
Smoothing Zedgraph linegraphs without 'bumps'

When you use Zedgraph for linegraphs and set IsSmooth to true, the lines are nicely curved instead of having hard corners/angles. While this looks much better for most graphs -in my humble opinion- there is a small catch. The smoothing algorithm makes the line take a little 'dive' or 'bump' before going upwards or downwards. In most c...

Graph rendering using 3D acceleration

We generate graphs for huge datasets. We are talking 4096 samples per second, and 10 minutes per graph. A simple calculation makes for 4096 * 60 * 10 = 2457600 samples per linegraph. Each sample is a double (8 bytes) precision FP. Furthermore, we render multiple linegraphs on one screen, up to about a hundred. This makes we render about ...

How to display line graph using JFreeChart in jsp?

HI All: I am using the below to diplay the line graph. when i run the below code, i am getting the window but it is blank and not displaying the graph. Please help me and also tell me how to diplay the line graph in html page using below code. Code : import org.jfree.chart.; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; imp...

An efficient algorithm to compute a line digraph from a digraph

Does anyone know an efficient algorithm to compute a line digraph from a digraph? See (The Wikipedia article mentions the digraph case near the bottom (in the Generalizations sections). Ideally I would like to do this in linear time. From that section: If G is a directed graph, its directed ...

How to create line chart in iphone application?

I am creating a budget application in iPhone. Budget for personal incomes & expenses. Client's need is I want to see line graph ( like stock market line report ). Red line for (monthly / weekly / daily) expenses Green line for (monthly / weekly / daily) incomes The question is HOW? Till now I have never faced this kind of require...

Cocoa: create graphs

Is there a framework out there that will allow me to create simple bar and line graphs? ...

MS Chart Control Scale - Line graph show 12 months

Hi, On my X Axis, I have months. The chart shows up to 11 points, i.e. Jan - Nov of the same year, but when I add 12 points (Jan - Dec), it will do an auto label thing and change the interval for every 4 months. How can I change the graph so that it shows 12 months before it does the auto labels? Here is the server control code I am c...