
How to change colors programmatically in Konsole based on current directory?

I currently use a color scheme based on which directory that I'm working in. I manually open up a Konsole shell and then cd into a directory and got to Settings and change the color scheme. What I would like to do is have Konsole automatically set its foreground and background colors based on which directory I'm in. Basically if I'm i...

In linux, how can I test whether the output of a program is going to a live terminal or to a file?

When you use git it seems to magically know whether standard out is going through a pipe or into a file vs when it is being displayed to the console. For example, if you have colors enabled and you do git status it will colorize the output for different categories of files being listed. However, if you do git status | less or ...

How do I forward `<Ctrl>-<Tab>` in Konsole?

I want to use intelligent tabbing in Emacs in C++ mode, but I also want to be able to insert a tab character when necessary. From other posts, I gather that the easiest way is to bind <Ctrl>-<Tab> to indent. However, it appears that Konsole in KUbuntu won't forward the <Ctrl>? My current .emacs file contains: (defun my-c-mode-common-...

Set transparency dynamically in Konsole

I like the transparency effect on Konsole, but when I'm in vim I need to focus and it can be distracting. Is there a way to dynamically turn the transparency on and off, depending on whether my current window is in vim? Maybe I could run a script in place of vim that looks like this: set konsole transparency off; vim; set konsole transp...