
Spring Security Grails Plugin working with existing Database Schema?

I recently ran into a situation where I wanted to implement Grails + Spring Security over an existing database schema. The Database already had a users table, a roles based table and the relationship roles+user table. I am able to map the users domain to the existing schema.. but where I am running into problems is when trying to tie...

Should I give up on frameworks if I have legacy databases?

Everywhere I turn it seems that frameworks (in any language) are tailored to new implementations. It also seems that using ORMs with the frameworks with legacy databases is not a normal thing to do. I have databases, some 20 years old that I need a web front end on all of them some on separate web pages, some combining databases on one...

Legacy database - should I be using NHibernate?

I am stuck with a legacy database involving composite keys and there is no room to modify the db. The problem seems to be that one part of the key is also used for each foreign key. So if I have tables A and B like this: A company (PK) aId (PK) someMoreInfo B company (PK, FK) bId (PK) aId (FK) someOtherInfo The company fiel...