
Creating a second shortcuts in the Launcher.

Hello, I create a cool Home application in Android. As this is a Home I don't want her to appear in the Launcher, in the list of all applications. That's pretty easy, but now I would like the settings of this application to appear. So, I created the preferences of my application this way in the Manifest: <activity android:name=".Pr...

One application installed, show two entries in launcher

In Android, how to implement the following effect? Install just one application, but in the launcher, there are two entries, and entering each will go to different ui. Just like google map, you can see only one application, but there are map and navigation entries. Thanks. ...

How to create an android home screen launcher?

I had a great idea for a home screen launcher so is there any tutorials on how to create one? ...

How to create an Windows Phone 7-like home screen launcher

How would you create a Windows 7-like home screen replacement, on Android? ...

android launcher home screen

Hi, I don't have the accurate terminology and maybe that's a part of my question. In the android home screen, we have the ability to slide the screen left and right and display multiple pages. Each of these pages has a different set of icons. in the mac world these would be called "spaces". What is it called in the android world. More...

Equinox launcher

What is the big difference between launching Equinox via java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.0.v20100517.jar and using org.eclipse.equinox.launcher (basically, java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.0.v20100507.jar)? I suppose that org.eclipse.equinox.launcher provides some added value, but what exactly? ...

Using relative paths for Gnome launcher

We're developing an app that needs to run on a removable device (e.g. USB stick). On Linux, we're using Gnome launchers to place a shortcut to the app on the root of the device. However, we need to use relative paths for the executable and icon since we don't know in advance where the device will mount. In the .desktop file I have someth...

Password protect system application android.

When a user tries to launch an application I want to suppress that application and then call another application. Example I want the user to authenticate himself before launching a particular system application (settings application etc). The authentication application should pop up every time the user launches the settings application ...

Failed to launch shortcut: Application is not installed on your phone.

Hello all, I am trying to create a desktop shortcut to one of my Activity in Android. I use the code that work in every tuto example i have read: final Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); ComponentName name = new ComponentName(getPackageName(), ".MyActivity"); shortcutIntent.setComponent(name); shor...

Android Launcher application compilation on Eclipse

I am modifying the Android Home (Launcher) application and configured an eclipse project from the Android source checkout. Eclipse project shows number of errors which are about unresolved imports and unavailable flags. Upon checking in the internet at , I found that the home appli...

Eclipse RCP: build product able to load all plugins in plugins directory

I need to configure my eclipse product to load all features/plugins in features/plugins directory. Now my product loads just plugins that are listed in metadata, so if I export some plugin directly from eclipse tool as "deployable plugins" it's loaded in my product, but if I put a plugin jar directly in plugins directory It doesn't appe...

How to add widget configuration activity to launcher?

Hi, I have a widget with a configuration activity. Currently the configuration launches when you click on the widget. I want to add the configuration as an app icon to the launcher. The problem is that when the configuration launches on click, I get a specific widget id , so each widget instance can have a different configuration. W...

Why does my application appear 4 times on my device?

Hi, When I install my application onto a device or emulator it appears multiple times in the apps menu, in my case I get 4 icons showing my application name. It seems that each icon is representing an activity, and since my application contains 3 tabs(with activities) the first 3 icons on my menu go to a particular activity, and the 4t...