
Help configuring the log4cplus configuration file (properties file).

I created a new Logger object like this: log4cplus::Logger m_WebAccessLogger; //a class member Then in the constructor initialization list I do: m_WebAccessLogger(log4cplus::Logger::getInstance("WebAccess") This works fine, it logs as expected. What I'm having trouble with is, I want to configure the log4cplus.properties file so ...

C++ Project compiles as static lib, fails (linker error) as dynamic lib. why??

Hi All. I've a VS2008 native C++ project, that I wish to compile as a DLL. It only references one external library (log4cplus.lib), and uses its functions. (also uses log4cplus's .h files , naturally). When I try to compile my project as a static library, it succeeeds. When I try as DLL, it fails : 1>MessageWriter.obj : error LNK2019...