
Capturing a 'delete' key press

Hello, I can't figure out how to capture the delete key press. I found out that in ASCII code table, it is at 127 place, but if (Key = #127) then got me nowhere. Then i checked the value of VK_DELETE which was 47. Tried to use that, but it didn't work. The KeyPreview := true is set in my form. I tried to add the ShowMessage(IntToSt...

how not to allow muliple keystokes received at one key press?

when we press a key and keep pressing it the keypress and keydown event continuously fires. Is there a way to let these fire only after a complete cycle ,eg keydown and then key up. I would like the user not to be able press the key continuously rather would like the user have to press then release the key board to type a character ! ...

Forwarding keypresses in GTK

I'm writing a bit of code for a Gedit plugin. I'm using Python and the interface (obviously) is GTK. So, the issue I'm having is quite simple: I have a search box (a gtk.Entry) and right below I have a results box (a gtk.TreeView). Right after you type something in the search box you are presented a bunch of results, and I would like th...

SDL doesn't detect Arrow Keys

I am working through the SDL tutorials over at and I'm stuck on tutorial 8 where I'm working with key presses. I'm using the following code: //Our Main application loop while(!quit){ if(SDL_PollEvent(&curEvents)){ if(curEvents.type == SDL_QUIT){ quit = true; } ...

send key code to command line program os x bash script

I want to make a script that starts a program and then sends it key input. In psuedo-script: #!/bin/bash ./program << (PRESS CONTROL-Z) The program is running so if there were additional commands in the script they will not be reached unless say control-z terminates the program. Is this possible? From what I've found I thought it mig...

Stupid Actionscript 3.0 question: Keypress AND click for a function?

I know how to make the mouse event work. I know how to make the keypress event work. Now what I can't figure out is how to make one button respond to both keypress and/or mousevent. In other words, a button that you can click or press "enter" for it to work. This seems really basic but on googling all I can find is basic "how to do a k...

Multiple key presses doing different events in C#

Hi, private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W) player1.moveUp(); if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad8) player2.moveUp(); } In the above code the moveUp methods basically just increment a value. I want it so both keys can be pressed ...

Whats the KeyCode for overwriting a text in TextBox in winforms

I have a custom control which extends from TextBox. In the KeyDown event of the control I have access to the KeyCode property of keyEventArgs If the text in the textbox is selected and some other text is typed on top of it, the keyCodes that I am getting in the KeyDown event are different each time and in the KeyPress event I get the ac...

Can you restrict entering invalid keystrokes with jquery ui autocomplete combobox

when using the jquery ui autocomplete combobox, i would thought there would be an option to force only valid key entry based on the list. Is there anyway to not allow invalid keys so you can only enter valid items in the list? also, is there a way to set a default value of the combobox. if my list has (csharp, java, python) i can sta...

How can I make my Windows Forms application 'listen' for global key presses?

I'm making a little application for taking notes. So when I type 'note' anywhere on my computer, my window will pop up and show me a textbox for me to type something in and save it to XML. I'm stumped on how to get the program to 'listen' to my keypresses. I'll have the app running on the system tray if that's any help. :) ...

Javascript keyup doesn't work as expected, it executes in instances where I have not removed my finger from a button.

I'm trying to create a simple game in javascript and I'm stuck on how to deal with keys. Small example: function keyUpEvent(event) { alert(event.keyCode); } window.addEventListener("keyup", keyUpEvent, false); I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and testing it in Firefox 3.5 and Chromium. If I press and release a button instantly I get an a...

How can I disable the F4 key from showing the items in a ComboBox

You might not know this, but pressing the F4 key on a ComboBox makes it's drop-down item list appear. I believe this is the default behavior on Windows. Does anyone know how to override this behavior in WPF (C#)? I know that overriding default behavior is generally seen as bad practice, however in this case I have a rugged-device that...

Linux C select: piping echo to input works, but reading from keyboard doesn't?

Hi all, I am trying to understand (included below for reference). I am doing this: :~$ cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 10.04 LTS \n \l :~$ gcc --version gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3 :~$ wget :~$ gcc select.c -o select :~$ echo "ff" | ./select...

Combobox DropDownList and keypress

I have a dropdownlist that holds all of the TimeZone.Displayname All of these display names come out as: (GMT +09:00) Seoul, (GMT -06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), etc. Is there a way to have a keypress event that would search through the first letter after the ")"? Right now it only recognizes the first character of the combobox s...

jquery - validate characters on keypress?

I have a form text field that I want to allow only numbers and letters in. (i.e., no #$!, etc...) Is there a way to throw up an error and prevent the keypress from actually outputting anything if the user tries to use any character other than numbers and letters? I've been trying to find a plugin, but haven't really found anything tha...

JavaScript Keycode 46 is DEL Function key or (.) period sign?

Im writing some logic in JavaScript using jquery, where i must check the input content against a REGEX pattern ex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$" //Alpha-numeric and _ The logic is almost done, i just have a little problem filtering the function key DEL, my logic goes like this: var FunctionsKey = new Array(8, 9, 13, 16, 35, 36, 37, 39, 46); fu...

Cancel a keystroke in jQuery

Is is possible (cross-browser compatible) to CANCEL a keystroke after a user has made it (for example on a textbox) The code I currently use edits the textbox value after the keystroke has been displayed: $('.number').keypress(function() { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''); }); ...

How to simulate multimedia key press (in C)?

Modern keyboards have special multimedia keys, e.g. 'Pause/Play' or 'Open Web Browser'. Is it possible to write a program that "presses" these keys? I would prefer solution in C, but I would accept a language agnostic solution, too. ...

onkeypress return false does not work for space bar

hi, I have written a javascript on a button which blocks the keypress or keydown event on that control. It works fine with key like Enter but when I press space bar key it event gets fired. Do any one have solution for the same. Thanks, Piyush ...

Firebug JS warning to jQuery 1.4.2 "The 'charCode' property of a keyup event should not be used. The value is meaningless." To ignore it?

Firebug 1.5.4 JavaScript warning : The 'charCode' property of akeyupevent should not be used. The value is meaningless. To ignore it? Is there any issue? The warning appears to jQuery 1.4.2 keyupandkeydown, not onkeypress. I have read that on changingevent.keyCodeandevent.charCodetoevent.whichmust fix it, but it does not work for me. Fu...