
"derivative work" and the consumption of web services

From the Wowhead Terms of Service: "Intellectual Property Rights The Service and any necessary software used in connection with the Service ("Software") contain proprietary and confidential information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. You agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute ...

Translating open-source code into different language: what licence?

I've got some open-source code which I'd like to translate into different programming language (it is a scientific library and it is the only open-source piece of code that does the thing, so I don't have much choice). Parts which I am interested in are GPL, LGPL and BSD (some code is in one, some in another). This would be a total rewr...

If I use jQuery, must my Web App be GPL'd?

I'm working on a Web App Framework that I'd like to put under the Eclipse Public License for various reasons. The only problem is that I want to include jQuery in the framework, and that is under the GPL and / or MIT licenses. Edit 1: The core of the framework is coded in PHP, using jQuery to jazz up the client side of things. I'm not t...

Legal considerations when proposing business idea to employer

Ok, so you've got an idea for a potentially successful online start-up. You know that you'll never set the thing up yourself, you prefer the stability of your permanent job. Then you think, "Hey maybe my boss would be interested in backing this as an internal project. Obviously I'd want X% of the profits for coming up with the concept in...

How closely can a Website be Copied without violating Copyright?

I have a client that is interested in having the homepage of their website look almost exactly like that of website ABC. They love everything about it. However, they either do not want to ask for or would not receive a license from ABC to copy their site. My question is: how closely can a website be copied without violating copyright. ...

What license is public code under if no license is specified?

I found some code on the web. The web page doesn't make any mention of a license, and the download doesn't make any mention of a license. What are the license implications of using that code in the US? Is there such a thing as an implicit license? ...

Code With "No Guarantee"/"No Liability" Clause

I've seen code from time to time that has a clause in the license or at the top of the code that mentions that the author is not liable and does not guarantee that the code is fit for production, or something to that effect. I'm no expert in legality and licensing, I'm just wondering why this is done. Have there actually been cases wher...

Legality of using the google search API

Hey, I am thinking of designing a website that's sort of a targeted Lets say it's for gas station, for example. The idea would be that someone would put in the address they're at, and it would show all the gas stations in the area. In order to do this, I would perform a google search through their API, and pull out nearby ...

Boiler plate for a commercial library licence

I'm wondering if some people connected to some commercial library development would be willing to post the text of their licences. The idea is so people can cut and paste parts for their own licence and comment on what they think of different bits. To keep this sane, only shortish licences (links to long ones would be ok). ...

Selling an App from someone elses research

Hello I read alot of research related to computer vision and recently came across a paper which had some technology in it which I thought could make a killer iphone application. So my question is, assuming they haven't patented their method, is there any thing illegal (or wrong) with building an application based on someone else's rese...

Restrictions of GPL on javascript libraries

If I use GPL-licensed JavaScript components on my website, would it be considered as a release to the public (as client-side code of the components is loaded to users' browsers via http) and I have to "open-source" the whole website? So, can we say that the usage of JavaScript components on a website is distribution of the code and it...

Questions about partnership and IP agreements for a small startup

I have signed on to work on a project a good friend of mine has started to create an application for the iPhone with, if needed (we hope), matching applications for Mac and Windows desktops. Without getting into particulars, the project is to create a subscription-based, client-server pair that displays interactive materials for a variet...

jQuery commercial legal questions

Hello, The company I am working for is developing a web application layer for a commercial software product. My questions have probably been answered before but I have searched and I can't find a similar scenario to my question. The Web UI will be developed using jQuery and involve using the excellent pre-built plugins other users have...

google map api terms

hi All, is it allowed with Google map api to get local search results and store it in my database ? example when user on my site use the map search for searching local business and Google send to my site results back. can i take from Google results the name,address, specially latitude and Longitude of that local business ? ...

Is it legal for the software to "Phone home" and provide ID

What if my software will use a unique ID (obtained from license) for accessing update. By that ID I can observe amount of piracy (e.g., how many used of the software with the same ID has updated from version 1.01 to 1.02). As far as I know, Kaspersky Antivirus uses a license key to get the update of the database. On the other hand I h...

MIT License For Proprietary App

There are many questions posted with great answers, but nothing I found met my requirements. Hope you guys can help. I will be building a niche social site platform based on Ruby on Rails and will integrate trusted popular gems to save time. The final product will be launched where users can sign-in to use the basic services for free, a...

Using GPL Data in proprietary application

I was looking for free dictionary data in my local language to use in a proprietary application that I'm working on, I found such data but in a GPL 3 licensed program on SourceForge, the data is available in XML files that is distributed along with the program. Generally I know how to deal with apps and libraries covered by GPL... but da...

Is it legal to remove link to Wordpress' site?

Most Wordpress themes have link to Wordpress' site in the footer. Is it legal to remove link to Wordpress' site? PS: I know that I can enclose the link in nofollow/noindex tags, but I want to completely remove the link. ...

Is it legal to branch an open-source project that has gone commercial?

I have some open-source apps that use a component that was open-source but is no longer so, with its CodePlex repository and project page removed. Do I have legal right to create a branch from the last available source code snapshot available before the project was removed? ...

Legality of Modifying OS x INstaller File (Distribution)

The program I would like to make is to modify one of the OS X Installer files, specifically the file "Distribution" which defines in the OS x Installer what packages are to be listed in the Custom dialog and some other variables in the installer, is this legal to modify and put an in application and can this be legally hosted in say Goog...