
Don't make me manually abort a LaTeX compile when there's an error.

As suggested here, latexmk is a handy way to continually compile your document whenever the source changes. But often when you're working on a document you'll end up with errors and then latex will panic and wait for user input before continuing. That can get very annoying, especially recently when I hacked up something to compile late...

How to call latexmk in emacs, and jump to next-error

I would like to use latexmk to compile my LaTeX documents in Emacs. Especially I need the Emacs functionality next-error, which is typically called with C-x `, and jumps to the next LaTeX error in the document. I would like to call latexmk either using C-x compile or the AUCTeX C-c C-c. First, I set latexmk to use $pdflatex = 'pdflat...

Is there a LaTeX command that will log to the output/error console?

I have created a LaTeX \todo{} command which outputs todo notes in the margin (following the [nice marginpars example here][1]): \newcommand\todo[1]{\marginpar{#1}} However, I'd really like to output a list of all my todo notes to the output console. I had written a trivial python script to parse .tex files to do so, but have since sw...

Compile XeLaTeX tex file with latexmk

How can one compile a XeLaTeX tex document using latexmk on Mac OS X? At present I am running latexmk job.tex and getting an error: ! ******************************************** * XeTeX is required to compile this document. * Sorry! ********************************************. \RequireXeTeX ...********************************} ...

Font errors with pdfLaTeX microtype package

On Ubuntu 10.4LTS I'm trying to use the microtype package in a memoir class of document, for example like this: \usepackage[final,expansion=true]{microtype} However, when I attempt to compile this (with rubber, latexmk or others) I get an error like this: job.tex:72: Font csnameendcsname=rm-lmr10+20 at 10.95pt not loadable: M...