
LinqToSQL _conn ? LinqToSQLConnection ?

here is a code : using System; using Nemerle.Collections; using Nemerle.Text; //using Nemerle.Utility; using System.Linq; using Nemerle.Data.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Data.Linq; namespace LinqTestes { [TestFixture] public class Linq2SqlTests { static ReadConnectionString() : string { def currAssm = ...

.NET database enumeration

In a project, one of my entities is House which has many enumeration properties (for example housetype). Using .NET, Linq to Sql and Sql Server how can I create a db with enumeration and use it with Linq to Sql? What should be my approach? ...

LINQ To SQL ignore unique constraint exception and continue

I have a single table in a database called Users Users ------ ID (PK, Identity) Username (Unique Index) I have setup a unique index on the Username table to prevent duplicates. I am then enumerating through a collection and creating a new user in the database for each item. What I want to do is just insert a new user and ignore the...

ordering by a property on a joined table linq to sql

I have the following linq query from o in context.Opportunities join i in context.Interactions on o.OpportunityID equals i.OpportunityID into ints from i in ints.DefaultIfEmpty() orderby i.StatusID descending, o.StatusID descending select o Now i want to then do a...

Linq to SQL not inserting data onto the DB

Hello! I have a little / weird behaviour here and Im looking over internet and SO and I didn't find a response. I have to admit that this is my first time using databases, I know how to use them with SQL but never used it actually. Anyway, I have a problem with my app inserting data, I just created a very simple project for testing th...

LINQ to SQL translation to SQL of custom method

Is there a way to translate an expression to SQL to use with LINQ to SQL? For example I have a method that compares two values. Example: MyComparer.Compare(value1, value2, ">") return value1 > value2 MyComparer.Compare(value1, value2, "=") return value1 == value2 MyComparer.Compare(value1, value2, "<=") return value1 <= value2 And ...

Many to Many with LINQ-To-Sql and ASP.NET MVC

Hi All, I will restrict this to the three tables I am trying to work with Problem, Communications, and ProbComms. The scenario is that a Student may have many Problems concurrently which may affect their studies. Lecturers may have future communications with a student after an initial problem is logged, however as a Student may have mul...

Linq-to-sql Compiled Query returns object NOT belonging to submitted DataContext ?

Compiled query: public static class Machines { public static readonly Func<OperationalDataContext, short, Machine> QueryMachineById = CompiledQuery.Compile((OperationalDataContext db, short machineID) => db.Machines.Where(m => m.MachineID == machineID).SingleOrDefault() ); public s...

Create System.Data.Linq.Table in Code for Testing

I have an adapter class for Linq-to-Sql: public interface IAdapter : IDisposable { Table<Data.User> Activities { get; } } Data.User is an object defined by Linq-to-Sql pointing to the User table in persistence. The implementation for this is as follows: public class Adapter : IAdapter { private readonly SecretDataContext _co...

Linq to sql add/update in different methods with different datacontexts

I have to methods, Add() and Update() which both create a datacontext and returns the object created/updated. In my unit test I call first Add(), do some stuff and then call Update(). The problem is that Update() fails with the exception: System.Data.Linq.DuplicateKeyException: Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use....

Convert query from native SQL to LINQ request

Please, help me. How i can translate this SQL query to LINQ request? SELECT TOP (1) PERCENT DATEDIFF(DAY, dbo.PO.ORDER_DATE, GETDATE()) AS Age FROM dbo.ITEMS INNER JOIN dbo.X_PO ON dbo.ITEMS.ITEMNO = dbo.X_PO.ITEM_CODE INNER JOIN dbo.PO ON dbo.X_...

Custom form Authorization/Authentication linq to sql

All greetings Anyone can do their implementation Authorization system? Do not use the Membership API? Of course we could implement custom providers to plug a different database into this framework, as detailed at MSDN, but if my application is going to use a repository pattern for data access, and I’m going to have specific controllers ...

Can I use my own Model classes with Linq to SQL?

Hi I have a fairly large application, where my data access strategy has always been quite old school: I have 4 Stored Procedures per Table: TableName_Select, TableName_Insert, TableName_Update, TableName_Delete. I have a MsSql#DOMAIN#Service class for each logical domain of my application. In that class I have corresponding method to ...

Where should my "filtering" logic reside with Linq-2-SQL and ASP.NET-MVC in View or Controller?

I have a main Table, with several "child" tables. TableA and TableAChild1 and TableAChild2. I have a view which shows the information in TableA, and then has two columns of all items in TableAChild1 and TableAChild2 respectivly, they are rendered with Partial views. Both child tables have a bit field for VisibleToAll, and depending on ...

Linq - how does it work??

Hey, I have just been looking into Linq with ASP.Net. It is very neat indeed. I was just wondering - how do all the classes get populated? I mean in ASP.Net, suppose you have a Linq file called Catalogue, and you then use a For loop to loop through Catalogue.Products and print each Product name. How do the details get stored? Does it ju...

Linq-to-SQL: How to shape the data with group by?

I have an example database, it contains tables for Movies, People and Credits. The Movie table contains a Title and an Id. The People table contains a Name and an Id. The Credits table relates Movies to the People that worked on those Movies, in a particular role. The table looks like this: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Credits] ( [Id] [in...

linq to sql datacontext for a web application

Hello, I'm trying to use linq to sql for my project (very short deadline), and I'm kind of in a bind. I don't know the best way to have a data context handy per request thread. I want something like a singleton class from which all my repository classes can access the current data context. However, singleton class is static and is ...

attaching linq to sql datacontext to httpcontext in business layer

Hello all, I need my linq to sql datacontext to be available across my business/data layer for all my repository objects to access. However since this is a web app, I want to create and destroy it per request. I'm wondering if having a singleton class that can lazily create and attach the datacontext to current HttpContext would work....

Changing an extention method from linq-to-sql to entity framework

I'm changing my project from working with Linq-to-SQL to working with Entity Framework. I have some extention methods that extend the classes created by LINQ and I'm wondering how to change them to work with the entities instead Here's an example. public static int GetPublishedArticlesCount(this Table<Article> source) { re...

Duplicate a database record with linq

Is there a way to duplicate a db record with linq to sql in c#? Id [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [Foo] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Bar] [numeric](28,12) NOT NULL, ... Given the table above, I would like to duplicate a record (but give it a different id), in a way that new fields added to the DB and the Linq dbml file at a l...