
What am I able to do legally when I'm unpaid for a project as a freelancer?

A company has me developing software on a contract basis. The software is for a client of the company. The project had been split into phases, with the client paying a portion of the total after the satisfactory completion of each phase. The software will be hosted by the company for the client (as a service) after the completion of the ...

Redistributing jetty

I need to redistribute my software with from Jetty site. Am I allowed to remove from this zip all unnecessary cruft (docs, samples, etc.) and than redistribute such a modified package ? Software is a proprietary based. ...

Writing open-source software to read proprietary binary files

Consider a proprietary program that produces binary files for storage (e.g. .doc). Let's say a developer wants to write an open source program that reads those binary files. Is there anything to legally forbid him to do so and to distribute that code? My initial guess is: If the user of the open source code also uses the proprietary so...

Legal issue: per server licensing in Google App Engine

Hi lawyers programmers When using a library or data set that is priced "per server", how many licenses should I buy to run it in Google App Engine? Is there a way to know on how many physical machines my web application is deployed? Is it relevant? ...

Legal issues with providing code examples to potential clients?

Hey, Does anyone have any input on the legal or ethical considerations involved with showing examples of my code to potential clients? It seems a bit shady to share code other clients paid for. What's the best approach? To scrub out any sensitive or identifying information? Is this something commonly done? Thanks! Edit: A client has ...

Is selling monotouch legal?

I'm slightly confused; Mono is free and at least partially listed under the GNU GPL. Yet Novell is selling their MonoTouch SDK for money! ...

Distributing an application that uses a SQL Server database

If I create a .NET application that uses a small SQL Server database that I create, can I then give that application to other people to run on their PCs even if they're not running SQL Server? If so, is there anything special I have to do in the way I create/distribute it? And are there any special requirements for the PC's it is ins...

Does it matter at which point in time an open source license is applied?

The premise is simple: I've written some code, I've made it public. I have not originally attached any license messaging to the code. If I were to apply a license (any license) right this moment, would it have a retroactive effect? Would it cover all of the code that I've written before any license has been applied? ...

What rights do I have running my own website?

Me and a couple buddies are working on a website that involves heavy user commenting, feedback, opinions, etc. We expect some posts to have content that we do not want. We are wondering: by running this website, what rights do we have? Is there some kind of guideline available? ...

There is any way to access directly a dll internal classes without copyright infringment?

I need to use some of the Microsoft.SqlServer.Types library internal classes. This is a .NET dll, which is easily disassembled to the language of my choice. So far I could copy its code to my application, but this probably makes my application legally unsuitable for distribution (I haven't read the MS Sql Server 2008 licensing agreement...

Is it legal to use OpenSource libraries in proprietary software?

I'm wondering is it legal to include OpenSource components as *.dll / *.so (with sources provided) in some proprietary software? It seems that everything's ok: source code is provided, not modified, author is mentioned in "About" box, and the free source is not compiled into: just dynamically linked. I know there's quite a lot of diffe...

Software Licensing: Do symbols/types apply?

I have some software that utilizes a C++ template library that is licensed MS-LPL. MS-LPL specifies:(F) Platform Limitation- The licenses granted in sections 2(A) & 2(B) extend only to the software or derivative works that you create that run on a Microsoft Windows operating system product. Which is my problem as I am moving this code ...

Is inspecting file structure and changes to the system registry considered reverse-engineering?

Disassembling/decompiling is usually considered reverse engineering. What if I don't decompile the executables but only observe the changes to the computer - what registry changes the program installer made, what files it copied and what system calls are done when the program is running (using something like Process Monitor) in order to ...

Generally speaking, Who owns the source code and program developed?

If not specifically spelled out in any contract language, who would own the source code and the subsequent program developed? the programmer the company employing the programmer or the company who is the end-user customer paying for the development of the program by the company employing the programmer? ...

Are there any legal issues while extracting content from RSS feeds

I would like to know whether these free SMS alert sites such as My Today SMS, Alertix pay for the sites such as religate, e.t.c, Or they just mention in their website that this service powered by Oneindia What I would like to know is whether these people pay any royalty/monthly/annual fee for these religate/oneindia, by whic...

Do you have to pay for GNU GPL software that is "for sale"?

I've seen some software (a Joomla component, to be exact) for sale on a web site. The web site says it is licensed under the GNU GPL2. However it also says you need to pay for every site you use the software on (with bulk discounts). I know it's perfectly acceptable to sell software under the GPL, however the license implies that the so...

How to use web-fonts legally?

I'm a bit confused about the laws applied to web fonts. I know that it's OK to use fonts like Arial, Times Romans, Georgia, etc...I think it's illegal to use other commercial fonts. Are there websites that provide free fonts? If there are. Can I just use them directly without mentioning the creator of the free font or without linking th...

Mixing LGP, GPL and other licenses in a distributed code.

We are developing a computer vision library, which we are releasing under the LGPL license. We are planning to incorporate in the next release code licensed under other open source licenses, like GPL, that allow free usage for research and educational purposes. Can we include these third-party source files without any modification, keepi...

license header for classes extended from Hibernate

I would like to extend a class (e.g. org.hibernate.type.CharBooleanType) which is shipped as part of the Hibernate core distribution package. Our product is meant for commercial use, are we supposed to retain the original license header in the extended class or can we use the company specific propreitory license header on top of the ext...

including open source software in commercial software

Hi, I'm developing a commercial application and would like to include ffmpeg to extract thumbnails from videos. ffmpeg is licenced under LGPL 2.1. I would like to know how I can include ffmpeg in my software installer while meeting the requirements of LGPL 2.1. If it makes any difference I haven't modified the ffmpeg exe in any way. ...