
Facebook: any way to monitor when user clicks on Like button?

Hi all, writing my first facebook webapp and i have some questions. I'm using their new Graph API + JS library. The idea is that in order to use my webapp, user has to 'Like' facebook page A. Suppose user is logged in. I have to check if he 'likes' page A. If user doesn't like that page, i display 'fan box' via FB.XFBML.parse('<fb:...

twitter like tweet update notification in

we are adding new functionality in our application where in there would be some users posting short comments and on the other side there would be some users monitoring the activity or comments posted by the other users within the same application. my question is, what is the best way of implementing the notification of new comment availa...

Facebook Like Button (<fb:like>) Height Always 80px

Why is the height of my Facebook Like button (technically the iframe that gets generated) always getting set to 80px? Example page is here: I am using the javascript sdk and have had it work on other pages but for some reason the height will not change dynamically on this one! I can even do something ...

Adding the Facebook Like Button in an iPhone App

Does anyone know how I would include a facbeook "like button" in an iphone app. I tried calling the iframe inside of a uiwebview but that doesn't work. thanx ...

How to enable commenting on the Facebook Like Button

I'm integrating the Facebook Like Button into a site. The likeing functionality is working fine except that you cannot add comments to your like after you've clicked the like button. Several sites including CNN has this working so this should be possible. The docs mention that you need to use the JavaScript SDK to get commenting to work...

Facebook "Like" button callback

Hello, I am interested in implementing the facebook "Like" button, but I would like to know what user is clicking on this button so I can get some useful information from this. From what I have read, facebook is leaving us in the dark on who is clicking on what. ANyone have an idea on how I could track which user clicked on a like button...

Facebook Like button data for a domain?

We make a widget for media sites and have included the Facebook Like button, so anyone who installs our widget gets the Like button on every page without having to do additional integration work. We'd like to show the site owner some basic data / analytics about Like activity... which URLs are liked, and how many times. I can't figure ...

Facebook Social Plugins Like button returns "Website Inaccessible"

We've just added Facebook like button to, however the json returned by facebook is for (;;);{"error":0,"errorSummary":"","errorDescription":"","errorIsWarning":false,"silentError":0,"payload":{"requires_login":false,"success":false,"already_connected":false,"is...

Capture analytics from Facebook Open Graph "like" button

Does anyone know of how to capture from Facebook analytics around the use of the "like" button--i.e., if I've got thousands of pages with the Like button on them, how to query Facebook to see how many likes each of them has received? Is there a Facebook API call for this? Thanks! ...

Facebook like box not working on mobile browser

I'm writing a simple splash page for a client to hold a like box widget: <iframe src="***********&amp;amp;width=238&amp;amp;connections=4&amp;amp;stream=false&amp;amp;header=false&amp;amp;height=200" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:238px; height:200...

Simple PHP query question: LIKE

When I replace $ordering = "apples, bananas, cranberries, grapes"; with $ordering = "apples, bananas, grapes"; I no longer want cranberries to be returned by my query, which I've written out like this: $query = "SELECT * from dbname where FruitName LIKE '$ordering'"; Of Course this doesn't work, because I used LIKE wrong. I've ...

Cannot use a Like query in a JDBC prepared statement?

OK, first the query code and query: ps = conn.prepareStatement("select instance_id, ? from eam_measurement where resource_id in (select RESOURCE_ID from eam_res_grp_res_map where resource_group_id = ?) and DSN like '?' order by 2"); ps.setString(1,"SUBSTR(DSN,27,16)"); ps.setInt(2,defaultWasGroup); ps.setString(3,"%Module=jvmRuntimeModu...

Is there a way to combine IN and LIKE in MySQL?

I'm currently running a query like this: SELECT * FROM email WHERE email_address LIKE 'ajones@%' OR email_address LIKE 'bsmith@%' OR email_address LIKE 'cjohnson@%' The large number of OR's bothers me. Is there a way to condense this up with something akin to an IN operator, e.g.: SELECT * FROM email WHERE email_addres...

Facebook Open Graph - 'Like Button' - Hidden Content Revealed Upon 'Like'

I was wondering, I wish to have a landing page with Facebook's Open Graph (specifically the like button) and I wanted to basically have content set to display:none (can't remember the specific until a user likes a page. An example being a div on an e-commerce store that when a user likes the page, the div is set to display:block and us...

Exact match with sql like and the bind

I have a bind in the sql query (select * from users where name like '%?%') the bind set the ? Now, if i want to search with like method everything work but if, without change the sql, i want to search the exact match i dont now how to do. I tried some regexp int the textbox es: _jon \jon\ [jon] and some others but nothing work properly....

Multiple LIKE in SQL

I wanted to search through multiple rows and obtain the row that contains a particular item. The table in mySQL is setup so each id has a unique list (comma-delimited) of values per row. Ex: id | order 1 | 1,3,8,19,34,2,38 2 | 4,7,2,190,38 Now if I wanted to pull the row that contained just the number 19 how would I go about doing...

How to make a Facebook "Like" button that is just a link, not an iFrame?

I'd like to put a "Like" button into an email message that it going out to our e-newsletter subscribers. The usual way of embedding a Like button, which uses, an iframe technique, is not going to work. What I'd like to do is to have a static hyperlink, where clicking on the button image will just go to a particular URL that is our corre...

Help with Several Facebook like buttons on one page

I have created a page where there are various items on a page and people need to vote on them by clicking "recommend" (like how they have it on The items are sorted based on the number of "recommends" they receive. The problem I am having is that there are 100 of these items, and when I try to display them it becomes way...

Facebook like button (XFBML version) height

Hi, I'm having a problem with the height of the Facebook Like button. I use the XFBML version with this tag <fb:like layout="standard" show_faces="true" width="440" action="recommend" colorscheme="light"></fb:like> On some sites, the height of the iframe which contains the button is dynamic. It has the height of 61px, when there are ...

How to escape wildcard characters in "like" clause in HQL?

How can I escape the wildcard characters in a like clause? E.g.: select foo from Foo as foo where like '%' || :filter ||'%' query.setParameter("filter", "%"); query.list(); // I'd expect to get the foo's containing the '%' in bar, not all of them! Any ideas? ...