
Unsubscribing a LocationListener from the LocationManager

How do I unsubscribe a LocationListener from recieving updates from the LocationManager? Here is how I'm setting it up mLocationManager = (LocationManager)this.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE); mListener = new LocationListener() { public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { Log.i("LocationListener", "Logging Change...

Why does my LocationListener become null?

I am having issues regarding a LocationListener in my Service called myService. Here is my code: ///onStart method .. onStart() { locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) . . provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true); locationListener = (LocationListener) new M...

How to listen for location updates from multiple providers?

In this code I request location updates from GPS locMan.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER,20000, 1, gpsListener); But how can I make sure it listens for Wifi or Cell ID updates too? ...

Android Location Services not posting GPS Location

I can't believe this code doesn't work - because I've written several other apps that use location services like this... but apparently I've missed something and I can't figure out what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated... My output log check for the tag "GPS" just shows the following: 07-19 05:50:34.567: DEBUG/GPS(4883): L...

Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog

I am writing an app that requires the user's current location (lastknownlocation won't be very helpful) and displays a list of all the closest "items" to them taken from the database. I have got the finding of the closest items working well but only using a hardcoded latitude and longitude location for the time being but now it is time ...

App Keeps Pinging GPS

I have a mapView activity that has a LocationListener registered to check for a new location every two seconds. When I press the back button to go back to the main screen of the app the gps continues to check for a location every two seconds. Does the listener not get stopped when the Activity stops? If not how can I handle this? I c...

Android Communicate with a Location Manager started from another activity

Hi all, In my app I want to obtain a gps lock and record the coords. But I do not want to lock the device into looking for the gps. The user is to be free to traverse through the app and the different activities within. So If I call a locationListener in activity A, can I reference it in activities B C and D? if is was still in activ...

Android service with locationListener callbacks

Hi. I have an android application. Based on the current geo location of user, I want to fetch some remote data in background and store it. My implementation is: At specific interval a alarm fires up my service. Service uses an anonymous class to query current location and registers a locationListener callback. On call of onLocationChan...

Request a DateTime from GPS Module

I am currently developing an android app that requires GPS module. I have code like this: LocationManager mlocManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); LocationListener mlocListener = new MyLocationListener(); mlocManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, mlocListener); public c...