
QVariant and qRegisterMetaType question

I have a class Pkg and I need to use it under form of QVariant. At the end of my Pkg.h I have: Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Pkg) and this does not give compile errors, but in my main.cpp I have to do: qRegisterMetaType<Pkg>("Pkg"); and this does not give errors too, but when I try to create a QVariant(Pkg) I get lots of errors like: In me...

scrolling KTextEdit to start

I have a KTextEdit, filled with some text. When I put lots of text, the KTextEdit will be scrolled automatically to the end (obviously). My question is: how can I scroll to the start (viz to the first line of the KTextEdit) ?!? ...

How to remove QWidgets from QSplitter

In my app have a window splitted by a QSplitter, and I need to remove an widget. How can I do that? I can't find useful methods ...

How to load default settings with KConfig on kdelib?

I've a question about KConfig usage. I'm able to write and read settings in my .kde4/share/config/_appname_rc configuration file like that KConfig basicconf; KConfigGroup conf = KConfigGroup(basicconf.group("Settings")); conf.writeEntry("filepath",QString("/path/")); basicconf.sync(); But I don't understand how to use a "default" ...

khtml library tutorials/guides?

Hi, I'm trying to use the khtml library, basically just the DOM html implementation from there, but I even failed to create a basic HTMLDocument from a file using load(), and when I tried to create a HTMLDOcument by mutating it via appendChild I get DOMException with errorcode == 8 (NOT FOUND). Can anyone please point me to some sampl...