
programmatically converting kml to image

Are there any open source libraries (preferably python) that will convert a kml file to an image file? I have an open source web-based application that allows users to draw shapes on a Google Earth Map, and I would like to provide them with a pdf that contains their map with the shapes that they have drawn. Right now the users are ...

Google Maps - displaying a default feature using FeatureData

The question I have is about Google Maps "FeatureData". I have got it working really well, so that when I click on the markers on my KML based map, the information pops up in a separate DIV. What I would like to do is display something in the DIV which currently starts it's life empty until I click a marker. Have any of you done this be...

How do I combine GPS track data with another time-coded dataset?

I have GPS track data from a logging device, in GPX format (or any other format, easily done with gpsbabel). I also have non-GPS data from another measurement device over the same time period. However, the measurement intervals of both devices are not synced. Is there any software available that can combine the measurement data with the ...

how to hide gmap header

I have an map on jBox on my drupal 6.x site. Now what I want to do is hide/remove the address bar that shows url to kml file and the links at top right and corner as shown in the image below. My issue is I can't seem to override the google map css because apart from few data everything else comes from google map/google. I have attached s...

How to load kml file in Google Maps using code?

How to load kml file in Google Map using code? (C#, javascript, .Net) ...

shp files in .net and convert to kml

Hi, I am working on application with maps in .net. I want to read shp files in .net and convert to kml I dont want tool , I need dll or code so that I can do it at run time. Can you help me on same Regards, Rahul M ...

Orthographic projections in Google Earth (/Sky) possible? Alternatives?

I need to create whole-sky maps, but Google Earth in Sky mode has limited "zoom out." Is it possible to create an orthographic map projection with Google Earth (or, for that matter, MS Virtual Earth)? Really any of the standard projections will do, although it would be nice to have options. Of course, I could render the projection stat...

Google Earth Questions: Making Outside Pages Appear in Google Earth and A Button That Follows

Good morning, eveyrone I'm working on an application using Google Earth and I had two questions. The first question involves the pop up window. I want to get an external website to appear in this bubble. I can either hardcode the website into the description of the placemark or use an iFrame. Are there any other options I can use to ge...

How to remove an automatic click event on google map overlay?

Hi, Can anyone help me to remove click event from the kml polygon? When I click on any part of polygon, window message pops up with a data KML TEST which is from KML file. I just want to have polygon drawn over google map without having any click events. Does anyone know how to achieve this? This is my page: http://www.keithwoodrow.c... & KML / Plotting lines in GeoJSON

Has anyone had a play with the KML parser? To me it seems the example doesn't even work. I have an existing KML file which is being generated from a very simple database - I have a placemark name, and a lat/long in decimal notation for said placemark. I have hundreds of these, that form a route - What I want to do is very ...

Styling my gmap

Hello Here are 2 maps, 1 a static image and 1 this far I newbie getting styling a gmap accordingly. Could you help making the gmap even more looking alike the static image for instance activating the red parts? Here's the current style var darkStyle = [ { featureType: "all", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ ...

How increase KML output performance?

Hi How can I improve this KML generator? We discussed pre-generating the output like a cron job perhaps saving a blob to blobstore since it can't serve many markers like this. Can you recommend me how to proceed? Is the bottleneck where using images? class KML(webapp.RequestHandler):#get max, make static or cron job save file like blob ...

google map v3 KmlLayer, Geocoder

Hi, I have some problems making a google map that loads XML file that have addresses instead of latlng. XML file holds about 10 records. I can not figure out how to do this. $(document).ready(function(){ var refreshId = setInterval(function(){ var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(18.156291402835436, 22.2802734375); ...

How can i export GMap V3 features to KML?

I'm using a great tool (geoxml3) to load private KML data to my Map. However, if a user creates points, polygon and circle features on my map, how can i allow them to export that to KML? Is there a tool like geoxml3 or do i need to create the xml file manually? ...

Changing KML Placemark icons on click in Google Maps API V3

Hi, I am trying to change the KML placemark icons of a KML overlay in a sample Maps application that I am working on. Here's the sample code - function seekml() { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(40.65, -73.95); var myOptions = { zoom: 14, mapTypeControl: true, center: myLatlng, mapTypeControlOptions: { style: google.maps.MapT...

Access KML Markers in Google Maps

Is there any way to create a "sidebar" from a KML file when using the Google Maps API? I'm loading the markers on the map using something like this: var myMarkerLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(''); This works great so far, but how can I grab that data and loop through the points? I would like to avo...

How do i get the coordinates of all four corners of a Rectangle?

How can i retrieve OR calculate the coordinates of the NW or SE corners of a Rectangle? I'm using Google Maps API v3 and I know there is the getBounds() method which returns the NE and SW coordinates of the rectangle. I need all four coordinates because KML 2.2 does not have a rectangle schema spec, it only has the polygon schema and ...

KML to SqlGeography

Anyone have a function or DLL that will convert KML to SqlGeography (SQLServer DataType)? I'll write it out myself if i have to, but i'm surprised i can't find one out there. ...

Android: how to load KML

Hello, could some one please tell me if there is a way to load kml file into the google map in android. thanks ...

How can I calculate the latitude and longitude of each pixel of an image in a kml file using Python?

I am using .kml file which points to an overlay image (presumably in UTM projection?). The KML file provides the latitudes and longitudes of the bounding box using the "LatLonBox" tag. I need to calculate the latitudes and longitudes of each pixel in this image. Are there any pre-existing libraries in Python that would do this for m...