
Localization in C# Application

Im creating a C# Application based on WinForms / KryptonForms, and as the application is halfway in development i thought to myself I best sort the localization out. As a born and bread PHP Programmer (and I know C# is a whole new level), I would create a class to detect the language and auto assign the language pack to the application....

Internationalization in PHP

I am currently researching the best methods to integrate i18n into projects. There's several methods I have thought of doing this, first being a database scheme to store the strings and relevant locale, but the problem with this is that it would not be that easy to select the strings, because i would not like to perform quesries like so...

How can I convert .strings files to and from .po and .pot files?

How can I convert .strings files to and from .po and .pot files? ...