
Flex/Air : Text Area with Line Number Filtering

I need to have a Text Area With Line Numbers, & once the Text File is Imported to the Text Area.. the user must be able to select the line numbers & see the filtered output. I have implemented the same with Numeric steppers. I am in search of an enhanced component. are there better Advanced Components for Textarea ? Any Advanced Textar...

Using PHP's XMLReader, how do I get the line number of the current node?

Using the XMLReader XML parser in PHP 5.3, I need to get the line number of the current node. A column number or total offset from the beginning of the file would be nice, too. Hopefully I don't have to use some hack like parsing every raw node string for newlines (with readOuterXML()), but I don't see a getLineNo() property like in th...

Visual Studio Question: How to go to a specific file path and line number programmatically?

In the Visual Studio output window, you can double click a line that contains a file path and line number and it automatically takes you to that location. In my program, I need to mimic this behavior and be able to click something (a button for example) and do go to a specific file and line number that I tell it to go to. Any help/sugg...

What is the first line number in Eclipse?

I don't want to have to download and install eclipse on this machine, but for you who do have it, what is the first line on the Eclipse IDE? On the left after you enable line numbers in the left hand column, the first number is? ...

Stack trace with incorrect line number

Why would a stack trace show "line 0", but only for one frame in the stack trace? eg. ... at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() at My.LibraryA.Some.Method():line 16 at My.LibraryB.Some.OtherMethod():line 0 at My.LibraryB.S...

C/C++ line number

In the sake of debugging purposes, can I get the line number in C/C++ compilers? (standard way or specific ways for certain compilers) e.g if(!Logical) printf("Not logical value at line number %d \n",LineNumber); // How to get LineNumber without writing it by my hand?(dynamic compilation) Thanks ...

Is there a way to copy code from eclipse including ine numbers.

I am writing a little bit of documentation and code explanation. I would like to copy code from eclipse including line numbers, so that it becomes easier to reference the code in the text. Is there any way to do this in eclipse or some other IDE, editor? ...

HOW TO SElect line number in TextBox Multiline

Hi all, I have large text in System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control in my form (winforms), vs 2008. I want find a text, and select the line number where I've found that text. Sample, I have fat big text, and I find "ERROR en línea", and I want select the line number in textbox multiline. string textoLogDeFuenteSQL = @"SQL*Plus: Releas...

gridview and textbox multiline like visual studio errors

Hi all, I use vs 2008, windows forms, c# I have a Collection of OracleErrors, that I gather of sqlplus.exe output:, List, and entity OracleError: public class OracleError { public int NumberLine { get; set} public string SourceFile { get; set} public string Error { get; set} } Now, in my form, I use DataGridView and TextBox Mu...

PHP get line number from logging event

Ok I have another question HERE for my Logging Class but I wanted to be able to add the line number of the calling script to the log file entry. I have seen _Line_ but this gives me the line number of the line where this is at. Example: a.php $log = new Logger(); $log->debug('hello'); // Say this is line #20 Now in my Logger.php cl...

How to get an HTML element's line number using JavaScript?

Is there a way to get the line number where the element (html tag) sits on the source? e.g. <html> <head></head> <body> <div></div> </body> </html so the <div> tag would be on line 4 in this case. Or if there is a way to get the source code using JS this would solve my problem, too. ...

How to access line numbers when wrapping Firebug (or similar) Console api

I have wrapped the console API to provide granular logging levels as well as few other sugar features. This works fine, the only problem is that firebug (or whatever other console) will always report the line number the log came from as the line the console API itself is invoked. How would you suggest I make the console log the line nu...

Converting BCI (bytecode indices) to source code line numbers

I am writing JVMTI code to profile Java programs, which mostly entails obtaining stack traces from random threads at fixed time intervals using the function AsyncGetCallTrace. Thus, I am able to obtain CallTrace structures, each of which contains an array of CallFrame structures, which contain data about individual frames in a stack trac...

Is it possible to show line numbers when using a regex in PHP?

I was just wondering if it is possible to have a regex that is searching for a string like '\bfunction\b' that will display the line number where it found the match? ...

Line Numbers, Code Highlighting in TextView

I'm working on an 'IDE' for Android - it could be useful for editing short scripts / making quick adjustments to files. At the moment I'm just using a simple EditText, but I am wanting to add several features, for example Line Numbering down the left hand side of the EditText and Code Highlighting. Does anyone have any suggestions about...

Parsing a css file with java

Hi all of you..! First I want to explain what am I doing and then my problem. I need to scan a css file and obtain all its internal links(images mainly), but I need to get the line number where the links were found. Right now I am parsing the files using flute library and it works very well also I am using LineNumberReader in order to ...

DEV burn: enable line numbers for all Visual Studio users?

We're creating the DEV burn that will be put on every incoming developer machine. We've installed VS2010, but I want VS to show line numbers for all file types for every user that eventually logs into the workstation. Is there something I can do to this DEV burn install of VS to facilitate that? To be clear, I'm trying to change the e...

How can I print MediaWiki wiki pages with line numbers?

For reviewing, we'd like to be able to print a wiki page with line numbers. The ideal solution would be where we could create a template which adds line numbers (when printing - or possibly all the time) which we could then include on any page for reviewing. ...

Number of lines from XCode project

Hello, I was wondering if there is anyway to count the total number of code lines from an XCode project. Thank you very much. ...

Obtaining line numbers for diagnostics when writing a scripting-language compiler?

I'm currently writing a scripting language compiler using LLVM that can compile to executable code and use a JIT too. The problem I have is to show line numbers in diagnostic messages. Here is some sample code which might be output by my backend (not exactly, but roughly) ; allocate three values. Two for the operands and one for the r...