
1000+ Linq queries or logic in the database...which is worse?

I had asked this question in a much more long-winded way a few days ago, and the fact that I got no answers isn't surprising considering the length, so I figured I'd get more to the point. I have to make a decision about what to display a user based on their assignment to a particular customer. The domain object looks like this vastly ...

Where can I find a good step-by-step tutorial on using Entity Framework with a real-esque project?

I found the MSDN quickstart guide, but it's a bit lacking in explanation and other useful things. Do you know where I can find a good tutorial for someone somewhat familiar with Linq-to-SQL but interested in EF? ...

linq to sql or Entity framework when you are most of the time going to call database using stored procedure?

I'm working on a project where most of the times I'm going to call database with a stored procedure and I'm a little bit confused what should I do. Options are not just restricted to Sql to Linq and EF. If there are any better options please suggest them too. UPDATE - Reason for using SPs I've to apply logic in many of the stored proced...

IQueryable<t> Or IList<t>

Hi , I have some methods in my BLL that fetch some records from database and pass it to UI for binding to Data Controls such as Gridview or ... I could choose my return data type of the methods whether IQueryable<t> or Ilist<t> . My question is which one would be better for me and why ? Actually i don't know the difference between t...

Dynamic type inside a Linq-to-sql query

Hi folks I'm trying to refactor a query that currently uses reflection: var dbObjects = from d in collection where d.GetType().GetProperty("Id").GetValue(d, null) == id select d; I would like to use dynamic typing to access the property Id on "d" without knowing what type "d" is at compile time. Something like this: var db...

Linq-To-SQL Problem Inserting Multiple Objects That Are The Same

Here is my object association: Summary -> Job -> Operator -> Job -> Operator So, I have a Summary object that contains a collection of Jobs, which has an Operator object (clock #, name, etc) When creating a new summary, I go through and create the new jobs that exist and add all the properties. Then, do a single insert on the Su...

Entity framework result discrepancy for a database views

I have one specific view created in my DB(joins about 5-6 tables with a left join).This view is added to my edmx (entity framework 1.0) . Recently I noticed that one of the column records obtained using the edmx (linq to entities and then ToList()) got duplicated multiple times though in the database view they were different Column-N (E...

ASP.NET Linq To SQL and Nested Selects

I'm using .NET 4 and I'm just wondering if there is an optimized way of achieving the following. Public Function GetUserByOpenID(ByVal claimedidentifier As String) As User Implements IUserRepository.GetUserByOpenID Dim user = (From u In dc.Users Where u.ID = (From o In dc.OpenIDs ...

LINQ to SQL:Space in Alias name for Datagrid column header

I know we cant use space in alias names when graming a LINQ 2 SQL expression.I am trying to bind the result to a datagrid in my WPF now the column header are what i gave in the Alias.I just want to rename it to some thing else (Ex : From ItemName to Item Name ) The code which i have Dim items = From p In objDB.ItemDetails Wher...

DataContext Conflicts with no Member conflicts

I am getting a ChangeConflictException when I try to SubmitChanges using my DataContext. The submit is attempting to do 8 updates with each update being only a single field in the record. When I catch the exception, I have looked at the .ChangeConflicts and there are 8 of them, but here's the weird thing, the .MemberConflicts of each c...

Switching from Linq-To-SQL to Entity Framework for WCF Data Services Issue with FK "Properties"

So, In my old Linq-To-SQL I would write code like this var tableItem = new Table { Prop1 = var1 Prop2 = var2, Prop3 = var3, ParentTableID = parentRecordID }; db.Table.InsertOnSubmit(tableItem); db.SubmitChanges(); After converting my working code from Linq-To-SQL to Entity Framework (v3.5) the ParentTableID property i...

linq to sql mulitiple joins

I am trying to create a LINQ to SQL query and am really stumped. I have a database with multiple tables and can create a query that successfully returns the result from a single join. The problem I am having is introducing the second join. The SQL statement was easy enough to generate USE InlandMarina SELECT * FROM Slip s LEFT JOIN ...

Is there a better way of updating via LINQ to SQL when you have the modelItem from mvc.

I get a LINQ object from MVC2 that I want to update to the database. My current code looks like this: public PersonTbl Save(PersonTbl item) { if (item.ID == 0) //new item { _dbContext.PersonTbls.InsertOnSubmit(item); } else { var item2 = _dbContext.PersonTbls.S...

Convert Cell Values On The Fly To Compare With Int Parameters

I'm working on a simple SQL View which has a field called DispatchNote of type varchar. Here is what I needed to do: Filter this view so that we only have rows in which the value of DispatchNote is convertible to int. Afterwords, I need to query this view again and filter it using a between clause, like so: SELECT * FROM ViewDispatchNot...

Linq to sql - generates wrong sql?

Hi, I have SQL 2008 server with tables Employee, Phone and Email where Employee is in a one-to-many relation with Phone and Email (So employee can have many phone numbers and emails). Now I want to query employee with all phones and emails: var query = (from e in db.Employee select new EmployeeDTO { ...

SQL Group By column value in LINQ

Hello all, I am trying to translate this: SELECT IDNum, Max(Convert(varchar(20), (TimeOut - TimeIn), 108)) FROM IO_Times Group by IDNum order by Max(Convert(varchar(20), (TimeOut - TimeIn), 108)) desc"; Into LINQ in C#. The above returns a list of the maximum value of (TimeOut-TimeIn) that corresponds to each unique ID...

Easiest method to build where clause from checked items in DataList of PreviousPage

I have a selection list that is generated dynamically, it lists a number of checkboxes that are based on an end-user editable table, as such I have no idea what data, or how much, might be contained in this table and how many checkboxes or what they might contain, other than the primary keys of the table. The user will select the checks...

SQL Server timeout exception when extending Linq partial methods

In .NET 4.0 and Linq to SQL, I am trying to use a partial class to "trigger" changes from within an update method (an existing DBML method). For simplicity, imagine a table Things with columns Id and Value The auto gen DBML contains a method OnValueChanged, I'll extend that and as an exercise try to change one value in one other row : ...

LINQ 2 SQL :Adding one more table to left join in LINQ 2 SQL statement.

I am a newbir to LINQ 2 SQL and needs help to create left join query. I have the below LINQ 2 SQL query to get data from 2 tables.Now i want to LEFT join one more table to this .A column called "SerialId" is associated with SerialId column in "IV00200s " table Dim items=(From i In oRecelDB.IV00200s From c In oRecelDB.MDS_CONTAINERs.Wh...

LINQ Join table then groupby master table

Hello all, I am trying to output a table of IDNums + Name + Max(TimeOut-TimeIn). I only want the maximum time change value for each ID since there are multiple time entries per ID. I have that so far. However, the Name associated with the ID is in a seperate table. Here is what I tried: from IO_Time in db.IO_Times join NameTable in db.N...