

I have this challenging task in VB.NET LINQ. I have 2 databases from different servers. I cannot link the databases. The data is retrieved from the databases as : DB1 Client_ID Engagement_ID Enabled Description 600 10 True Company1 600 20 False Company2 700 ...

Returning a custom list class type from LINQ Query - return same type going in that is coming out

I have a custom List (MyCustomList) that implements List(Of MyCustomClass). I want to run a LINQ query against that and return a filtered MyCustomList. Public ReadOnly Property DebitTransactions As MyCustomList Get Return From item In Me Where item.IsDebit = True Select item End Get End Property I ...

Why are there no LINQ extension methods on RepeaterItemCollection despite the fact that it implements IEnumerable?

Why are there no LINQ extension methods on RepeaterItemCollection despite the fact that it implements IEnumerable? I'm using Linq to objects elsewhere in the same class. However, when I attempt to do so with the RepeaterItemCollection they aren't available. I was under the impression that the LINQ extension methods were available to c...

How can I get LINQ to return the object which has the max value for a given property?

If I have a class that looks like: public class Item { public int ClientID { get; set; } public int ID { get; set; } } And a collection of those items... List<Item> items = getItems(); How can I use LINQ to return the single "Item" object which has the highest ID? If I do something like: items.Select(i => i.ID).Max(); ...

Linq to objects

I have 2 databases from different servers. I cannot link the databases. The data is retrieved from the databases as : DB1 - Client_ID Engagement_ID Enabled Description 600 10 True Company1 600 20 False Company2 700 10 True Company3 DB2 Client_ID Engagement_ID Enabled Description 600 5 True Company1 600 10 False Company2 500 30 T...

Linq to Objects and Anonymous Types

I'm new to Linq to Objects, and I've just hit the problem of anonymous types and scope. For example, this works just fine: Public Sub CreateResults() results = From e In CustomerList Join f In OrderList On CustomerList.ID Equals OrderList.ID Select New With {e.FirstName, e.LastName, f.Ord...


Hi, I have two methods: Public Function GetTotalLimit(ByVal entity As Entity) As Int64 Return (From c In entity.Collection Select c.Limit).Sum() End Function Public Function GetTotalUsed(ByVal entity As Entity) As Int64 Return (From c In entity.Collection Select c.Used).Su...

Return Top X Results From Linq To Objects Query in Order

PREVIOUSLY: In this question someone told me how to use CompareTo to return surnames within a particular range ordered alphabetically using LINQ to Objects. The rest of my question, which seems to have missed the initial question asking feeding frenzy, actually arose after I tested this solution. In the previous eaxample I had a list of...

How to display the data using LINQ

I have a dataset like: Attic Indoor Indoor Cable Indoor Indoor Double Indoor Indoor Fireplace Indoor Indoor Basketball Outdoor Outdoor Freshwater Leisure Activities Leisure Activities Fishing Leisure Activities Leisure Activi...

How to get the second repeated item from a collection of objects using LINQ to object

Hi, I've this Collection for example: 1: A 2: B 3: A 4: C 5: A 6: C I want to get the second repeated item from this collection in a LINQ query, the required result is: 3:A, 6:C ...

In linq how dynamically pass table and column name

I want to write an dynamic linq where i send table and column name this query return me the max row number of the table . SELECT ISNULL(MAX(intProductCode) + 1, 1) AS intProductCode FROM tblProductInfo Above is my T-SQL syntax.I want same output from the linq how to If i write this bellow syntax get same out put but here i can not se...

AspxGridView Specified method is not supported. problem

Bellow is my .aspx aspxGridview syntax <dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" KeyFieldName="intProductCode" onrowinserted="ASPxGridView1_RowInserted"> <Columns> <dx:GridViewCommandColumn VisibleIndex="0"> <EditButton Visible="True"> ...

get distinct rows from datatable using Linq (distinct with mulitiple columns)

I am trying to distinct on multiple columns and get datarows from datatable. but getting error. Dim query As IEnumerable(Of DataRow) = (From row As DataRow In SourceTable.AsEnumerable() _ Select row.Field(Of String)("ColumnName1"), row.Field(Of String)("ColumnName2") ).Distinct() below e...

Casting objects created in LINQ to SQL to a single master object.

I have an interesting problem to solve that would be helped by successfully casting objects created by LINQ to SQL into a single master object that I could pass around. Here is the scenario at a high level. I have a number of stored procedures that fetch data and then all return the exact same columns. The params into the procs and th...

Get grouped comma separated values with linq

I would like a third column "items" with the values that are grouped. Dictionary<string, int> dic = new Dictionary<string, int>(); dic.Add("a", 1); dic.Add("b", 1); dic.Add("c", 2); dic.Add("d", 3); var dCounts = (from i in dic group i by i.Value into g select new { g.Key, count = g.Count()}); var a = dCounts.Where(c =...

C# cast to interface with List and GroupBy

I'm a bit stumped about how to perform the necessary cast in the following: public IList<IMyClass> Foo() { IList<IMyClass> foo = SomeQuery(); var result = foo.GroupBy(x => => new MyClass()).ToList(); // So now I have a List<MyClass> which needs casting as IList<IMyClass> return result; } using an ex...

Enhance this LINQ query for readability and performance?

I'm not the greatest with LINQ, but I'm trying to retrieve all the ModuleAvailabilities where the academicYear is the current year. Are there any improvements to be made here? pathway.PathwayFoundationModule.Attach( pathway.PathwayFoundationModule.CreateSourceQuery() .Include("Module") .Include("Module.ModuleAvaila...

Create new Linq SelectMany extension method

I am using Linq.Dynamic. I have already added another SelectMany extension to all for creating a new anonymous object with the data. But, I have ran into another issue that I can not seem to solve. I want to have extension method chaining as follows, but using the dynamic methods: var customerandorderflat = db.Customers .S...

How to select Values from several tables

my three table structure are : USE [DB_OrderV2] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblPageInfo] Script Date: 07/24/2010 23:16:18 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPageInfo]( [Code] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [PageID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [PageName] [nvarchar](80) NOT NULL,...

What's problem on linq databinding

<dx:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" KeyFieldName="CategoryID"> <SettingsEditing Mode="Inline" /> <Columns> <dx:GridViewCommandColumn VisibleIndex="0"> <EditButton Visible="True"></EditButton> <NewButton Visible="True"></NewButton> <DeleteButton...