
Linq-to-SQL: Ignore null parameters from WHERE clause

The query below should return records that either have a matching Id supplied in ownerGroupIds or that match ownerUserId. However is ownerUserId is null, I want this part of the query to be ignored. public static int NumberUnderReview(int? ownerUserId, List<int> ownerGroupIds) { return ( from c in db.Contacts ...

Linq insert statement inserts nothing, does not fail either

I am trying to insert a new account in my Acccounts table with linq. I tried using the EntityModel and Linq2Sql. I get no insert into my database nor an exception of any kind. public static Linq2SQLDataContext dataContext { get { return new Linq2SQLDataContext(); } } try { //EntityModel Accounts acc = Accounts.C...

Linq to SQL problem

I have a local collection of record Id's (integers). I need to retrieve records that have every one of their child records' ids in that local collection. Here is my query: public List<int> OwnerIds { get; private set; } ... filteredPatches = from p in filteredPatches where OwnerIds.All(o => p.PatchesOwners.Select(x =...

Removing table prefixes on ASP.NET MVC DataModel entities

My database tables have prefixes on them and when the DataModel generates the EntityObjects they have the prefixes at the beginning of the class name. Is there anyway that I can have those prefixes ignored when the DataModel is updating/creating the classes? I've found the below question, but with no solution.

Possible Performance Considerations using Linq to SQL Repositories

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that uses Linq to SQL repositories for all interactions with the database. To deal with data security, I do trimming to filter data to only those items to which the user has access. This occurs in several places: Data in list views Links in a menu bar A treeview on the left hand side containing links...

How to find the Property causing the exception?

In Linq to SQL SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.ContinueInConflict) i get Exception: "String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated." But how to figure out the Property causing this? I guess i could start testing 1 by 1 the properties but what will happen if i have numerous properties? ...

Linq ChangeConflictException occurs when submitting DataContext changes

System.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException: 2 of X updates failed. at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode) at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode) at PROJECT.Controllers.HomeController.ClickProc(Int32 id, String code, String n) This is what I get very often. This a...

How to make a Generic Repository?

Hi I am wondering if anyone has any good tutorials(or maybe even a library that is already made and well documented) on making a generic repository. I am using currently linq to sql but it might change so I don't know if you can make a generic repository that would take little to no changes if I would say switch to entity framework. T...

How does linq decide between inner & outer joins

Hi Usually linq is using an left outer join for its queries but on some cases it decides to use inner join instead. I have a situation where that decision results in wrong results since the second table doesn't always have suitable records and that removes the records from the first table. I'm using a linqdatasource over a dbml where t...

MVC more specified models should be populated by more precise query too?

If you have a Car model with 20 or so properties (and several table joins) for a carDetail page then your LINQ to SQL query will be quite large. If you have a carListing page which uses under 5 properties (all from 1 table) then you use a CarSummary model. Should the CarSummary model be populated using the same query as the Car model? ...

How to make UPDATE queries in LINQ to SQL?

I like using LINQ to SQL. The only problem is that I don't like the default way of updating tables. Let's say I have the following table with the following columns: ID (primary key), value1, value2, value3, value4, value5 When I need to update something I call UPDATE ... WHERE ID=@id LINQ to SQL calls UPDATE ... WHERE ID=@id and ... displaying data from SQL data source

I'm using LINQ to SQL to grab information from my SQL database. I have a GridView which shows all the top level information - in this case a list of groups (i.e. admin, users and so on). When a user clicks say the admin group, I want to be able to show each member in that group. I have the following code which grabs the information from ...

How can I extend DynamicQuery.cs to implement a .Single method?

I need to write some dynamic queries for a project I'm working on. I'm finding out that a significant amount of time is being spent by my program on the Count and First methods, so I started to change to .Single, only to find out that there is no such method. The code below was my first attempt at creating one (mostly copied from the W...

How to write this Linq SQL as a Dynamic Query (using strings)?

Skip to the "specific question" as needed. Some background: The scenario: I have a set of products with a "drill down" filter (Query Object) populated with DDLs. Each progressive DDL selection will further limit the product list as well as what options are left for the DDLs. For example, selecting a hammer out of tools limits the Pr...

Linq To Sql Left outer join - filtering null results

I'd like to reproduce the following SQL into C# LinqToSql SELECT TOP(10) Keywords.* FROM Keywords LEFT OUTER JOIN IgnoreWords ON Keywords.WordID = IgnoreWords.ID WHERE (DomainID = 16673) AND (IgnoreWords.Name IS NULL) ORDER BY [Score] DESC The following C# Linq gives the right answer. But I can't help think I'm missing...

Linq-to-SQL question

hey all, im really new to linq-to-SQL so this may sound like a really dumb question, i have the following code var query = from p in DC.General where p.GeneralID == Int32.Parse(row.Cells[1].Text) select new { p.Comment, }; how do i got about get...

Generate data classes failed ?

Hi everyone, I use MonoDevelop 2.2.2 with Mono 2.6.3 on OpenSuse so the linq to sql feature is implemented. But I have the problem I can create a new connexion to a postgresql database it's ok but when I click in Tool -> Generate Data classes and select the connexion I've created before I obtain nothing, no tables appear. What's the pr...

How can I do a multi level parent-child sort using Linq?

How can I do a multi-level parent-child sort using Linq if I have a table structure like the one below: [Table: Sections] Id Seq Name ParentSectionId 1 1 TOP NULL 2 1 AAAA 1 3 2 SSSS 1 4 3 DDDD 1 5 1 SectionA1 2 6 2 SectionA2 2 7 1 ...

LINQ to SQL - Insert yielding strange behavior.

Hi, I'm trying to insert several newly created items to the database. I have a LINQ2SQL generated class called "Order". Inside order, there's a property called "OrderItems" which is also generated by LINQ2SQL and represents the Items of that Order. So far so good. The problem I'm having right now, is when I try to add more than one n...

Update mapping table in Linq

I have a table Customers with a CustomerId field, and a table of Publications with a PublicationId field. Finally, I have a mapping table CustomersPublications that records which publications a customer can access - it has two fields: CustomerId field PublicationId. For a given customer, I want to update the CustomersPublications table ...