
Hessian with large binary data (java)

Hi! I'am looking for a complete example of large binary data transfer with Hessian (java) caucho implementation. Where can I found one ? Zig ...

What is the best way of uploading 1,600,000 rows of data into mysql database ?

This might sound dumb but yeah i need a effective way of doing this. Am using php at the moment and man it is slow. Any pointers please. Cheers. ...

Are there any solid large integer implementations in C?

I am working on a project where I need to crunch large integers (like 3^361) with absolute precision and as much speed as possible. C is the fastest language I am familiar with, so I am trying to code my solution in that language. The problem is that I have not been able to find a good implementation of any data types for representing l...

How to quickly prune large tables?

I currently have a MySQL table of about 20 million rows, and I'm in an urgent need to prune it. I'd like to remove every row whose updateTime (timestamp of insertion) was more than one month ago. I have not personally performed any alterations of the table's order, so the data should be in the order in which it was inserted, and there is...

How to read a very large rss/atom.

I have a very large RSS (which may be 1M), so when I read it, it takes alot of time. If I set the number of items read, example: 4, I think this will not ensure that I read all the data which updated since last time I read it (and I will lose some items), What can I do? I am using Google AJAX Feed Api to read the RSS/Atom feed. updat...

Large amounts of text - mysql or flatfile?

I am writing a web application in PHP that will store large numbers of blocks of arbitrary length text. Is MySQL well suited for this task with a longtext field or similar, or should I store each block of text in its own file and use a MySQL table for indexes and filenames? Think online bulletin board type stuff, like how you would store...

Comparing large numbers in php and sql

I need to compare a very large number in php (30 digits long) with 2 numbers in my database. Whats a good way to do this? I tried using floats but its not precise enough and I don't know of a good way to use large numbers in php. ...

WCF large file transfer from a server and vice-versa.

My WCF service contract has to methods like these: [OperationContract] string GetFile(int id); [OperationContract] void UploadFile(int id, string text); GetFile returns a text of a file and UploadFile sends some file's content to a server. There is a strange behavior, when file's size is about few MB (4.37 MB in my ...

getting large content while XML parsing

Hi all, I am parsing a xml file, in that i have one tag like content, in this tag there is large content more than 3000 characters, i have taken NSSring to set data and get data methods. when i print that content, it is not displaying anything, how can i get the data from xml. thank you Psudheer ...

Processing large text files in .NET 3.5 c#

Hello, I'm tasked with reading a large text file (around 150 MB), parsing it and displaying the records in a data grid. The file is delimited by parenthesis. I'm accomplishing this by -- in a separate thread -- reading the entire file into memory, storing the information in a dataset and then binding the dataset to the data grid whi...

fastest way to read/write to sql server - large dataset

I have about 60Million records in database and have to process all of them. So the idea is to use c# code to read data, process it and then put it back in the db. Data doesn't come and go to the same table - multiple tables are involved. I want to see what's the best to go about doing that? Should I read 100K records at a time in dat...

Error opening large documents created by OpenXML SDK

Hi everyone! I would like to ask if there are any limitations concerning the size of a document created by OpenXML SDK? I have been creating documents that contain headings, tables and paragraphs, and everything works fine, but lately I tried to create a document with 285 chapters - each containing seveal headings, paragraphs and table...

How to save large amount of data within users browser?

I have been writing a php script that saves a long string within cookie (more than 4000 chars long) and I want to save it within the browser cache. The problem is that almost all browsers have a limit. What should I do? I'm using jQuery for adding and reading data from cookie and php. ...

JTextPane editor large file & performance

Hi, I'm using a JTextPane to edit XML files. A jflex parser split xml file in tokens and using a custom document (extends DefaultStyledDocument) i color syntax: doc.setCharacterAttributes(token.getCharBegin() + change, token.getCharEnd() - token.getCharBegin(), Token_Styles_Define.getStyle(token.getDescription()), true); My p...

MySQL INSERT on large table - can I improve speed performance?

Hi, I have a MyISAM table with 2 fields f1 and f2, both Unsigned integers and cannot be null. The table purposely has no primary key but it has an index on f2. The table currently has 320 million rows. I would like to be able to insert new rows (about 4000 once every week) into this table at a decent speed. However, currently I insert ...

C# array with capacity over Int.MaxValue

Hello, I was wondering if there is any structure in C# that can contain more than Int.MaxValue's restriction of 2,147,483,647 items, in case of really large sets of information. Would this have to be done with multi level arrays? Or could you create an array that has a maximum length of Long.MaxValue? If so, how? ...

How is it possible to work with 100,000+ lines of source code?

I'm amazed to see that Civilization IV has 200,000 lines of code just for its rules. I don't know how someone could reason about 100,000+ lines of code. Have you worked on a similar big project? How would you know that a new feature is not going to break something? A side note: The lead designer and AI programmer of Civ4 recently spoke...

What index should be used for this query AND for the ORDER BY clause?

Hi, I have a MyISAM table T with the following schema: f1 (integer unsigned not null) f2 (integer unsigned not null) This table has an index on f2 and it currently contains 320 million rows, and is expected to grow at the rate of about 200,000 rows once a week. I perform the following query on this table: SELECT DISTINCT T.f1 FROM T ...

Very large array on the heap (Visual C++)

Hello, I hope some one can help me, i'm trying to create an int[400000000] (400 millions) array on my application using visual c++ 2010 but it generates an overflow error The same code runs on linux with g++. I need this because i'm working with large matrices. Thank you in advance. ...

Is possible to upload large 400-800MB files using Rack Space Cloud site hosting?

I have had a hell of a time with this. Basically I think I loose the session due to a time out issue or tmp folder FULL issue. Not really sure. Uploading smaller files is not an issue with my scripts 25-75 MBs but anything over 200MB breaks. Weird thing is I use to be able to upload up to 400MB files but something change I think ov...