
LdapConnection cannot re-bind other than with Basic authentication

I'm a little lost with this one. I'm calling in the .NET LdapConnection object in the following code. The first query works just fine (the SearchRequest), and uses the default Authentication Type, Negotiate. In the foreach loop of this sample code I'm then trying to do a bind to check the password of the user I hard coded in the search...

Find current users active directory group C++

How would I go about querying what active directory group the currently logged in user belongs to? I am assuming it will be through LDAP but I havnt been able to find much on how to get this particular information. I have put together some code but im not quite sure what I need to do next // Open the access token associated with th...

What's the difference between LDAP v2 and v3 in terms of architecture

Hi, Could anyone briefly explain to me is there any difference in terms of architecture for v2 and v3? I know there are some new features added in v3. But in terms of architecture, is v2 also a client and server model? From this link it seem that v2 is not a client server model. But from another link it states that The protocol co...

how to protect against LDAP Injection

We are building an application which utilizes LDAP via php and I got to thinking is there anything you can do with injecting into LDAP and better yet how does one protect against LDAP injections ? ...

Query parser and optimizer for OSGi/LDAP filters/queries?

I'm looking for a query parser and optimizer that can work with OSGi filter conditions, which are based on LDAP query syntax. Preferably something implemented in Java, but a different implementation (even web based) would be good too. My main use case is to feed it queries that maybe can be simplified. ...

Rails LDAP login using net/ldap

I am trying to get LDAP authentication to work under Rails. I have chosen net/ldap since it's a native Ruby LDAP library. I have tried all possible stuff, specially examples from http://net-ldap.rubyforge.org/classes/Net/LDAP.html but still unable to get it work. Any ideas? ...

Active directory and LDAP libraries

I am trying to authenticate users to active directory with the Novell.Directory.Ldap libraries found in Mono. I know there is better ways than below, but given that I'm confined to Mono, these are the only supported routines as best I can see. Using the .NET libraries, I can authenticate a user with their samAccountName. using (Direc...

Forum with LDAP integration?

Is there any popular forum software (installable, not hosted), that has LDAP integration for users? Ubuntu server, Python would be nice but not required, authentication only for now, although profiles would be nice at a later point ...

How can I do two-stage authentication to an Active Directory server in Python?

I'm running Python 2.6 on a FreeBSD machine, and I would like to do (and I don't know the correct term for this) two-stage authentication against an active directory. Basically, the process to log in user 'myuserid' is: Bind to the AD LDAP server using a system account created for this purpose (call it DOMAIN\gatekeeper) Verify myuser...

In C#, how to access Active Directory to get the list of groups that a certain user belongs to?

In C#, how do i access Active Directory to get the list of groups that a certain user belongs to? The user details are in the form: "MYDOMAIN\myuser" I've been following the instructions from here but they only work if i have the user details in the form: "LDAP://sample.com/CN=MySurname MyFirstname,OU=General,OU=Accounts,DC=sample,D...

transfer users between ldap servers

I want to import some users from a tree in one ldap server to another tree in another ldap server, something like all the entries under ou=accounts,ou=dnsmanager,o=mycompany on to ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=net on I would rather do this in perl but I'm having some problems. For example uses different schema and ...

PHP LDAP Question

I am desperately trying to get a LDAPs client in PHP working. My code is in place, and it works using the standard LDAP protocol. However, when I change ldap://server to ldaps://server, it doesnt work. Setting the debug mode to 7 yeilds this error. I should add that this a linux server using openSSL. TLS: can't connect: The Diffie Hel...

Specifying Multiple Directory Servers in LDAPGroupStore.xml

Though the target of my research is JASIG's uPortal (and yes, I have posted this question there as well), I'm posting to this community as the answer may simply require XML expertise. Our production and test LDAP directories have multiple nodes (six and two respectively) for redundancy and performance. The “out of the box” uPortal 3.2.2...

****** Modify/Update LDAP Manager Attribute with Asp.Net

Hey Guys, I'm having an issue with modifying MANAGER attribute in Active Directory. I know that manager property is type of DN (distinguishedName). I have no problem updating any other properties like title, department, company(it's type of String), but how do i update DN manager property? Thanx All... Dim de As DirectoryEntry ...

UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity Permissions

I'm attempting to use the .NET System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement library to obtain the UserPrincipal for a particular Active Directory user. I've got the following code: PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "DomainName"); userPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccou...

SSPI loop with Windows client (C#) and Linux server (any language)

I have a client-server application that needs to be secured by adding server-side authentication. The client user will already be authenticated to LDAP (Active Directory) and will be running a C# GUI. The client connects to a server on a Linux box which uses Centrify for LDAP authentication. As I understand things, the two need to neg...

Active Directory LDAP query result always missing attributes that are known to exist

Hello, This is a problem Im currently stumped on, a user profile has an attribute 'EmployeeID' that appears when viewing that user with AD Explorer, so data exists, eg value of 12345. Now when I pull that user profile via LDAP, using a tool like Apache Studio, most attributes are returned, but not all, eg EmployeeID. I've experienced t...

Tomcat + LDAP issue: socket closed on connection.

I'm trying to configure Tomcat to connect to an LDAP server on our network, and I'm getting the following error: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: xx.xx.xx.xx:636; socket closed at com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.readReply(Connection.java:419) at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapClient.ldapBind(LdapClient.java:340) at com.sun.jnd...

Can a Java class impersonate another Windows user?

I've a Java servlet class which is accessing a NetApp folder for files. The class is running on Tomcat 6.0 on Windows 2003 and uses Active Directory authenication (LDAP) to authenticate the webapp users. Tomcat (and thus also the webapp with the Java servlet classes) itself is running with account xyz, which is a service account. The Ne...

Active directory - ldap attribute createTimeStamp in Windows Server 2008 R2

To check how many users were created in the past one year for a particular domain I queried like the following, (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(sAMAccountType=805306370))(createTimeStamp>=20090831022227.0Z)) I have two domain controllers, DC-1 is Windows Server 2008 and DC-2 is Windows Server 2008 R2 and this query works ...