
Import public key from trusted root CA to PKCS12 key store

The title says it all. It this possible at all or am I getting the idea of this hole thing wrong? ...

KeyStore loading causing EOFException error on Android

I have some code for my app that creates a keystore in android, creates some default keys then saves the keystore. Later on the code tries to reload the keystore, on the emulator this runs fine however when run on a phone I get an EOFException. Any advice on where I'm going wrong? An out take of the code is below: In the class I...

Android: debug app on device with Eclipse and password-protected keystore?

I uploaded my application to Market and then downloaded it to my phone. Now I'm unable to use debug keystore which is used by default by Eclipse ADT Plugin (Re-installation failed due to different application signatures) and when I'm trying to setup own keystore in Eclipse->Windows->Android->Build->CustomDebugKeystore, I'm unable to ente...

Do you not need a password to access a truststore (made with the java keytool)?

I just created a truststore with the java keytool (for server authentication of a server that does not have a CA cert). However I just noticed something strange. I am starting my client like this: java<PATHSTUFF>/client.keystore -classpath <STUFF> Client (Note: there is NOT a password specified) The abov...

Accessing xml from jsp on tomcat server is throwing FileNotFoundException trying to access .keystore?

I am trying to access an XML file from JSP on my Tomcat server. The error is from Catalina's protocol handler and the exception is trying to access my .keystore in the 'documents and settings' folder for my signed-on user (with admin, but not the user that installed the server). I can provide the stacktrac...

Import .pem public and private keys to JKS keystore

Hi, I have public and private keys in separate .pem files that I would need to get into a JKS keystore somehow. Tried using the -import command in KeyTool for this, which gives an "not an X.509 certificate" error. I'm guessing the solution has to do with OpenSSL, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. Would really appreciate a...

Axis over SSL and authentication with a PKCS#12 keystore

I have PKCS#12 keystore that I've sucessfully imported in my browser for accessing a server that needs 2-way SSL authentication. Works perfectly reaching any https URL there. However, I'm unable to access an URL in the same server, and from the same host when using Axis 1.4. The given Axis faultString is:

dummy questions about keystore?

Dears I am new to java and jboss I tried these commands on my Centos5.4 final machine where I can find the .JKS and .dat files ? keytool -export -keystore myhost-keystore.dat -alias myhost -storetype JKS -storepass jonpassword \ -file myhost-cer keytool -import -keystore truststore.dat -alias myhost -storetype JKS -file myhost-cert -no...

How to export private key from a keystore of self-signed certificate

I just created a self-signed certificate on a linux box running tomcat 6. I created the keys like this, valid for 10 years: keytool -genkey -alias tomcatorange -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 and copied the keystore into a folder in tomcat, and updated server.xml to point at the keystore. Now my network admin is asking for the both the p...

Keystore and Aliases - is there a use to multiple aliases?

When exporting a signed Android application using Eclipse, is there a purpose to using multiple aliases? According to the official guide about signing, it's recommended that you sign all applications with the same certificate to allow your applications to share data, code and be updated in modular fashion. Assuming that "alias", "key" an...

Can a Java key store import a key pair generated by OpenSSL?

I generate a certification key with openssl. Here is my command: openssl genrsa -des3 -out enc_key.pem 1024 I export into cer file, then with java keytool I import into java keystore (jks). The keystore sounds good. I can load the keystore from my java app. The problem is when client connect to the server (In this case is FTP se...

Connecting to a Websphere MQ in Java with SSL/Keystore

I'd like to connect to a Websphere 6.0 MQ via Java. I have already working code for a "normal" queue, but now I need to access a new queue which is SSL encrypted (keystore). I have been sent a file called something.jks, which I assume is a certificate I need to store somewhere. I have been searching the net, but I can't find the right...

KeyStore, HttpClient, and HTTPS: Can someone explain this code to me?

I'm trying to understand what's going on in this code. KeyStore trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(new File("my.keystore")); try { trustStore.load(instream, "nopassword".toCharArray()); } finally { instream.close(); } SSLSocketFactory socketFact...

[java] Keystore change passwords

Hi, I currently have a keystore, with a particular password that only I should know. I now need to give access to that keystore to someone else, so I would like to either: 1) Change the password, so I can share it with others and let them sign 2) Create a different password and allow them to sign with it. Is this possible? and - if ye...

Java MSCAPI Load KeyStore for only a specific Certificate

I am trying to grab a private key out of my Windows-MY keystore via MSCAPI. My keystore is protected by Entrust's ESP. Whenever i call keyStore.load(null,null); Entrust will prompt me to login to EVERY profile that is on my system. Does anyone know if it is possible to specify which KeyStore i would like to log into? I have tried specify...

Load Java KeyStore for one alias?

Does anyone know if it is possible to load a KeyStore so that it only prompts for the password for the given alias? Example: In my key store i have two private keys: Alice's Encryption Certificate and Bob's Encryption Certificate. When i load my key store: keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY", "SunMSCAPI"); keyStore.load(null...

How do I store a Java KeyStore password?

In my web application I access a private key that is stored in a Java KeyStore. I would like to know what is the best/recommended way to store the password for the KeyStore and private key. I've considered using a properties file but that does not seem very secure for use in a production environment (storing password in a plain text fil...

Having problems generating a keystore (Java)

I am trying to publish my first Android application, and therefore need to sign the app with a keystore. At first everything goes well. I type the following into the command prompt: keytool –genkey –v –keystore testKeystore.keystore –alias testKeystore –keyalg RSA –validity 10000 I answer the several questions that follow, but after...

.net Client Side Web app?

Never done any .net stuff before and am wondering if it is possible to run a .Net web application client side through a browser? Or does it only work by processing on the server then spit out an HTML page? I would like to leverage the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespace to access a user's Windows-MY keystore and pull ...

Trying to update an Android application , but having no luck because of problems with the keystore.

Hi I recently published an application for Android in the Market. Now, I'd like to publish an update, but I'm having a long argument with my computer and keystore about this option. The version:code and the other thing they want you to set, are set. I don't want to change the numbers , because we'll loose about 30 hours of work tim...