
How can I round off the elements in a Perl array to just two decimal places?

I have an array with a few elements: MSN = 34.3433423432434% Chrome = 12.4343434353534% Gtalk = 32.23233543543532% ... And I'm passing this array as y-axis labels to use with a module called GD::Graph. The problem I am facing right now, is that the number are so big on the graph that they overlap with the adjacent entry...

Retrieve the asplabel data and include the same in an url

Dear All, Pls help me to sort this issue. I need in display dynamic data in a Chart (Google Charts) I have these datas in an asplabels, I need those datas to be inserted in the Charts url dynamically. Assume the label ids are as follows: I need to use those label values to the following url