
Can I change the thickness of the border of a window with MFC?

Normally, the thickness of a window is 4 pixels, which can be retrieved by GetSystemMetrics method. Can I change its value, for example 2 pixels? Thank you very much! ...

How to TemplateBind to BorderThickness.Top (or Bottom or Left or Right)?

Hi friends. I wonder if it is possible to bind a structure element like BorderThickness.Top to TemplatedParent's corresponding property. I have tried <Border Margin="0" Padding="{TemplateBinding Padding}" BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"> <Border.BorderThickness> <Thickness Left="0" Right="0" Top="{TemplateBinding...

Bresenham line algorithm (thickness).

Hello. I was wondering if anyone knew of any algorithm to draw a line with specific thickness, based on Bresenham's line algorithm or any similar. On a second thought, I've been wondering about for each setPixel(x,y) I'd just draw a circle, e.g.: filledCircle(x,y,thickness); for every x,y but that would of course be very slow. I also ...

How to adjust JFrame border thickness in Java

I'm using Vista, my old Java app ran on Win XP has thin borders, about 2 pixels thick, but now on Vista, the borders deafults to thick lines, maybe 6,7 pixels thick, can I specify in Java how thick my JFrame borders should be ? ...

iPhone Draw Line Thickness

My line is only 1 pixel thick. How can I thicken it? I use but Objective-C is fine in the answer. ctx.SetRGBStrokeColor (1,1,1, 1f); ctx.MoveTo(130,110); ctx.AddLineToPoint(200,200); ctx.StrokePath(); ...

Flash lineStyle rounds thickness?

The sprite which contains all element in my game world uses the real-world meter as distance unit, it doesn't know what pixels are. I then apply a scale to this sprite to make it appear correct on screen. Currently I use 1 meter = 100 pixels, so scale = 100. If I try to draw a line inside this sprite it appears lineStyle(thinkness) roun...

How to change the strike-out / line-through thickness in CSS?

Hi, I'm using the "text-decoration:line-through" in CSS, but I can't seem to find any way to vary the line thickness without inelegant hacks like hr or image overlays. Is there any elegant way to specify the thickness of a line-through? Thanks! ...

WPF Border Thickness increase direction

Hey. Another WPF question. In my XAML code I have a border: <Border x:Name="myBorder" Background="AliceBlue" Width="200" Height="200" BorderThickness="10" BorderBrush="Black"> </Border> and somewhere in code I increase the BorderThickness double thickness = myBorder.BorderThickness.Bottom + 2; myBorder.BorderThickness = new...

ActionScript lineStyle Thickness to fill a circle

i'm trying to build a circle using lines. each line starts in the centre of the circle and is as long as the circle's radius. using a loop along with sine and cosign waves, i can build the circle using the sine and cosign to mark the coordinates of the lineTo parameter. my problem is with the line thickness parameter of lineStyle. i ...

Prevent Silverlight from scaling line width

When using the ScaleTransform class, Silverlight also scale the thickness of the strokes on the shapes that I display. But what if I don't want this behaviour? Is it possible to disable the scaling of strokes, or will I have to iterate over every shape object and set the reciprocal thickness? ...

WPF: TwoWay binding between 4 TextBoxes and 1 Border.Margin

I want to set the BorderThickness of a Border of a UserControl using 4 TextBoxes, but I can't get it to work. XAML code demonstrating the problem (only this code in combination with the converter is needed): <Window x:Class="BorderThicknessBindingTest.MainWindow" xmlns="