
Best way to manage whitespace between inline list items

My HTML is as follows: <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="./">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/About">About</a></li> <li><a href="/Contact">Contact</a></li> </ul> And my css: #nav { display: inline; } However the whitespace between the li's shows up. I can remove the whitespace by collapsing them like so: <ul id="nav"> <li>...

adjust list style image position

is there a way to adjust the position of list-style-image ? when i use padding for list items the image will stay at its position and wont move with padding... ...

Why is my list-style-image not showing up??

I'm building out this landing page and after the second paragraph I have a list of points to which I have applied a list-style-image to the li.actionItem, however I'm getting the default disc instead of my images. I know the url is working because a) I wrote it in absolute form, b) if you enter that absolute url you get the image (see he...

Hide list-style image for one specific list item

I am having an unordered list like: <ul style="list-style: square url(Images/rssIconSmall.png)"> <li><h3>All Items</h3></li> <li>Item1</li> <li>Item2</li> <li>Item3</li> <li>Item4</li> </ul> Since I am giving "list-style" as image it ap...

"list-style-image" picture identation in Opera via CSS

Opera has unacceptable rendering of image-bullet positioning of list items. Look at demo page with Opera and different browser. Style: /* body {line-height:150%;} */ ul {list-style: none outside url('img/bullet-lilac.gif'); HTML Sample: <ul> <li><a href="">Ut enim ad minim veniam</a></li> <li>Sample item</li> </ul> Bullets...