
WPF locbaml-ed application and runtime language switch?

hi there, i wonder if there is a simple solution to change language of a wpf application during runtime. i used locbaml to globalize all the resources. Setting the Current Thread's UICulture in the App-constructor works fine, but when i try to chang it a little bit later, i doesn't reflect the changes anymore. This was actually quite ea...

Localizing a WinForms Application with Embedded WPF User Controls

The application I'm trying to localize is a WinForms application that has a few hosted WPF user controls (WPF user controls hosted in an ElementHost WinForms control). I use resx files to localize the WinForms, which VS2008 manages quite well. The problem starts when I try to use the LocBaml method to localize the WPF parts. Here's wh...

Manage localization with Baml

Hi guys, I'm developping a little application in WPF and I want to localize my resources. I've always used resources files (.resx), but I heard about BAML that was suppose to change the way of manage localization in a WPF application. I made my research and I found a way to translate my application using those files. I wrote a blog ...

access system:string resource dictionary xaml in C#

Hello! How do I access the contents in a resource dictionary using C#? for example, here is my code in XAML: <system:String x:Key="NewGroup">New Group Name</system:String> and i want to access it here in C# private void OnAddGroup(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { BooksGroupInfo group = new BooksGroupI...

What is the best way of localization LOCBaml or Resx based localization?

I came through this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/87184/what-is-the-best-way-to-localize-a-wpf-application-sans-locbaml . But, this didn't answer what I'm looking for. I'm creating a CustomControl in WPF. I would like to provide localization support. The control contains, images, strings etc., Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Locbaml error when using VisualStateManager in Framework 3.5

Hi, When I translated the Tester.WPF.resources.dll, I get an error. It's like the baml file have modified VisualStateGroup to an collection. I don't understand. The poject starts up without any problem in the default language, but if I change the culture, it crashes. I Rebuild it, still that error, even when a start from scratch. With th...

Locbaml /generate gives error "Type reference cannot find public type named '...'"

Hi, I'm using Locbaml to generate localization files in my WPF application. Yesterday, I've upgraded my solutions from VS2008 to VS2010, and since then Locbaml throws an error in two of my assemblies saying "Type reference cannot find public type named 'String'." in one assembly and "Type reference cannot find public type named 'Int3...