
How can I create a Google Visualization intensity/heat map using a KMZ document?

I'd like to create a Google Visualization API intensity/heat map based on UK counties. To do this, it appears that I need to use a custom KML/KMZ file that contains the county mapping data (which I've located). Could anyone provide me with a sample of how I can display an intensity map based on a KMZ file? I know how to display Google ...

DynamicMapService on GoogleEarth?

Hi, can anyone tell me if it is possible to display an ArcGIS dynamicMapService on GoogleEarth via the GoogleMaps API? It works fine with KML but my services are only visible on the 2D maps. Any ideas? ...

Simultaneously displaying KML and ArcGIS Server mapservice?

Hello, does anyone know if it is possible to display a KML simultaneously with a ArcGIS Server mapservice on google maps? is there an example somewhere? best Jens ...

Marshaling and Unmarshaling of kml codes for Google Earth

May i inquire more knowledge on marshaling and unmarshaling of kml codes? Regarding those used in Google earth. I need to do a project on flight airlines, linking them with an arc which is a polygon to connect placemarks with placemarks. I've tried to compile sample codes of HelloKML but still unable to marshal and produce the kml codes ...

Google Maps API v3 - Directions/Paths breaking KML Overlay Infowindows

I'm in the end stages before content filling and then production on the Google Maps project I've been working on. A number of bugs and such have been thwarted, but this latest one has me relatively stumped. The demo map can be viewed here: Everything works fine until you create a path using ...

Display KMZ file on ArcGIS Server + Google Maps API

I am trying to put a kmz file from my server in a google-maps-map using ArcGIS Server Google Maps API. It works fine with KML but KMZ does not show up. Any suggestions? ...

Flight paths linking placemarks using Java Api For Kml(JAK)

Currently i'm having a project which requires to set placemarks and link them with polylines (i suppose), lines which have an arc to it, with properly segmented portions to the arc. I've been able to generate kml file with jak library. But i can't produce more den 1 placemark in the kml file. And i'm quite stuck at the link of paths. h...

Blackberry: Passing KML file to Google Maps

I want to know that can I pass KML as a string to google map application? Code snippet: //KML String String document = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><kml xmlns=\"\"&gt;&lt;Document&gt;&lt;Folder&gt;&lt;name&gt;Paths&lt;/name&gt;&lt;open&gt;0&lt;/open&gt;&lt;Placemark&gt;&lt;LineString&gt;&lt...

KML Layers Cursor CSS - Google Maps API v3

I've run into a small problem with the semi-new KML Overlay functionality with Google Maps API v3, wherein while I am able to use "suppressInfoWindows: true;", the cursor still appears as though the overlay(s) are clickable. Is there a way at this time to change the css on the overlay(s) so that the cursor is the default cursor, so that...

Adding KML to Google Map with iframe

'm trying to add a KML to Google Map. Each point in the KML file contains an iframe that loads an external html file, like in the example below. The point is shown OK on the map, except the iframe content never shows. Does this get stripped by Google Map? Is there any way to load external content into the InfoWindow when you click on th...

How do I convert this XML to KML?

I am a little new to this, but I need to convert the below XML to KML format so I can feed it into Google maps. Can anyone help with this? <messageList> <totalCount>1</totalCount> − <message> <esn>0-7396996</esn> <esnName>JOHN</esnName> <messageType>TEST</messageType> <messageDetail> ALL IS WELL AT CURRENT LOCATION.</messageDetail> <tim...

How to transform a cached XML via XSL?

I have a PHP script that caches a remote XML file. I want to XSL transform it before caching, but don't know how to do this: <?php // Set this to your link Id $linkId = "0oiy8Plr697u3puyJy9VTUWfPrCEvEgJR"; // Set this to a directory that has write permissions // for this script $cacheDir = "temp/"; $cachetime = 1...

Google map geoXml infowindow

Hi, I have a KML with a route which I display on Google Maps via the GGeoXml. Because I want to have Placemarks from the KML in a sidebar (next to the map) I have created a KMl parser which displays them (I don't want to use the geoxml). I've successfully created the sidebar which interacts with the map. The only problem is that i don'...

Open local KML File in Google Maps on Android

I have loaded a KML file onto an Android device. What's the easiest mechanism for loading an overlay of that KML file into Google Maps? I do not want to upload the KML file to the web but would rather open it locally. ...

Which is the best Java library to generate KML ?

I am looking for a Java library to produce data in KML format. Is JAK the best option ? ...

Replace ",**" with a linebreak using RegEx (or something else)

I'm getting started with RegEx and I was wondering if anyone could help me craft a statement to convert coordinates as follows: 145.00694,-37.80421,9 145.00686,-37.80382,9 145.00595,-37.8035,16 145.00586,-37.80301,16 to 145.00694,-37.80421 145.00686,-37.80382 145.00595,-37.8035 145.00586,-37.80301 (Strip off the last comma and val...

Determine outer boundries of polygon from lat/lng point array

I have a large array of lat/lng points. Could be up to 20k points. I'm plotting them using KML. What I want to do is to take only the outter most points and use them to draw a polygon instead. I already know how to draw a polygon in kml, I just need to figure out how to select only the outer most points of the group. Any ideas? I'd like...

How to Refresh / Reload a KML layer in OpenLayers. Dynamic KML Layer.

Here is an example on: How to Refresh / Reload a KML layer in OpenLayers. Dynamic KML Layer. See my answer below. TLDR See my answer below on how to refresh the layer. ...

Android: Getting an invalid KML file from google maps

I'm trying to get and display a live .kml file from using Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=104538451667315338387.0004887d133ba2ab6eec9&amp;ll=42.029611,-93.646109&amp;spn=0.011396,0.022724&amp;z=16l&amp;output=kml"); Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW...

Android Maps Back Button

I'm developing an application that shows a path on a map, determined by a KML file. Specifically, in the MapActivity that is starting the map: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(; mapVi...