am learning Clojure and I really am loving some of its features. The time is coming to think of some real "pet projects" and I realize I'm not sure how to actually use Clojure. I see many web and templating frameworks (e.g. Compojure), but somehow I'm in doubt on whether it's worth it. I feel that in the long run it can't serve the ne...

Use cases for Clojure in projects

Hey, Of course I'm not talking about using Clojure just because I can. I'm curious about where/when to use Clojure and what is the value it brings to a project. Suppose I'm doing Java web development, where I can use Clojure? any use cases are in your mind? Thanks. ...

Book for learning how to write Clojure/Lisp Macros

Hey, I'm reading "Programming Clojure" and I'm interested in a book that discusses how to create macros as extensive as possible. Do you suggest a book for this? Thanks. ...

Investment figures for the Java platform

Are there any market research figures available calculating aggregate investment (worldwide, by region, by country) in the Java platform? This could include software (application servers, IDEs, profiling tools), hardware (Sun servers, bytecode executing processors), personnel (training, books), language development (Java, Clojure, Scala,...

Which JVM languages are interpreted rather than compiled to bytecode?

The wikipedia article on JVM languages states: Some of these languages are interpreted by a Java program, and some are compiled to Java bytecode... Which well-known, general purpose JVM languages are interpreted by a Java program? ...

How does types erasure help Clojure exist?

How does JVM type erasure help Clojure? Can Clojure exist without it? What would happen if the JVM had reified types? That is, how would Clojure change? ...

JVM languages - Ruby Vs. Javascript

Hi all, What are the strengths/weaknesses of Javascript compared to Ruby when running them inside JVM? They'll be used by the users to write code which will be run in server. So, security and performance is very important. (I only need the comparison between JS and Ruby, and there are no direct comparisons anywhere. So please don'...

Canonical reference on JVM internals for programmer/developers

The title captures my question fairly well. I'm wondering if there is a good resource or leaping-off point for questions about how a JVM (not just HotSpot, but that's obviously the place to start) implements or handles a specific functionality? I'm not looking for the stuff that's in the JLS or JVM Spec -- I know to go there first. ...