I'm synchronizing reader and writer processes on Linux.
I have 0 or more process (the readers) that need to sleep until they are woken up, read a resource, go back to sleep and so on. Please note I don't know how many reader processes are up at any moment.
I have one process (the writer) that writes on a resource, wakes up the reade...
I'm writing a PHP script that downloads a series of generated files (using wget) into a directory, and then zips then up, using the zip command.
The downloads work perfectly, and the zipping mostly works. I run the command:
zip -r /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/fcst_20100318_0319.zip /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/f...
Recently I was searching on how to secure svn repository, or otherwords how to enable ssl connection to svn repository for a windows server 2003. Does it make more sense to use Linux server instead?
For my school project, I would like to build a gui that someone else can use to create a gui. Upon some research I saw lot of gui builders but didn't see anything along the lines of what I am looking for.
But then I did find a tutorial using C# on here
I rather create this gui editor for linux environment.
Any suggestions t...
Can you please tell me how can I use valgrind for memory profile?
The article I found from google talks about how to use valgrind for memory leak. I am interested in how to use that for memory profiling (i.e. how much memory is used by what classes)?
Thank you.
I need to execute this script from my Python script.
Is it possible? The script generate some outputs with some files being written. How do I access these files? I have tried with subprocess call function but without success.
fx@fx-ubuntu:~/Documents/projects/foo$ bin/bar -c somefile.xml -d text.txt -r aString -f anotherString >output
Is there any library in C for Linux to get gpu information for example BIOS Verison DigitalID...
I have built a static version of qt and download a static version of glibc. Now I would like to link glibc statically to my qt application. I know about going into the .pro and adding the line LIBS += -L path/to/static_lib but I am wondering if these that is enough? Will it still link glibc statically even though the OS I am building...
hi, right now, i code custom wordpress theme and testing it in xampp windows XP on apache server. But as long as i concern, there's no wp build-in function to identify the code environment. Is there's any PHP build-in function to identify such thing ?
for the record, what i want to code need to read a directory. in my apache (in window...
in windows (using apache as server), my file path directory will be C:\xampp\htdocs\mysvn\PhpDocumentor\phpdoc.php. But what happen with other OS such as linux on APACHE, or IIS on windows, Or other OS i don't know and never use ?
i would like to know to make sure i wrote the bullet proof, file reading via PHP.
Care anyone give an exam...
I know how about the capture part in wireshark. Parsing and figuring out the data shouldn't be a problem. Links to where I can get more information, tutorials or forums on how to target and receive from the device, or related content would be most helpful.
Is there significant problem, if I write the code for embedded linux system using C++ language programming ?.
Actually, I have intention to port some code to arm linux, with arm-uclibc compiler.
I'm trying to run this script:
import re, os
def build_pool(cwd):
global xtn_pool, file_pool
xtn, xtn_pool = re.compile('\\.[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,4}$'), []
file_pool = [files for files in os.listdir(cwd) if os.path.isfile(files) and xtn.search(files)]
# Lists all the file extension in the folder
for file in file_pool:
if not xtn_pool...
I would like to know if it is functionally wrong to page-fault a user-space address when kernel is running fault-handler to bring in a user-page.
OS is Linux 2.6.30
Assume that both user-addresses are valid ( falling within vma , rw permission ) for the task.
When I check the kernel code, i find that the kernel does not mind...
Hi All,
Please help!!! ;)
I have a problem with this code in a batch file (Linux):
Mil=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
batch=`echo "${DatMusic}"`
grep '^ENTETE' ${IMPORT}/${DatMusic} > ${IMPORT}/$TabimportEnteteMusic
mysql -u basemine --password="basemine" -D basemine -e "delete ...
I am setting up a new SVN server on Ubuntu Linux. Where is a good place (best practice) to put the repositories? Should I create a new user? The server will be accessed via http:// so no need to create user accounts etc (as was the case for svn://).
Many thanks in advance
I am trying to install sqlite3 and sqlite-ruby (ruby 1.8.6) on a linux box where I do not have root.
I downloaded the sqlite3 source, binaries, and shared library and placed them all in a directory called sqlite3
I then try to install sqlite-ruby using
gem install sqlite-ruby --with-sqlite-dir=the_path_sqlite/sqlite3
but I keep getti...
set nohlsearch
set ai
set bg=dark
set showmatch
highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=DarkGray
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:~
set list
autocmd BufRead *.py set smartindent cinwords=if,elif,else,for,while,try,except,finally,def,class
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set autoindent
set smartindent
syntax on
set listchars=tab:>-
set listch...
I am new to Linux and I am attempting to install the PHP PEAR library on a virtual server which is running Ubuntu. I am following a tutorial that covers installing PEAR but have run up against an area where I am confused. When running the PEAR installation program I am prompted as to what I want the INSTALL_PREFIX to be. Evidently the IN...
Why doesn't this work???
# array testfunc()
function testfunc {
typeset -A env
env=( one="motherload" )
print -r $env
return 0
testfunc # returns: ( one=motherload )
typeset -A testvar # segfaults on linux, memfaults on solaris
testvar=$(testfunc) # segfaults on linux, memfaults on solaris
print $...