
How to do Linq aggregates when there might be an empty set?

I have a Linq collection of Things, where Thing has an Amount (decimal) property. I'm trying to do an aggregate on this for a certain subset of Things: var total = myThings.Sum(t => t.Amount); and that works nicely. But then I added a condition that left me with no Things in the result: var total = myThings.Where(t => t.OtherProper...

Use of metadatatype in linq-to-sql

Hi, I had asked this question Now, when I add Browsable attribute to generated entity in designer,it works.But,when I use the MetaDataType approach,and add Browsable attribute in partial class,it does not work "I added a MetaDataType class, and ad...

Using Linq to update a List<T> of objects to DB

I have a form that returns me a List of FlatSessie objects in my edit view I edit a few FlatSessie's and get them returned to my Post method in that List object. In my DB I have Sessies, which I map using Automapper to FlatSessie's and back now I can not get linq to make the update to the DB for me. the code: [HttpPost] pub...

How to use "contains" or "like" in a dynamic linq query?

The help file that came with Dynamic Linq in the does not show any examples of using contains or like. Are there any simple workarounds for doing this? i.e where (col like @col) doesn't work. ...

Saving complex domain objects mapped using linq to sql

In my repository layer I am mapping Linq-to-Sql objects to my application domain objects. The code below shows how I am doing this for a complex object, product: public IQueryable<Product> Products { get { var result = from p in _db.Products let images = GetProductImages(p.Pr...

Problem with nested lambda expressions.

Hey I'm trying to do a nested lambda expression like to following: textLocalizationTable.Where( z => z.SpokenLanguage.Any( x => x.FromCulture == "en-GB") ).ToList(); but i get the error: Member access 'System.String FromCulture' of 'DomainModel.Entities.SpokenLanguage' not legal on type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet`1[DomainM...

View Lambdas in Visual Studio Debugger

I have the a simple LinqToSQL statement that is not working. Something Like this: List<MyClass> myList = _ctx.DBList .Where(x => x.AGuidID == paramID) .Where(x => x.BBoolVal == false) .ToList(); I look at _ctx.DBList in the debugger and the second item fits both parameters. Is there a way I can dig into this more ...

For LinqToSQL is 0 true or is 1 (for type Bit)?

I have a column of type Bit (called BBoolVal in this example). I have a LinqToSQL Statement Like this: var query = List<MyClass> myList = _ctx.DBList .Where(x => x.AGuidID == paramID) .Where(x => x.BBoolVal == false); When I look at the sql it ends up like this (I added the spacing and changed the names):...

Hangs with LINQ-SQL Server and TransactionScope

I'm encountering a hang when the program tries to access the fruit database. I've already enabled network access MSDTC on both my development computer and the SQL Server server. Code: (pardon the code coloring...SO's misinterpreting my VB .NET) Using ts As New TransactionScope Dim fruit As New FruitDataContext D...

Change update value of property (LINQTOSQL)

Hi... I've got an entity object - Customer, with a property called VATRate. This VATRate is in the form of a decimal (0.25). I wanted to be able to enter a percentage value, and save it in the correct decimal value in the database, so I made this custom property: partial class Customer{ public decimal VatPercent { get{ .....

Accessing other tables/object from my Repository

I have created myself a typed repository interface IRepository that has methods defined such as Save, Delete, FindById, FindAll etc I then created a concrete class Repository that implements all these methods using: _context.GetTable(typeof(TEntity). I can than create my CustomerRepository like so: public class CustomerRepository : Re...

LINQ to SQL, select targets with max date

I ended up with this horrible code below, I can't get a better result now. What is a better way of doing that? It's about this part of my database: EDIT A Patient has a Subscription to multiple MonitoringObjects. Target records refer to these Subscriptions. I want to retrieve the target records with the newest date per Subscription ...

Wrap a LINQ datacontext and non linq stored procedure into a transaction?

Is it possible to wrap some "external" API code AND a LINQ data context into a transaction? In my case, I want to wrap the ASP.NET 2.0 Membership API calls AND my own LINQ operations into a transaction. ...

Asp.Net Random Error

At random times, twice in the past two weeks, the we application will start to error and not work until I recycle the app pool in IIS. The specific error and stacktrace are: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of typ...

ASP.NET MVC pagination problem?

OK, This is starting to get mildly irritating. I tried to implement Twitter style paging using ASP.NET MVC and JQuery. My problem is that when not using Request.IsAjaxRequest() (for users with javascript turned off) it works fine, obviously posting back the whole page. When I run the code for Request.IsAjaxRequest(), it skips entries...

How can I set MAXLENGTH on input fields automatically?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC RC2. I have a set of classes that were auto-generated "Linq-to-SQL Classes", where each class models a table in my database. I have some default "edit" views that use the neat-o Html.TextBoxFor helper extension to render HTML input fields for the columns in a table. However, I notice that there is no MAXLENGTH attr...

Is there a better way to do updates in LinqToSQL?

I have a list (that comes to my middleware app from the client) that I need to put in my database. Some items in the list may already be in the db (just need an update). Others are new inserts. This turns out to be much harder than I thought I would be. Here is my code to do that. I am hoping there is a better way: public void Inse...

ASP.NET LINQ to SQL SubmitChanges() doesn't update the database

In my 2nd ASP.NET MVC project I'm facing a very weird problem: when I call the SubmitChanges method of the DataContext class, nothing updates in the database. It's weird because everything works fine with my first project. I'm using a remote database created in Sql Server Management Studio, I tried doing some queries there and in Visual...

Predicate problem in ToSelectList

the ToSelectList method I have: public static IList<SelectListItem> ToSelectList<T>(this IEnumerable<T> itemsToMap, Func<T, string> textProperty, Func<T, string> valueProperty, Predicate<T> isSelected) { var result = new List<SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in itemsToMap) { result.Add(new SelectListItem ...

What is the best way to determine if table already has record with specific ID?

Hello. I have a short question. Im my current project I'm using LINQ-to-SQl. That is the best way to determine if table has record with specific ID? Thanks in advance. ...