
AS3 change lineStyle of existing line

Hi all im drawing a line from 0,0 to 100,100 im using this to modify the linestyle:, 0xFF0000); That line is now of 1 thickness. Is there anyway i can change the thickness of the line to say 10, but without redrawing the line? ...

ActionScript lineStyle Thickness to fill a circle

i'm trying to build a circle using lines. each line starts in the centre of the circle and is as long as the circle's radius. using a loop along with sine and cosign waves, i can build the circle using the sine and cosign to mark the coordinates of the lineTo parameter. my problem is with the line thickness parameter of lineStyle. i ...

ActionScript Aligning Graphics Line Style Stroke?

is it possible to align the stroke of a graphic with actionscript? for example, the following code creates a black rounded rect with a grey stroke that is automatically centre aligned. var t:Sprite = new Sprite();, 0x555555);, 1);, 25, 200, 75, 25, 25); t.graphic...

Is it normal that performance of “dotted” linestyle is much slower than “dashed” linestyle?

I have an application written in C++ using Qt4.4.3 on Linux. Doing some benchmarking, I create a large number of rectangles and compare the difference of performance of drawing various line styles. The worst performance is the “dotted” line style, the “dashed” line style is much faster. It would seem to me that these should not vary so...